Catalog excerpts

Dival 600 Pressure Regulators Pietro Fiorentini
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Pressure regulators Dival 600 Dival 600 series pressure regulators are direct acting devices for low and medium pressure applications controlled by a diaphragm and counter spring. These regulators are suitable for use with previously filtered, non corrosive gases. Modular Design Modular design of pressure regulator Dival 600 series allows the installation of an incorporated slam shut or device for use as “in line monitor” on the same body without changing the face-to-face dimension. Furthermore the truly “top entry design” allows an easy periodical maintenance without removing body from the...
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SLAM SHUT This is a device which stops immediately gas flow whenever downstream pressure exeeds given set-point. Device can be actuated also manually. Incorporated LA Slam shut (see figure 2) can be incorporated in the standard regulator and in the in-line monitor. The installation of integral Slam Shut valve does not produce any reduction on regulator KG or Cg values. A further advantage of the incorporated slam-shut valve is that it can be retro fitted at any time on a previously installed Dival 600 series without modifying the regulating unit (only with 4 ways body). Further the...
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Whenever specific noise limits are required, the silencer allows you to considerably reduce the decibel (dBA) noise emissions during the gas pressure regulators operation. The Dival 600 pressure regulator can be supplied with an incorporated silencer in either the standard version, with incorporated slam-shut or in line monitor version. With the built-in silencer the Cg and KG valve coefficients are not affected. Given the modular arrangement of the regulator, the silencer may be retrofitted to both standard Dival 600 version as well as those with incorporated slam-shut or monitor version,...
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MAIN FEATURES -Design pressure PS: up to 20 bar (290 Psig) -Design temperature: -20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to + 140 °F) -Ambient temperature: -20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to + 140 °F) -Max inlet pressure Pu: 20 bar (290 Psig) -Outlet pressure range of Wd: DN 25 from 12 to 340 mbar (5”w.c. to 4,9 psig) for control head BP/MP from 300 to 4200 mbar (4,3 psig to 60,9 psig) for control head TR DN 40-50 from 12 to 85 mbar (5”w.c. to 34” w.c.) for control head BP from 80 to 340 mbar (32 w.c. to 4,9 psig) for control head MP from 300 to 4200 mbar (4,3 psig to 60,9 psig) for control head TR -Accuracy class...
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CAUTION: The graph gives a quick reference of maximum recommended regulator capacity depending on selected size. Values are expressed in actual m3/h of Natural gas (s.g. 0,6): to have the data directly in Nm3/h it is necessary to multiply the value by the outlet pressure value in bar - absolute. Slam-shut pressure switches Pressure switch Set point range for Overpressure (OPSO) Set point range for Underpressure (UPSO) Working pressure in bar LA/BP LA/MP LA/TR Inlet pressure Outlet pressure
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Weights in KGFTipe DN NPS Dival Dival with slam shut LA/... Dival 600 25 1" 15 16 Face to face dimensions S according to IEC 534-3 and EN 334
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Pietro Fiorentini Solutions Reducing Stations Butterfly Valves Pietro Fiorentini S.p.A. via E.Fermi 8/10 I-36057 Arcugnano (VI) Italy The data are not binding. We reserve the right to make eventual changes without prior notice.
Open the catalog to page 8All PIETRO FIORENTINI catalogs and technical brochures
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