Catalog excerpts

MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS EN PA-PF / PD-PM / PKD / PSH SERIES Hel cal Gear Un ts Parallel Shaft Mounted Gear Un ts Hel cal Bevel Gear Un ts Hel cal Worm Gear Un ts GEAR UNIT WITH MOTORS / WITHOUT MOTORS ATEX Cert f cate No : KY3723/05/10-R15 Doc. No: PG.AG.KK.006_01 Rev. / Publ cat on Date: 09.2021 / 04.2019
Open the catalog to page 1
The copyr ghts of the usage Ma ntenance nstruct on are belong to PGR company. Usage gu de could not be used part ally or fully w thout our perm ss on to the purpose of compet t on and not subm tted to the use of th rd part es. The r ght of chang ng nformat ons wh ch stated n the usage ma ntenance nstruct on part ally or fully w thout g v ng any not ce before or r ght of full chang ng and abol shment are kept reserved by us.
Open the catalog to page 2
GENERAL INFORMATION Important Warn ngs General Informat on Correct Use Safety Informat on Respons b l ty Transportat on Transportat on and Fre ghtage Package Transportat on Equ pment Transportat on Transport of Gearboxes Storage Long Term Storage Suggest ons PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Gear Un t Label Compat b l ty Declarat on Explanat ons Abbrev at ons ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS; PREPARATION, INSTALLATION Prerequ s tes of Assembly Gear Un t Mount ng Bolt T ghten ng Torque Value Gear Un t Vent lat on The Operat ng of the Automat c Lubr cat ng Sensor Temperature St cker V sual Inspect on of the...
Open the catalog to page 3
MOUNTING POSITIONS Add t onal O l Volume and O l Tank for the M4 Mountage Pos t on Mount ng Pos t ons Term nal Box and Cable Entrance S des LUBRICATION Lubr cat on Lubr cant F ll Quant t es Lubr cat on Table ACCESSORIES Shr nk D sc (PD / PM, PKD, PSH) Mount ng Pos t on of the Shr nk D sc (PD / PM, PKD, PSH) Demount ng Pos t on of the Shr nk D sc (PD / PM, PKD, PSH) Clean ng of the Shr nk D sc (PD / PM, PKD, PSH) The Mount ng of the Protect on Caps (PD / PM, PKD, PSH) F x ng K t (PD, PKD, PSH) Assembl ng of the F x ng K t (PD, PKD, PSH) D sassembl ng of the F x ng K t (PD, PKD, PSH) Torque...
Open the catalog to page 4
L st of llustrat ons F gure 1 : Transport of Gearboxes (PA / PF) F gure 2 : Transport of Gearboxes (PD / PM) F gure 3 : Transport of Gearboxes (PKD) F gure 4 : Transport of Gearboxes (PSH) F gure 5 : Gearbox Nameplate and Explanat on F gure 6 : Act vat on of Vent Plug F gure 7 : The Automat c Lubr cat ng Sensor F gure 8 : Temperature St cker (PA) F gure 9 : Temperature St cker (PF) F gure 10: Temperature St cker (PD) F gure 11: Temperature St cker (PM) F gure 12: Temperature St cker (PKD) F gure 13: Temperature St cker (PSH) F gure 14: Measurement of Gear R m Wear on the ROTEX® Claw Coupl...
Open the catalog to page 5
L st of tables Table 1 : Safety Alerts and Informat on S gns Table 2 : Product Descr pt on (Explanat ons PA / PF) Table 3 : Product Descr pt on (Explanat ons PD / PM) Table 4 : Product Descr pt on (Explanat ons PKD) Table 5 : Product Descr pt on (Explanat ons PSH) Table 10: Bolt T ghten ng Moments Table 11: L m t ng Wear Values for Coupl ng Gear R ms Table 13: Serv ce and Ma ntenance T me Per ods Table 14: O l Plugs Squeez ng Torc Chart Table 16: Term nal Box and Cable Entrance S des (PA) Table 17: Term nal Box and Cable Entrance S des (PF) Table 18: Term nal Box and Cable Entrance S des...
Open the catalog to page 6
Important Warn ngs Take nto cons derat on the l sted safety warn ngs and nformat on s gns below! Table 1: Safety Alerts and Informat on S gns EXPLOSION ! Ind cates an mmed ate danger, wh ch may result n death or ser ous njury. Conta ns mportant nformat on regard ng explos on protect on. ATTENTION ! Dangerous pos t on and poss ble result Sl ght and un mportant wound ngs NOTE ! Adv ces and necessary nformat ons for the user DANGER ! Harmful pos t on and poss ble result Damage n gear un t and env ronment DANGER OF ELECTRICITY ! Danger of electr cal shock and poss ble result Death and heavy...
Open the catalog to page 7
GENERAL INFORMATION General Informat on Th s user gu de s prepared by our f rm to prov de nformat on about safety transportat on of gear un t/gear un t w th motors, storage, nstall on / mount ng, connect on, operat ng, ma ntenance and repa r processes. All the purchase and techn cal datas are pos t oned at product catalogues. Bes de eng neer ng appl cat ons, the nformat ons wh ch placed n th s nstruct on, should be well read and appl cated. The documents must be protected and to get ready for controll ng by author zed person. The nformat on about electr cal motor could be found by gu dance...
Open the catalog to page 8
GENERAL INFORMATION Safety Informat on In gear un ts / gear un ts w th motors and motors, there could be p eces subjected to voltage, movable p eces and hot areas. Dur ng all the works to be done; transportat on, storage, plac ng, mountage, connect on, operat ng, ma ntenance - repa r processes could be mplemented by qual f ed employees and respons ble managers. All the processes to be mplemented dur ng the work ng per od; ● ● ● ● ● Related usage and ma ntenance nstruct ons, Warn ng and Safety Tags n gear un t/gear un t w th motor, Instruct ons and Requ rements related to the system, Local...
Open the catalog to page 9
GENERAL INFORMATION Take nto cons derat on of the art cle stated on package dur ng the product del very. Dur ng the del very, product should be controlled about poss ble damages n carry ng per od. The firm should be nformed about poss ble damages. The damaged products should not be put nto use. L ft ng flanged eyebolts must be t ghtened.These flanged eyebolts s zed to carry the we ght of only gear un t/ gear un t w th motor. The add t onal we ght should not be added. The flanged eyebolts must be su table to the DIN 580 norm. If there are 2 l ft ng flanged eyebolts n gear un t w th motor, both of...
Open the catalog to page 10
GENERAL INFORMATION 1.6.4 Transport of Gearboxes; F gure 1: Transport of Gearboxes (PA / PF) SINGLE STAGE Load hook Locked hook Screw hook Manuel l ft ng (We ght ≤ 15 kg) (ref. ILO Contract) Not val d for the cont nuous carry ng. The allowable max mum slope s 15 degree. A Hoop equ pped (swab)
Open the catalog to page 11
GENERAL INFORMATION SINGLE STAGE Load hook Locked hook Screw hook Manuel l ft ng (We ght ≤ 15 kg) (ref. ILO Contract) Not val d for the cont nuous carry ng. The allowable max mum slope s 15 degree. A Hoop equ pped (swab)
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