Type 5103


Catalog excerpts

Type 5103 - 1

The Leading Experts In Weighing & Dosing 5 klbs-250Klbs FEATURES • Capacities: 5k to 250k lbs • Low profile construction • Nickel-plated alloy steel construction • Certified to OIML R60 3000d, NTEP CoC-IOOOOd • Sealing: IP67 (DIN 40.050) • Optional o FM approved for use in hazardous locations o Atex versions are available for use in potentially explosive atmospheres APPLICATIONS • Platform scales • On-board weighing • Weighbridges • Silo hopper weighing DESCRIPTION 5103 transducers are double-ended, center-loaded shear beam load cells. The 5103 is constructed of nickel-plated alloy steel. These products are suitable for tank weighing systems, low cost weighbridges, and axle weighers. A reliable sealing is ensured by the proprietary TRANSEAL potting compound and additional mechanical protection of the strain gage area. A specially designed mounting arrangement is available, providing the ideal solution for vessel / tank weighing. OUTLINE DIMENSIONS in millimeters Cable specifications Cable length 10m (6m for 5k-20k) Excitation + Excitation -Output + Output -Shield

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Type 5103 - 2

* Only 20k-100k lbs (9.1-45.4T) capacities are OIML approved PENKO Engineering B.V. | Schutterweg 35, 6718 XC Ede | The Netherlands | Tel 0031 (0)318 525630 | Fax 0031 (0)318 529715 info@penko.com | www.penko.com All product information and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Copyright © 2011 PENKO. All Rights Reserved. Updated 08/13

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