Catalog excerpts

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PUMPING UNIT AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM CABINET, TYPE SHSAU-NU Pumping unit automatic control system cabinet ShSAU-NU is provided for automatic cost-effective control of electric drives in pumping units of different purposes, types and capacity with one or several pumps. Power limit of one pump is 1,5...160 kW, number of pumps is unlimited. ShSAU-NU fulfills functions of soft, shock-free startup and stop, regulation of technological parameters with the help of changing of drive motor rotation frequency in automatic mode, signaling, diagnostics, protection, local and remote control, auxiliary...
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PUMPING UNIT AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM CABINET, TYPE SHSAU-NU • speed - the pump accelerates up to the speed pre-set on PLC panel by selection of one of the five buttons. Each button corresponds definite frequency of motor rotation, set during the unit adjustment or operation. LAC mode Local automatic control (LAC) is done upon turning «Operation Mode» switch to «LAC». Local control provides two operation modes: • pressure control; • level sensors control. Level sensors control can be done both in drainage mode and water supply mode. LMC mode Local manual control provides control of all...
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TYPE DESIGNATION ShSAU - NU - X ShS cabinet of system A automatic U control N pump U unit X biggest pump motor capacity, kW OVERALL DIMENSIONS OF THE UNIT, GENERAL CAPACITY UP TO 75 KW Private Joint Stock Company PLUTON 5 Novostroyek St. Zaporozhye 69076, Ukraine c 0) Telephone/Fax: ^ E-mail: info@pluton.ua www.pluton.ua PrJSC PLUTON. All rights reserved
Open the catalog to page 4All PLUTON catalogs and technical brochures
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