Catalog excerpts
PHOTO RESEARCH PR-1980A Pritchard Photometer
Open the catalog to page 1VariaDIO ■ Magntticatlon Pnotomuitiplief \ Tube Fiiter Tutrct* ■Pritchard Aperture Mlrror'1 Ob)ec!ive Lena FIGURE 1: PRITCHARD OPTICAL SYSTEM THE PATENTED PRITCHARD OPTICAL SYSTEM When measuring small targels or samples in a large field, an accurale and prթcise optical System is essential to the proper measurement of the basic attributes of lightcolor and intensity. The Pritchard is such a system-widely accepted as the most accurate and versatile in use today. As shown in Fig. 1. the objective lens forms an image at the Pritchard mirror. The light being measured passes through the selected...
Open the catalog to page 2PR-1980A SPECTRA' PRITCHARD PHOTOMETER The Pritchard Tele/Micro Pholorneler. slill ihe proven leader in prcision pnotometric/colorimetric light measuring instruments after more ihan three d魩cades, is known lor ils superior performance, high sensitivity and maximum versatil-iiy in the lab or in the field. It features the patented Pritchard Optical System with built-in attenuators, polarizers, coforim-etry filters and field apertures interchangeable from 2 arc-minutes to 3 degrees Many spcial apertures are atso available. The PR-1980A also combines dve dynamic features no other light...
Open the catalog to page 3ing on the various combinations ol settings. AutoComp also precisely corrects the gain (or each tilter position to permit accurate System calibration at ail times. ■us ■■ j-r- : m ■■« AutoRangtng automabcally changes the eiectncal sensrtկvity to provide an optimum reading over any four ranges. Coupted wrth the 3' digit readout. AutoRangmg provides a usable reading-wilhoul operator adjustment-over a light range ot 10.000 to t. The range control may also be locked manually on any single range. AutoZero ptovtdes completely automatic zeromg ol photo tube dark current High Sensitlvlty Switch...
Open the catalog to page 4Ofien used with an optional slit aperture, (he MicroScanner permits accurate high resolution linear optical scanning ot line width profiles ot direct view displays such as monochrome CRTs. The objective lens ot the MicroScanner is stepper-motor driven, causing the scanner to transverse up to one inch {25mm} ot the target, regardless ot lens magnifi-cation. The scan speed is continuously variable, and select-able by the operator. The SC-80A-C Manual Control Unit (Opt. 41-1). also included. permits operator control of scan speed, scan length and X-axis offset for an analog X-Y recorder. IIS...
Open the catalog to page 5OPTION AND ACCESSORY DESCRIPTIONS APERTURE OPTIONS-OPTION 01 - 0.4 Min. x 40 Mm. Horizontal Aperture This rectangular slil horizonlal aperture is designed for Line Width Measurements when operating in Ihe Spatial Scanning Mode. Other aspect ratio slit apertures are listed below. OPTION 02-2 Min. x 2 Degrees Horizontal Aperture OPTION 03 - 0.4 Mm x 4 Mm Vertical Aperture OPTION 04- 1 Min. Circular Aperture OPTION 05 - 15 Min. Circular Aperture OPTION 06 - 30 Min. Circular Aperture OPTION 07-2 Mm. x 10 Min. Horizontal Aperture OPTION 08 - Trapzodal Aperture {Indudes WFL-10 Lens; for nght-side...
Open the catalog to page 6OPTION 52-1 - Metnc Select one. English units are fooiLamberis. metric units are od*m*. (Consult lactory for other units.) OPTION 56 - IBM'-PC Interface This option allows current users to turn their PR-1980A into an automatic measurement system controlled trom an IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible. It indudes a PC interlace board, PR-19S0A interface adapter, cable and PR-1980A/PC base software. The System can be easily modified by the user, and requires no spcial toots or re-cahbration. (See PR-1980A/PC System Description for further dtails) CALIBRATION AND SOFTWARE OPTIONS OPTION 65 - RC-80...
Open the catalog to page 7WFL-10 - Wide Field Lens This lens is interchangeable with the OL-7 Standard Objective Lens and increases the angular coverage by approxiͭmately 5 times. The best choice where large areas must be covered when working space Is llmtted. CR-100 - Cosine Receptor A Cosine Receptor is designed to collect ail illuminance falling on a surlace from ail sources within a hmisphre above the surface, and appiy an attenuatmg factor listed m Table C. When used with the PR-1980A the System gives correct illuminance readings from ail sources regardless of angle of incidence. IB-80 - Incidence Baffle A...
Open the catalog to page 8SPECIFICATIONS PR-1980A PHOTOMETER Measuring Capability: Direct-reading measurement of luminance: standard calibration units are footLamberts (or cd"m? at no added cost). Addilional accessories are available (at extra cost) for measuring itluminance. irradiance, luminous and radiant intensity. Spͩcial filters are also available for tour-tilter colorimetry and scotopic response; radiance/irradiance. luminous intensity. Sensitivity Range: 10a to 2 x 10' footLamberts (107to 2x lO^cd-m*) Absolute Accuracy: Within ± 4% of reading or ± 2% of full-scale (whichever is greater), when measuring...
Open the catalog to page 9Power Requlremenls: 110 volts (+10%) AC, 50 to 400 Hz; 220 ±10% volts AC and 100 ± 10% volts AC available on spcial order at no extra charge. Power consumption approximately 20 watts. Operating Temprature Range: 32*F to 110°F. (0°C to 43°C). Storage Temp驩rature Range: 0° to 130°F. {-18°C to 54°C). Dimensions: PR-1980A-CD Control Console: 16W x 87?" x 6" (413 x 216 x 152mm). Weight: PR-1980A-CD Control Console: 11 % pounds (5.1 kg). PR-1980A-WB PULSED LIGHT PHOTOMETER Minimum rise time for puise shape valuation: 50 nanoseconds (at 0.1 fL sensitivity). Minimum puise width for accurate puise...
Open the catalog to page 10Microsoft Word - 1980B BRO.doc table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:4.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:5.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:5.00pt "Georgia", serif; } .font6 { font:6.00pt "Times New Roman", serif; } .font7 { font:8.40pt "Times New Roman", serif; } PR-1980A TABLE G FIELD COVERAGE AND RELATIVE ATTENUATION FOR LENS ES AND APERTURES LfNSORACCESSOflV Fcruilng Lun x Ter Eubjncl Dislanto...
Open the catalog to page 11All Photo Research catalogs and technical brochures
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PR-550 LiteMate Pro
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PR-730 / PR-735 SpectraScan®
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