Linear Stepper Motor Power Stage SINCOS


Catalog excerpts

Linear Stepper Motor Power Stage SINCOS - 1

phi|tron Linear Stepper Motor Power Stage with Variable Current Profile The SINCOS Power Stage SINCOS is a iMf stepper motor power stage partcuftarly devetoped (or applications *tuch FequW vry hfcji step isolubon, sucti as: measumg tabtes, machine toots, graphie nstmments. etc. SINCOS is spec移ly peoommencJed (or applcabons vmere chopping S not acceptable. The inear power s!age SINCOS isabte lo control stepper motors nearty wthout noise wfcages SINCOS is the power stage (or extrme requirements (e.g. measurng appꯪcations). tfiere sensfcle measurings could be distutbed by pertubmg radatlon. EMC trout* has not to be expected because c^medily irear design. Step Resolution / Current Profite Sk step resdutens from U step up to 1 f2Qstep and tour diffrent current profiles are se*ectab by seMing swttctes. So you can atoays cfioose an adapted operating mode (or each motor type and appfeation For extemal programmmg ol step r駩solution and oirrent profle the SELECT A, B, C. D inputscanbeused, Conventcnal fui step Convenonalhatf step y Ha step triangular *\/ 114 to 1/20 step sine-shaped % 1/4 to 1/20 step triangUar A/ 1/4 to 1/20 step trap믩zodal A, Technical Information Linear power stage fcrtwo-phase stepper motors, «h 4,6 <x 8 leacfe  Maximum phase current: 2.5 A (with cooling) 15A(without cooling) Drive and stop current contnuously ad|ustabfe(rom0to100% - Setectable phase current profies: sine-shaped. triangufcaror trapթzodal Supfrfy voltages: ♦20Vocand-20Voc  Step resc*uton seedaMe from (u slepto 1/20 step - inputs; TTl and open edector Caitrol p*es, Motor direction, Motor step. Motor current OFF, Select. Reset ﯕ Output Overtemperature Ntomting»i1973Uplug-riiack Control թlments Run current potentxxneler Stop current CotentOTeter Setting switch Step rsolution, Current profle LEO Supply vottages LED Ovwlemperature SINCOS / 07-1 GB tustomized solutions in motion

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Linear Stepper Motor Power Stage SINCOS - 2

Dimensions /1/0/Stepper Motor / Power Supply/Pin Assignaient/Accessories Dimensions Inputs The inputs indude internai pul-up resstors and are desigoed (or open ooliector controf signais Control puisas: maximum control puise frequency200kHz minknumc*jlsewxjth25 Motor direction: The motor rottes cootrary to the setected prsentai drection Wth the (ailing edge ot the centra pufee signal Motor Stop: Ttxs signal stops the motor ndependenyof the contrai puise signal. Reset: This signal resels the internai counter and the overfiemperafejie error message. Motor current OFF: This signal switches the...

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