Catalog excerpts

MULTI-STAGE EJECTOR PIAB vacuum pumps are of the multi-stage ejectortype a technology patented by PIAB in 1973 .These vacuum pumps were developed to provideextra vacuum flow in combination with deepmaximum vacuum levels while keeping energy consumption at a minimum.PIAB pumps have no moving parts that vibrate orwear out ֖ important features that contribute heavily to outstanding operational reliability and a pleasant,noise-free working environment. PRINCIPLE OF PIAB VACUUM PUMPS PIAB vacuum pumps are compressed air-drivenvacuum pumps. The unique construction makesmaximum use of the...
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PIABΒs patent technology platform is an offshoot ofthe multi-stage technology. COAX ensures excellent performance at both lowand high feed pressures Ζ ideal for situations where compressed air lines deliver air at low or fluctuatingpressures.Pumps based on the COAX technology can operatewithin the range of 0.17 to 0.60 MPa.PRINCIPLE OF THE COAXή TECHNOLOGY > Just drill a hole in your machine, insert our vacuum cartridge, and you will have your own integrated vacuum solution. Compressed-air zoneVacuum zone Our latest technology is derived from the multi-stageejector principle. Note that both...
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P2010 Bi Recommended operating range080 -kPa Maximum vacuum level 83-kPaFeed pressure0.11֖0.22 MPa > P3010 Pi Recommended operating range085 -kPa Maximum vacuum level 90 -kPaFeed pressure0.17֖0.6 MPa P6010 Pi Recommended operating range085 -kPa Maximum vacuum level 90 -kPaFeed pressure0.17֖0.4 MPa > P6010 Si Recommended operating range070 -kPa Maximum vacuum level 75-kPaFeed pressure0.4֖0.6 MPa > MINI L Recommended operating range2070 -kPa Maximum vacuum level 75 -kPaFeed pressure0.6 MPa CLASSIC L Recommended operating range20֖70 -kPa Maximum vacuum level 75 -kPaFeed pressure0.6 MPa >...
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MINI M Recommended operating range080 -kPa Maximum vacuum level 81-kPaFeed pressure0.38֖0.6 MPa CLASSIC M Recommended operating range090 -kPa Maximum vacuum level 91-kPaFeed pressure0.34֖0.6 MPa > MINI X Recommended operating range7094 -kPa Maximum vacuum level 94 -kPaFeed pressure0.4֖0.6 MPa > Vacuum pumps CLASSIC H Recommended operating range15 to5 mbarabs Maximum vacuum level 5 mbar absFeed pressure0.6 MPa > Specifications subject to change without notice. >
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Resistance PA PPS POM ABS PTFE AL NBR EPDM Vitonfluoroelastomers *) Weather, ozoneΗ++++++++++++++++++ Heat, aging ++ +++ ++ + +++ +++ ++ ++ +++Oil, petrol++++++++++++++++++ Hydrolysis ח +++ ++ + +++ +++ ++ ++ ++Acid and alkali++++++++ח+++++++ Acetone +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ ח +++ Ammonia+++ח+++++++++ח Amyl alcohol +++ +++ +++ +++ ++ ++ +++ ++Benzene+++++++++ח+++++ח+++ Butanol +++ +++ +++ +++ ++ ++ ++ +++Cyclohexane+++++++++ח+++++++++++ Ethanol +++ +++ +++ ++ +++ ++ + +++ +++Ethyl acetate+++++++++ח+++++++ח Hexane ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ ח +++Carbon tetrachloride+++++ח+++ח+++ Chlorobenzene ח +++ ח...
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Specifications subject to change without notice. >
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P2010 P2010 uses the patented COAX technology and is a small Γinline ejector that can bedirectly mounted between the compressed-air hose and the vacuum hose. The ejectorworks best at low feed pressures, has a very low weight and can be easily cleaned and exchanged whenever needed. The main area of usage is in Ԕpick-and-placeapplications handling small components such as, for example, those of the electronicsindustry. P3010 P3010 uses the patented COAXԮ technology, which makes it small, robust and easy toinstall. This vacuum pump consists of a cassette with integrated nozzles, non-return...
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P6010 AVM P6010 (see above), based on patented COAXٮ technology, is available with an integrat-ed control option for highly automated systems the Automatic Vacuum Management(AVM֙). This option can reduce air consumption by up to 90%, when compared to con- tinuously operating systems. Featuring a vacuum sensing capability, the AVM instant-ly shuts off air consumption when the set vacuum level is reached. When the vacuumis no longer required after a completed work cycle, the product release time is reducedby a high capacity positive pressure blow-off function. The AVMٙs high capacity blow-off...
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Description Art. No. ACOAXή cartridge MICRO Bi03-20106966 B COAX cartridge MICRO Bi03-2, holding cap 0106968 A B > COAXή cartridgeMICRO Specifications subject to change without notice. >
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Description Art. No. ACOAXή cartridge MICRO Si02-20113591 B COAX cartridge MICRO Si02-2, holding cap 0113593 A B > COAXή cartridgeMICRO Specifications subject to change without notice. >
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Description Art. No. CCOAXή cartridge MINI Pi12-20106922 A COAX cartridge MINI Pi12-2, holding cap 0106924DCOAXή cartridge MINI Pi12-2, extra non-return valve0106963 B COAX cartridge MINI Pi12-2, holding cap, extra non-return valve 0106964 > COAXή cartridgeMINI Description Art. No. Silencer COAX MINI0111977 Specifications subject to change without notice. >
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Description Unit Value Feed pressure, max.MPa0.7 Temperature range C -10Ж80Weightg2.89.9 Material Al, NBR, PA, SS Feed pressure Air consumption Vacuum flow (Nl/s) at different vacuum levels (-kPa) Max vacuum MPa Nl/s 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 -kPa 0.400.310.710.530.340.֗60 0.50 0.38 0.77 0.61 0.43 0.29 0.23 0.15 0.08 0.01 700.600.440.770.670.510.330. Feed pressure Air consumption Evacuation time (s/l) to reach different vacuum levels (-kPa) Max vacuum MPa Nl/s 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 -kPa 0.400.310.160.390.721.21.93.960 0.50 0.38 0.14 0.34 0.62 1.0 1.5 2.4 4.6...
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Description Art. No. CCOAXή cartridge MINI Si08-20113583 A COAX cartridge MINI Si08-2, holding cap 0113585DCOAXή cartridge MINI Si08-2, extra non-return valve0113587 B COAX cartridge MINI Si08-2, holding cap, extra non-return valve 0113589 > COAXή cartridgeMINI Description Art. No. Silencer COAX MINI0111977 Specifications subject to change without notice. >
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Description Unit Value Feed pressure, max.MPa0.7 Temperature range C -10-80Weightg4.9-12.7 Material Al, NBR, PA, SS Feed pressure Air consumption Vacuum flow (Nl/s) at different vacuum levels (-kPa) Max vacuum MPa Nl/s 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 -kPa 0.400.311.100.570.360.260.180.09З60 0.50 0.38 1.23 0.65 0.46 0.29 0.23 0.15 0.08 0.01 700.600.441.340.730.550.350. Feed pressure Air consumption Evacuation time (s/l) to reach different vacuum levels (-kPa) Max vacuum MPa Nl/s 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 -kPa 0.400.310.120.330.661.11.9ח60 0.50 0.38 0.11 0.29 0.55 0.9 1.5 2.3 4.6...
Open the catalog to page 23All PIAB catalogs and technical brochures
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Piab Company
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piSMART® Poster
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Vacuum Automation
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Feed Points
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DURAFLEX® Friction Cups
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piSAVE optimize
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Archived catalogs
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piPREMIUM Upgrade kit
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1 Pages
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Conveyors C- modules, accessories
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Conveyors C - control units
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Conveyors C56
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Conveyors C33
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Conveyors C21
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Conveyors C - complete
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PIAB Vacuum Academy
37 Pages
Suction cups
173 Pages
Whole catalogue
476 Pages