Conveyors C - complete
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Conveyors C - complete - 2

CONVEYORS C V acuum convey i ng an i ngen i ous way o f mov i ng powders and granules. PIAB֒s vacuum pumps are the heart of the vacuum conveying system. > 40 Specifications subject to change without notice. size="-3">

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Conveyors C - complete - 3

TAKE A LEAP AHEAD OF THE CROWD! Vacuum can be used at great advantage to conveydry powder products in exclusively designed pipe systems. Production of foodstuff, pharmaceuticaland chemical products demands the highest possi-ble safety in terms of hygiene and operation. PIABs new series of vacuum conveyors have been devel-oped to meet the strict demands of operational safe-ty and hygiene in the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. USDA Җ United States Depart-ment of Agriculture, has examined some of our mod-els and therefore these conveyors meet the require-ments of the guidelines...

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Conveyors C - complete - 4

15 TONS PER HOUR 15 tons per hour have been measured at short dis-tance tests with a PIAB conveyor C under favourable conditions. > PERFECT FOR POWDERS AND GRANULES Industries that produce foodstuff, pharmaceuticalsand chemical products have discovered the advan- tages of vacuum conveying. PIAB, which has devel-oped vacuum conveying systems for 30 years, is theleader of the industry. We provide the solutions to your conveying problems! In a vacuum conveying system, the conveyingis fully sealed off fromthe surrounding envi- ronment, which meansa working environmentwithout heavy lifting,dust...

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Consumer/food Pharma/chemical Others CerealCheese powderCocoa (powder, beans)Coffee (ground and beans)DetergentEgg yolk powderMilk powderRice, puffedSugar (granulated, icing)TeaWheat flourYeast CapsuleCarbon, activatedClay powderCobaltCorn flourGelatine powderGlass blast powderPlastic granulesPVC powderSilica gelTabletsTitanium Aluminium oxideBronze (granules, powder)Calcium clorideGlue tabletsGun powderLimestonePet food (pellets)SandSaw dustSilicium carbideTalcumWood fluor Specifications subject to change without notice. >

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Specifications subject to change without notice. >

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Model B > 1 ton/m > 3 B < 1 ton/m > 3 C2100-642525 C2101-100 32 40C2102-2003240 > 3 Specifications subject to change without notice. >

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Conveyors C - complete - 8

Properties of different materials used in PIAB vacuum conveyor sealingsSynthetic rubber Term Nitrile rubber Silicone rubber Fluorine rubber Definition of numbersNotification The Nitrilerubber is designated .../1 in the PNThe Siliconerubber is designated .../2 in the PNThe Fluorin rubber is orderedseparately Abbrevation NBR Q FPM 1 = Not recommended Trade name (common) Perbunan KrynacElastosil SiloprenViton Fluorel 2 = Moderate to severe effect. The material may be used to a certain extent in conjunction with the indicated be-havior of chemicals if the contact period is short. Perma-nent...

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Selection of FILTER UNIT corresponding to selected PUMP UNIT and powder PARTICLE SIZE.G = powder with particle size >25 m G = (granules) P = powder with particle size >10 յ m FP = powder with particle size >5 m UFP = powder with particle size >0.5 յ m H = USDA accepted unit > Pump PS6610Pump unit Maxi L100 Pump unit Maxi L200 Pump unit Maxi L400Pump unit Maxi L600Pump unit Maxi L800Pump unit Maxi L1200 Pump unit Maxi L1600 Filter unit 2100 Gore Sinbran P Filter unit 2101 Textile G Filter unit 2102 Textile P G Filter unit 2104 Textile FP P G Filter unit 2101 Gore Sinbran P G Filter unit 2102...

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Description Unit Value Feed pressure rangeMPa0.4Ζ0.6 Air consumption range Nl/s 2.53.5Vacuum range-kPa61֖75 Noise level range dBA 7073MaterialASTM 316L, Q, SS Temperature range ְ C 060Weightkg9.6 Filter area mֲ 0.027Material batch volumel1.5 Min particle size m 0.5 Capacity ton/h at different conveying distances 5 m 10 m 0.35Ֆ0.500.200.25 > Specifications subject to change without notice. >

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Conveyors CCOMPLETE Description Art. No. Vacuum pump PS6610 Si32-3x20117443 Filter unit 2100 Gore Sinbran, Q 0117442Bottom valve unit/module 21/16, brackets, stainless steel, Q0117449 Control unit PPT/RS 0111636Nylon tubing kit PPT/RS-C2100-640117509 Specifications subject to change without notice. >

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Description Unit Value Feed pressure rangeMPa0.40.6 Air consumption range Nl/s 5֖7Vacuum range-kPa6175 Noise level range dBA 72֖76MaterialASTM 316L, PPS, Q Temperature range C 0Ж60Weightkg13.9 Safety classification IP54Filter aream0.06 Material batch volume l 3.8Min particle size ҵ m5.0 Capacity ton/h at different conveying distances 5 m 10 m 20 m 30 m 0.900.450.20 > Specifications subject to change without notice. >

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Conveyors CCOMPLETE Description Art. No. Pump unit Maxi L1000106812 Filter unit 2101 textile filter int, Q 0106057/2Connection unit 21/16 D=32 tang Q0104498/2 Bottom valve unit 21/16 SS Q 0106787/2Control unit CU-1B bracket0103919 Nylon tubing kit, Standard CU-C21 0106978 Specifications subject to change without notice. >

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Description Unit Value Feed pressure rangeMPa0.40.6 Air consumption range Nl/s 5֖7Vacuum range-kPa6175 Noise level range dBA 72֖76MaterialASTM 316L, PPS, Q Temperature range C 0Ж60Weightkg22.00 Safety classification IP54Filter aream0.09 Material batch volume l 3.8Min particle size ҵ m5.0 Capacity ton/h at different conveying distances 5 m 10 m 20 m 30 m 0.900.450.20 > Specifications subject to change without notice. >

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Conveyors CCOMPLETE Description Art. No. Pump unit Maxi L1000106812 Filter unit 2102 textile filter int, Q 0106054/2Connection unit 21/16 D=tang Q0104798/2 Bottom valve unit 21/16 SS, fluid, Q 0106591/2Control unit CU-1B bracket0103919 Nylon tubing kit, Standard CU-C21 0106978 Specifications subject to change without notice. >

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Description Unit Value Feed pressure rangeMPa0.40.6 Air consumption range Nl/s 10֖14Vacuum range-kPa6175 Noise level range dBA 72֖76MaterialASTM 316L, Q Temperature range C 0Ж60Weightkg24.0 Safety classification IP54Filter aream0.14 Material batch volume l 3.8Min particle size ҵ m5.0 Capacity ton/h at different conveying distances 5 m 10 m 20 m 30 m 1.800.900.500.30 > Specifications subject to change without notice. >

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Archived catalogs

  1. piLEAN

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  2. Conveyors C56

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  3. Conveyors C33

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  4. Conveyors C21

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  5. Suction cups

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  6. Vacuum pumps

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