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POLYSTRUCTURE Design Guide - 4

Tool Handle Design Problem: CFT Conventional FRP tool handles are not ideal solutions for thetool handle markettheydegrade due to UV exposure, have poor cosmetics and shatter upon impact or repeated stresses. CFT High Performance TentDesign Problem: High performance tent applica- tions require materials that haveexcellent spring retention, aredurable and can be easily fastened and joined. Many tent and recreational equipment designers resort to traditional FRP materials that are not durable and have poor fastening/joining capability. > י Material Handling RollersDesign Problem: > Todays...

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POLYSTRUCTURE Design Guide - 5

Using CFT > י materials asstiffeners within the wall of conventional thermoplasticextrusions is an ideal use ofthe CFT's excellent strength- to-weight ratios, stiffness and durability. CFT > materials are availablenot only in simple rod and tube shapes, but also morecomplex non-symmetricalshapes that are typically produced with complicated FRP pultrusions and metal or plastic extrusions. Unlike expensive compositematerials currently on the market today, CFT The durability, toughness,impact tolerance and energy dissipation of CFT > ٙ materialsoffer the potential to create similar near...

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POLYSTRUCTURE Design Guide - 6

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