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Catalog excerpts
![PEWOFIRE - 1](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/194496/pewofire-828259_1m.jpg)
PEWOFIRE Order number: FA4-21-29 PEWOFIRE Feuerbeständiges Gehäuse in A4 (1.4571) Qualität zur nachträglichen Brandschutzausrüstung Fire-resistant housing Important information: Follow the installation and disassembly instructions. Fire test according to ISO standard 19921/19922. Stainless steel 1.4571 (W5) quality. Transforms regular couplings into fire safety couplings. Other dimensions on request. Wichtige Hinweise: Verwenden Sie die Montage und Demontage Anleitung PEWOBAR GmbH | Barloer Straße 34 | D-46414 Rhede | Fon: +49 (0) 2872 3075930 | www.pewobar.de Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Barbett | Amtsgericht Coesfeld HRB 9285 | Ust.ID Nr.: De 237757754 | eMail: wb@pewobar.de Bankverbindung: Volksbank Rhede | Konto: 53063400 | BLZ 428 618 14 | IBAN: DE 60 428 618 140 053 063 400 | BIC: GENODEM1RHD Seite 1
Open the catalog to page 1All PEWOBAR GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
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Technical Manual
90 Pages
Support sleeves with wedge
1 Pages