PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR, NIR and FIR Spectroscopy
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PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR, NIR and FIR Spectroscopy - 1

PerkinElmer Frontier

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PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR, NIR and FIR Spectroscopy - 3

PERKINELMER FRONTIER Choose the PerkinElmer Frontier™ range of near-, mid- and far-IR Fourier Transform spectrometers for superior spectroscopic performance in demanding applications. Powerful and adaptable, the Frontier meets all your current analysis needs and can be expanded as your research goals evolve. And with automated range switching, midnear- or far-IR techniques are available at your fingertips. An exceptional signal-to-noise ratio and photometric performance assures optimal spectral performance to ensure best-in-class sensitivity. This configurable platform provides dependable,...

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PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR, NIR and FIR Spectroscopy - 4

Benchmark-quality results no matter what you measure • atented, advanced atmospheric compensation algorithm P automatically removes spectral interferences due to H2O and CO2 in real time, increasing the reproducibility of spectral data and minimizing purge requirements • o compromise optical design to provide superb sensitivity, N even when using room temperature detectors • uilt-in intelligence to control and monitor measurements, B alerting the user to potential analysis errors • nique instrument wavelength and line shape standardization U using gas phase absorption lines delivers...

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PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR, NIR and FIR Spectroscopy - 5

Rapid analysis of new materials • range of software tools, library searching and A unique COMPARE™ algorithms with sensitive PASS/FAIL threshold setting, allows materials to be identified quickly and easily in the near and mid-IR • ast scanning enables reaction kinetics and F manufacturing processes to be studied • igh-performance mid- and near-IR imaging H options provide rapid characterization of product formulations in a large range of samples including polymers, biomaterials and pharmaceutical formulations • imple, powerful AssureID™ intelligent method S development and analysis...

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PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR, NIR and FIR Spectroscopy - 6

CHOOSE YOUR The PerkinElmer Frontier systems offer superior spectra in the near, near-mid, mid, mid-far and far infrared regions. Factory-fitted or upgraded as application needs change, the unique automated range changing capability allows multiple techniques to be used at the touch of a button. The flexible, fully upgradeable optical system allows configuration of multi-range, microscopy and imaging systems. Only a single switch is required between macro, micro and image analysis – allowing users to concentrate on the science rather than spectrometer set-up. Frontier IR/NIR system with...

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PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR, NIR and FIR Spectroscopy - 7

PerkinElmer Frontier IR/NIR systems System benefits: Dual range for optimized method development and materials testing • Faster method development Frontier IR/NIR provides unique mid-IR and near-IR dual range performance from a single instrument. Comparing methods on a common platform aids selection of the most suitable sampling techniques and measurement conditions for a particular application. • ffective comparison of sampling E techniques and measurement conditions • Reduced instrument costs Automated set-up and range switching enables you to quickly move on to your next sample without...

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PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR, NIR and FIR Spectroscopy - 8

Whatever your sample, there is a Frontier solution that can be customized to meet your specific needs. Offering more sampling options than any other FT-IR spectrometer, PerkinElmer Frontier’s optical flexibility enables the addition of a vast array of specialized sampling accessories. Multiple applications can be addressed using a single instrument by simply switching the sampling accessory. Optimized smart, zero-alignment PerkinElmer accessories can be quickly interchanged to create the configuration of choice and maximize instrument interchanged to create the configuration of choice and...

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PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR, NIR and FIR Spectroscopy - 9

TG-IR interface IR IR 5 TG-IR interface NIRA NIR IRNIR IR 6 & 7 NIRA • yphenated technique; FT-IR and H thermo-gravimetric analysis • nalyzes breakdown products from A decomposition and combustion • easures solids, liquids, powders, M gels and pastes within containers, such as blister packs, polythene bags and glass vials • nique gas transfer system ensures U high sensitivity and minimum sample contamination • IR reflection and transflection N requiring manual sample preparation no manual sample preparation • Self-referencing (interleaved) • Self-referencing (interleaved) functionality...

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PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR, NIR and FIR Spectroscopy - 10

Polarized UATR The inherent optical flexibility of the PerkinElmer Frontier means we can offer a unique selection of specialized accessories, in addition to standard sampling options. • ATR with adjustable polarizer U • owerful tool for structure P determination, teaching fundamentals of IR spectroscopy and understanding crystal- and polymer-chain orientation • deal for food and pharma packaging I and nanomaterial analysis Input beam • ample measurement by emission S • haracterization of external sources C • re-interferometer sampling P • emote infrared telescopic measurement R...

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PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR, NIR and FIR Spectroscopy - 11

Cryogenic measurements • ample compartment configurable for S third party cryostats • ar-IR operation for advanced materials F and semiconductor research Far-IR ATR • ll diamond ATR systems for convenient A far-IR sampling • apid IR-FIR switchover R • apid, efficient purge operation for R faster measurement • deal for measurement of inorganic I material TL8000 TG-IR interface • esigned for high performance D and reliability • Wide temperature range • obust transfer line R • alanced gas flow design for improved B flow regulation gas component resolution • deal for characterization of...

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PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR, NIR and FIR Spectroscopy - 12

The Frontier optical bench is loaded with a range of advanced innovations designed to provide optimal performance from the configuration you choose, day in, day out. User-replaceable and electronically-stabilized source Unique electronic hot-spot stabilization increases measurement stability and extends source lifetime Beam-splitter changing mechanism Automatic switching between the IR and NIR or FIR beam-splitter without manual user intervention Microscopy and imaging upgrade capabilities Installation of automated switching directs beam into any PerkinElmer microscopy or imaging system...

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