Unifoiler data sheet EU English


Catalog excerpts

Unifoiler data sheet EU English - 1

Unifoiler r TM M 1kW-UC Unifoiler r TM M 1kW-U Unifoiler r TM M 1kW-C Unifoiler r TM M 1kW-H L Uni f oiler 1kW-H: 1kW s y stem, hand-held coil - portable system with hand-held coil f or R&D, short-run and semi - automat i c u s e. L Unifoiler 1kW-C: 1kW system, conveyor mounted coil - coil can be mounted on bracket to conve y or f or moderate volume production, easily converted to hand-held system if needed. L Unifoiler 1kW-U: 1kW unitised system, mounted on mobile cart - power suppl y an d coil can b e mounte d to a stainless steel mobile cart > Voltage f or easy mobility f rom line to line, ideal f or contract p ac k ers. > Current @ 230 V L Unifoiler 1kW-UC: 1kW unitised system mounted on mobile cart, complete wit h 1.5m conve y or - power suppl y an d coil have an additional 1.5m conveyor mounted to the mobile cart > Power @ 230 V f or a completel y stand-alone s y stem . A range o f coils is available to match your requirements. Please > Power c all us to discuss the best option for you . > Voltage Current Frequency AMBIENT TEMPERATURE OUTPUT INPUT Maximum 0ILLAR 2005 size="-3">

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Unifoiler data sheet EU English - 2

f oil, loose cap and s talled bottle > detectors f or A range of coils is available to match your requirements. Please call us to discuss qua li t y contro l - t he best option f or y ou . availa b le wit h stackin g li gh t visual ala rm. L C ontrol packa g e, including total bottle count, re j ecte d bo ttl e c o unt a n d t o t a l run tim e capa b ility. > Unifoiler r TM M xkW-U 0ILLAR 2005 size="-3">

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