Catalog excerpts

LabVIEW® API Spectrometer-dedicated Software Integration All Majantys devices rely on the proprietary MSU-003 spectrometer unit. This sensor is suitable for various applications where the dimensions and the performances are critical key parameters. List of 29 VIs ready for integration Full documented user manual The MSU-003 spectrometer interface is USB which enables an easy integration in any environments. Besides a Software Development Kit for C#.NET, Majantys proposes an Application Programming Interface - API - for the LabVIEW® environment. The LabVIEW® API includes a fully documented application note and an executable project with the graphical code as an example. Project example under LabVIEW® included This API enables to communicate directly with the MSU -003 spectrometer using a set of 29 basic functions. From the graphical programming interface, the user only has to wire connectors between the virtual instruments and to input the necessary parameter values.
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pectrometer-dedicated Software Integration Senal Number : Basic Advanced Resolution (pixels): S Project Explorer - MyApplication.lvpioj He Edit View Project Operate Tools Window Help Build Specifications |spectrum record Linear izedWavelength Knowledge by color science 17 Allee du Lac d'Aiguebelette, 10 Bat. Arche Email: contact@majantys.com —Website: www.majantys.com
Open the catalog to page 2All Pleiades Instruments catalogs and technical brochures
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