Catalog excerpts

PEWOCLAMP 19-843 / PN16 (EPDM) A2 Order number: 75HQS-16A2E19-23 Housing material: Closure, Housing Material A2 (1.4301) Flowing medium: Drinking water / wastewater / air / compressed air (oil-free) / solids (EPDM) PEWOCLAMP one-piece Repair clamp with one screw plug per closure, pressure range: PN 16 width: 75 mm 0 min./max.: 19-23 Stainless Steel Quality: Closure, Housing Material A2 (1.4301) max. 10 mm damage length Waffle structure seal EPDM sulfur cured temperature range: -30°C bis +60°C Important information: • Follow the installation and disassembly instructions. • PN = Working pressure with consideration of the application loads for industrial applications. In case of shipbuilding applications, PN is one PN class below, e.g. PN 25 Industry = PN 16 Shipbuilding. • PN classes = PN 2.5; PN 6; PN 10; PN 16; PN 25 • Test pressure = PN x 1.5 • The pressure data is given under the precondition that radially rigid steel pipes with a minimum wall thickness are used under static load. • Use the Technical Manual for other pipe materials. • Band inserts are necessary for special applications. • Support sleeves must be used for thermoplastic plastic pipes (PE/PP/ PB/PVC/ABS...). • Country of origin: Netherlands • Customs number: 73072910 Threaded tube or pipe fittings of stainless steel (excl. cast products, flanges, elbows, bends and sleeves) PEWOBAR GmbH | Barloer StraGe 34 | D-46414 Rhede | Fon: +49 (0) 2872 3075930 | www.pewobar.de Geschaftsfuhrer: Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Barbett | Amtsgericht Coesfeld HRB 9285 | Ust.ID Nr.: De 237757754 | eMail: wb@pewobar.de Bankverbindung: Volksbank Rhede | Konto: 53063400 | BLZ 428 618 14 | IBAN: DE 60 428 618 140 053 063 400 | BIC: GENODEM1RHD
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Technical Manual
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Support sleeves with wedge
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