Ponsse Elephant ENG


Catalog excerpts

Ponsse Elephant ENG - 2

The PONSSE Elephant forwarder loads with unprecedented speed and carries transport efficiency. The torque and tractive force of this powerhouse with an 18-tonne carrying capacity have been designed for extremely demanding purposes and conditions. The machine’s superior performance becomes particularly evident on steep slopes and in thick snow, and when the forwarding distances are long PONSSE Elephant’s frame structure is very rigid, and components and service points have been positioned considering the ease of serviceability. Extremely long service intervals increase effective operating...

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Ponsse Elephant ENG - 3

ACTIVE FRAME PONSSE Elephant is available with a new cabin suspension system for 8-wheelers. With two part front frame structure it smoothly eliminates the sideways movement directed to the operator. ERGONOMICS Ergonomics and ease of use are important factors when it comes to productivity. The cabin offers plenty of storage space, the most ergonomic controls available in the market and excellent visibility which is characteristic of all PONSSE forest machines. SERVICEABILITY Ease of maintenance can be achieved through an improved positioning of service points, service lights and...

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Ponsse Elephant ENG - 4

LESS SERVICE, MORE OPERATION The technology and hydraulics offer longer service intervals, increasing effective operating hours and reducing operating costs. Easy access to important components speeds up maintenance. In all PONSSE models a special attention has been put into positioning CLEAN PERFORMANCE WITH NEW ENGINES of components and service points, as well as the ease of maintenance, as requested by our customers. SERVICE LIGHTS EASY ACCESSIBILITY Service lights are located in the bumper casings and under the cabin and engine cover. Batteries, Webasto heating systems, the central...

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Ponsse Elephant ENG - 5

PONSSE ELEPHANT DIMENSIONS Minimum weight: 22 000 kg [40,500 lbs) Length: 10 150-11 060 mm + glide bunk 700mm Steering angle: ± 44 degrees LOADER Model:PONSSE K100+ / K121 Lifting moment [gross): K100+: 160 kNm [118.001 lb ft) GRAPPLE Model: Several different grapple alternatives ENGINE Model: MB OM936 LA EU Stage V/Tier 4 Final or MB OM906 LA EU Stage IIIA [according to legal requirements) Power: Stage V and Tier 4F: 210 kW [286 hp) [Stage V: 1 200 Nm, Tier 4F: 1 150 Nm, Stage IIIA: 1 100 Nm) Tractive force: 220 kN [49,500 lbf) Fuel tank volume: 260 l [69 gal US)...

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