PicoVNA® 100 Series


Catalog excerpts

PicoVNA® 100 Series - 1

PicoVNA® 100 Series 6 GHz and 8.5 GHz vector network analyzers Professional and portable performance at low cost alibr atio 300 kHz to 6 or 8.5 GHz operation High speed, up to 5500 dual-port S-parameters per second > 10 000 S11 + S21 per second Quad RX four-receiver architecture for best accuracy Up to 124 dB dynamic range at 10 Hz bandwidth 0.005 dB RMS trace noise at maximum bandwidth of 140 kHz Half-rack, small-footprint, lightweight package Reference plane offsetting and de-embedding Time domain and port impedance transformations Up to 4 live + 4 memory traces on dual y-axis display channels Save on trigger for high-speed device profiling (PicoVNA 108) Dual-frequency mixer measurements with VSWR correction (PicoVNA 108) Phase meter, P1dB, AM to PM, and stand-alone signal generator utilities Male and female SOLT and automated E-Cal calibration standards Guided 8/12-term, SOLT, TRL and TRM calibrations including unknown-through Confident measurement based on traceable data for all calibration and check standards

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PicoVNA® 100 Series - 2

Vector network analysis for the many Once the domain of an elite few, microwave measurement has encroached into the lives of scientists, educators, surveyors, inspectors, engineers and technicians alike. Today’s microwave measurements need to be straightforward, portable, accurate, cost-effective, easy to learn and as fast and automated as possible. PicoVNAs are all-new, UK-designed, professional USB-controlled, laboratory grade vector network instruments of unprecedented performance, portability and value for money. Despite their simple outline, small footprint and low cost, the...

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PicoVNA® 100 Series - 3

Quad RX four-receiver, single-sweep, architecture Support for 8 and 12-term calibration and the unknown through The PicoVNAs integrate a fast-stepping sine-wave signal source with a very fast-settling port transfer switch. Faster than dual-sweep competitor VNAs, within a single frequency sweep, at each frequency point, the PicoVNAs stimulate both ports in turn and twice measure phase and amplitude of incident, reflected and transmitted waves at the four receivers. This could be achieved with a degree of accuracy with a single source, a transfer switch and two receivers; the latter inputs...

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PicoVNA® 100 Series - 4

Flexible measurement insight using PicoVNA 3 software The PicoVNA 3 software and GUI interfaces with the VNA over USB 2.0 and displays or exports measurement results. MS Windows display, in default or dark theme, presents up to four user configurable plot channels, with dual y-axis cartesian, polar or Smith plots, each supporting up to four live and four memory traces and eight measurement markers. Marker results are tabulated to the right and summarized below each plot to give at-a-glance understanding of the networks under test. Y-axis reference, scalings and offset are click and drag or...

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PicoVNA® 100 Series - 5

Bias-Ts Bias-Ts are often not provided, or available as costly extras, on other VNAs. Use the PicoVNA’s built-in bias-Ts to provide a DC bias or test stimulus to active devices without the complexity and cost of external DC-blocks. The bias is supplied from external power supplies or test sources routed to the SMB connectors next to each VNA port. 10 MHzMHz reference in/out 10 reference in /out USB host connection USB host connection UseUse bias-Ts to power an active DUT bias-Ts to power an active DUT Other I/O Power (12 to 15 V DC, 25 W) and USB 2.0 control are located on the rear panel....

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PicoVNA® 100 Series - 6

Phase- and amplitude-stable test leads and test port adaptors Two test cable types and grades are recommended and provided by Pico Technology. Both of high quality, with robust and flexible construction and stainless steel connectors, the main differences between them are the provision of PC3.5 or SMA test ports and the stability of their propagation velocity and loss characteristic when flexed; that is, the degree to which a measurement could change when the cables are moved or formed to a new position. Cables are specified in terms of flatness and phase variation at up to 8.5 GHz when a...

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PicoVNA® 100 Series - 7

Calibration and measurement reference standards Pico Technology offers a range of short, open, load and through (SOLT), 4-piece, 5-port manual calibration kits in male and female genders. All kits have high-performance, tighttolerance stainless steel interface connectors and are supplied as an assembled five-port “Y” SOLT. They can be disassembled for individual usage, or for economical refurbishment should a calibration standard be damaged. Each SOLT is supplied with calibration data linked to the kit serial number. Both the Standard and Premium kits offer exceptional residual directivity...

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PicoVNA® 100 Series - 8

Check standards We offer two economical check standards that can be used to validate the accuracy of a network analysis test setup and its calibration before and during or after measurements are made. Akin to the Beatty line, each check standard is a short length of mismatched line (75 mm of 25 Ω) with a predictable, smooth and stable mismatch and transmission characteristic that spans the frequency range of the PicoVNAs. These devices validate system measurement accuracy in the presence of high and varying mismatch and thus present a demanding validation on which to base confidence in a...

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PicoVNA® 100 Series - 9

Test cables and calibration standards selection guide Calibration kits can be purchased as a pair or as a single kit depending on the primary (best uncertainty) measurement application and its DUT interface, and sometimes to meet a secondary purpose with other DUT interfaces. Budget may also be a consideration. Pico Technology provides for all purchase options. You can order any combination of accessories, but to get you started we recommend that you choose one of the following ‘universal’ configurations. Recommended configurations using manual SOLT calibration standards For best overall...

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PicoVNA® 100 Series - 10

Recommended configurations using automated E-Cal SOLT calibration standards Primary DUT interface Select accessory grade Required test leads “Universal” capability. Dual-port devices or any single-port device with male or female or male and female ports Standard SMA test leads 2x TA343 SMA(f-f) port adaptor Premium PC3.5 2x TA338 PC3.5 male port test leads 2x TA341 PC3.5(f-f) port adaptor Required manual calibration kits Supported measurement and calibration modes All dual-port calibration modes and S-parameters Also suited to DUTs… Use and include within calibration: 1) A test port adaptor...

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