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Unique vacuum-based soft gripper for handling sensitive and delicate objects piSOFTGRIP® Smart solutions for the automated world™ J>piab

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A cost-effective soft gripping tool that is developed especially with food industry automation in mind. The unique piSOFTGRIP® has three gripping fingers and a vacuum cavity, all made in one piece, resulting in a simple and robust product. As it is vacuum-driven, the gripping force is easily adjusted and controlled by the applied vacuum level. The soft gripper will grip sensitive and lightweight objects of odd geometries and/or an unusual surface. Bin-picking of small irregularly shaped objects, such as toys, is another potential application.

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piSOFTGRIP ® is great for picking delicate objects and applications involving bin-picking.

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Lime First of its kind! Made in detectable silicone approved for direct contact with food, in accordance with FDA 21 CFR and EU 1935/2004 regulations, the piSOFTGRIP ® vacuum gripper is the first of its kind. The food-compliant silicone gripper enables the food industry to extend their automated food handling to include a wider range of products. Unpackaged, fresh and delicate food items can be handled without risk of being spoiled due to crushing.

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Great gripping solution for sensitive and fragile objects piSOFTGRIP ® is an excellent and cost-effective solution for sensitive and fragile objects. The gripping force can easily be controlled by simply adjusting the vacuum level. The soft gripper can grip objects with a diameter of up to 50mm [1.97”]. Larger models will be introduced at a later stage.

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Capacity to lift objects up to Ø50 mm [1.97”] Compliant with regular Piab piGRIP® fittings Easy to use and control The soft gripping vacuum tool is as easy to control and install as a suction cup, and it uses the same fittings as Piab’s popular piGRIP ® suction cups. An optional stainlesssteel fitting offers wash-down provision to assist cleaning. Its intuitive and user-friendly design makes piSOFTGRIP ® easy to integrate into automated procedures, where it can help to secure the quality of products and increase overall productivity. The silicone-made piSOFTGRIP ® vacuum gripper is also a...

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Idé: Hög av alla objekten från tidigare bilder... Stainless-steel fitting offers wash-down provision to assist cleaning Building height 78 / [3.07] (with G3/8” male fitting) Outer diameter 55 / [1.94] (with G3/8” male fitting) Temperature range Recommended vacuum level Recommended object size

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Piab around the world Piab around the world BRAZIL – Sao Paulo +55 11 4492 9050 info-brasil@piab.com BRAZIL – Sao Paulo +55 11 4492 9050 CANADA – Hingham MA (US) info-brasil@piab.com +1 781 337 7309 info-usa@piab.com MA (US) CANADA – Hingham +1 781 337 7309 CHINA – Shanghai info-usa@piab.com +86 21 5237 6545 info-china@piab.com CHINA – Shanghai +86 21 5237 6545 FRANCE – Lagny sur Marne info-china@piab.com +33 1 6430 8267 info-france@piab.com FRANCE – Lagny sur Marne +33 1 6430 8267 GERMANY – Butzbach info-france@piab.com +49 6033 7960-0 info-germany@piab.com GERMANY – Butzbach GERMANY –...

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All PIAB catalogs and technical brochures

  1. piFLOW®

    12 Pages

  2. Piab Company

    4 Pages

  3. piCOBOT®

    12 Pages

  4. Feed Points

    12 Pages

  5. XLF

    2 Pages

  6. piGRIP®

    2 Pages

  7. piINLINE®

    2 Pages

  8. piPUMP

    2 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. piLEAN

    2 Pages

  2. Conveyors C56

    36 Pages

  3. Conveyors C33

    28 Pages

  4. Conveyors C21

    34 Pages

  5. Suction cups

    173 Pages

  6. Vacuum pumps

    171 Pages