Catalog excerpts

F ounded in 1966, Pillar Technolo g ies is renowned throu g hout the world f or the per f ormance, reliability and q uality of its induction sealing systems. Customers in many different industry sectors have relied upon Pillarيs t echnolo g ically advanced induction sealin g systems to provide tamper evidence, to preserve f reshness and to p rotect aga i nst l ea k age. The Unifoilerܙ air-cooled induction sealin g systems offer the widest ran g e of power outputs to suit all applications, ri g ht up to the f astest f illin g linespeeds. Pillarʼs unique Universal sealing coil technology combines flexibility with sealin g e ff iciency: allowin g you to seal closures f rom 10 to 120mm witha single sealing coil, thereby reducing downtime or the need for dedicated m achines f or di ff erent pack sizes . Pillar Technolo g ies first introduced solid state induction sealin g systems t o the world in 1973. S ince then we have introduced a number of ʻfirsts ʼ t o the market: the first transistorised air-cooled power supply in 1983; our p roprietary Universal sealin g coil tec h nolo g y in 1985; t h e Foiler water-coole d IGBT-based induction system in 1982 and then in 1997 the first fully air- c ooled induction sealin g system the Uni f oiler֙ ran g e. We subsequently i ntroduced the most powerful fully air-cooled induction sealing systems to t he market. Pillar Technolo g ies will continue to add to this list o f f irsts f oryears t o come . > 0ILLAR 2005 size="-2">
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W hat is induction sealin g? I n d uction sealing is an esta b lis h e d p rocess for hermetically foil sealin g p lastic an d glass containers. T h e b ene f its include: extended product f reshness; secondar y tamper e vidence; prevention o f leaks; and e n h ance d pack presentation. H ow does induction sealing work ? I n most a pp lications, foil lined ca p s a re purchased f rom a cap supplier. T here are closures available to f it any s ize bottle and the ca p su pp lier will r ecommend the most e ff ective cap/ l iner combination f or your product. Th e in d uction sealing process is...
Open the catalog to page 2All Pillar technologies catalogs and technical brochures
Foiler Cadet™
1 Pages
The Unifoiler™
2 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
Induction Cap Sealing
2 Pages