Group: Busch Group
Catalog excerpts

Research & Development HiQuad® Neo New high-end mass spectrometer! Flexible, long-term stable and with high resolution
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HiQuad® Neo New high-end mass spectrometer! Flexible, long-term stable and high resolution Modular design Your added value Simple operation Modular solution for mass spectrometry With the new HiQuad® Neo mass spectrometer, Pfeiffer Vacuum combines high performance, flexibility and simple operation. The HiQuad® Neo can be optimally integrated into your application as a stand-alone device. Depending on the application, we offer the following options: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Mass ranges Rod system materials Cable lengths Ion sources Filament materials Interfaces The mass spectrometer achieves an extremely...
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Highest sensitivity and large dynamic range High measurement speed Uncomplicated system integration Sustainable solution Technology optimization for a greener future Devices from previous generations can be upgraded to the latest HiQuad Neo technology. Some components, such as the analyzer, can continue to be used, which reduces costs and creates less waste. We will be happy to advise you and provide you with a customized quote for an upgrade kit. PV MassSpec – New software for HiQuad® Neo Another milestone is the PV MassSpec software specially developed for the HiQuad® Neo. It offers a...
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HiQuad® Neo New high-end mass spectrometer! Flexible, long-term stable and high resolution PV MassSpec measurement routine High measurement speed – up to 125 µs/u Large dynamic range With the HiQuad® Neo mass spectrometer, very fast measurements can be carried out. The example shows a gas spectrum during a breath gas analysis. With a very fast cycle time, N2, O2 and CO2 are detected. The figure shows a spectrum of the air. In addition to the main components of N2, O2, Ar and CO2 even the smallest concentrations of Xe are detected. The ion current on mass 136 is equivalent to a concentration...
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Technologies at a glance Electrically elevated ionization chamber Field axis technology An extremely low background signal is achieved by electrically elevating the ionization chamber. The electron-emitting filament is at a positive potential of 100 to 150 VDC compared to earth. This concept prevents gas particles on the walls from desorbing and thus generating an undesirable background signal (ESD = electron stimulated desorption). 90° off axis secondary electron multiplier (SEV) The task of the secondary electron multiplier is to increase the sensitivity of the mass spectrometer. In the...
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HiQuad® Neo Dimensional drawings, technical data, order number matrix Dimensional drawings QMA 400, QMA 430 with 90° off axis SEV Grid ion source = 27 mm Cross-beam ion source = 35.5 mm (23.5 mm to the center of the sensitive volume) Gas-tight cross-beam ion source = 48 mm (gas connection in axial direction) Cross-beam ion source with axial ion optics = 43.5 mm Technical data Mass range in u Detection limit High frequency generator (HF) Electrometer preamplifier Partial pressure ratio with Measurement speed, min. Analyzer Rod system, material/diameter Operating temperature/analyzer Faraday...
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l7 Order number system c – Ion source 1 – Axial ion source High sensitivity and good linearity 2 – Cross-beam ion For a direct gas beam source inlet without interaction with the walls 3 – Cross-beam ion As 2, but increased source with magnet sensitivity 4 – Gas-tight crossLow gas consumption, beam ion source high signal-to-noise ratio 5 – Gas-tight crossAs 4, but increased beam ion source with sensitivity magnet 6 – Grid ion source1) Low outgassing and desorption rate 1) e – Detector and high voltage supply 1 – SEV 217 + HV 801 Ion sources with tungsten filament only 1 – Tungsten 2 –...
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Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH Germany T +49 6441 802-0 Errors excepted. All data subject to change without prior notice. PK 0082 PEN (August 2024/PoD) Are you looking for an optimal vacuum solution? Please contact us:
Open the catalog to page 8All Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions catalogs and technical brochures
DuoVane 22
4 Pages
Product overview
56 Pages
HiCube Neo
8 Pages
8 Pages
HiPace 80 Neo
12 Pages
Duo 1.6/M
16 Pages
8 Pages
Turbo Pumping Stations - HiCube
20 Pages
Pascal 2021 HW
4 Pages
Roots Pumps
32 Pages
Vacuum for life
32 Pages
Rotary vane pumps - DuoLine
16 Pages
ActiveLine Gauges
8 Pages
Transmitters - ActiveLine
8 Pages
Duo 3 DC - Rotary vane pumps
4 Pages
HiPace 30 - Turbopumps
4 Pages
Leak Detection Compendium
74 Pages
Chambers and Components (Part 3.3)
399 Pages
Vacuum generation (Part 3.1)
475 Pages
Know-how book (Part 2)
140 Pages
Archived catalogs
AMI 1000
8 Pages