Catalog excerpts

3 & 4 WAY Ball valves Standard construction materials DIN A351 CF8M PTFE (T) PTFE + FG (R) PTFE + CG (S) * Guided ball valves PN 25/40/ Class 300 bigger than DN 100 (4”). Also valves PN 100/Class 600 bigger than DN 40 (11/2”). Available configurations Standard
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Weight (Kg) Valve + Gear Box 100 16 40 100 23 - * Ratings PN 10/25/63 can be supplied upon request. Weight (Kg) Valve + Gear Box 600 150 300 600 22 - Break away torques (Nm) DN PN16 PN40 PN 100 NPS Class 150 Class 300 Class 600 Torque values have been measured ∆P at maximum rating at room temperature with PTFE seats .
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Flow direction Flow direction Pressure - Temperature limitations Pressure (bars) www.pekos.es Sales & Headquarters: Rec del Molinar, 9 - P.l. El Circuit 08160 Montmeló (Barcelona) - Spain Factory: Bildosola industrialdea 48142 Artea (Vizcaya) - Spain
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Ball valves
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