Catalog excerpts

Ball valves
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Firesafe test Final inspection Cryogenic test Certifications and tests Certificates of the company ISO 14001 Environmental Management system Quality Management system Standard API 6D. certificate number: 6D-0363 Certificates of the product DNV Type Approval Type approval Lloyd’s Type Approval Fire Safe & Type Approval Stem tightness for gas emissions Pressure equipment directive (CE marking) ATEX directive - ( Valves for Cryogenic Service Automatic shut-off valves for gas burners and gas equipment Leeds University test Sanitary approval (Russian) Food processing and Pharmaceutical industry...
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ANSI Ball valves General features Face to face as per ANSI B16.10, API 6D, UNE-EN 558 End connections Design as per BS5351, ANSI B16.34, ISO 17292, API 6 D upon request ISO 5211 Top flange FIRE SAFE construction certified as per BS 6755 part 2, API 6FA, API 607 and ISO 10497 Pressure testing according, API 598, ISO 5208, and API 6D upor request Body constructions and desing advantages Floating ball Guided ball Full Trunnion Split body 2-3 pieces or 1 piece (side-entry) Full and Reduced bore Bidirectional ISO 5211 Top Flange Anti-blow out stem Antiestatic stem Autoadjustable packing /...
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ANSI Ball valves / Class 150 / 300 / 600 FULL BORE - FLOATING & GUIDED Standard materials Item Figure Z14 TTTGV Z34 SSSGV Z64 SSSGV ZG14TTTGV ZG34 SSSGV PTFE (T) PTFE+FG (R ) PTFE + CG (S) Stem seal Bolts body O’ring stem
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ANSI Ball valves / Class 150 / 300 REDUCED BORE - SIDE ENTRY - FLOATING Standard materials Item Figure ZRB14 TTGVV ZRB34 SSGVV ZGRB14 TTGVV ZGRB34 SSGVV ZRB16 TTGVV ZRB36 SSGVV ZGRB16 TTGVV ZGRB36 SSGVV Stem seal Graphite Viton® Stem O-ring Seats/Seals availale in other materials
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ANSI Ball valves / Class 150 / 300 FULL TRUNNION - 2 PIECES Standard materials Item Description Stem seal Body Bolts Ring Seat Seats/Seals available in other materials
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ANSI Ball valves / Class 400 / 600 / 800 3 PIECES FORGED STEEL VALVES Standard materials Item Figure K809 SGSGV KRB809 SGSGV Stem seals Packing ring Gland packing Body bolt Stem O-ring WELDED NIPPLES Full Bore Weight Kg
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FULL TRUNNION Standard materials Item Figure* GKS14 SGSGV GKS34 SGSGV GKS64 SGSGV GKS904 NGGVV GKS154 NGGVV GKS254 NGGVV GKS16 SGSGV GKS36 SGSGV GKS66 SGSGV GKS906 NGGVV GKS156 NGGVV GKS256 NGGVV Body Ball PTFE (T) PTFE +FG (R) PTFE+CG(S) DEVLON (N) Stem Packing Body seal Stem O-ring Studs Nuts Seat seal The reduced bore valves figure begins with GKSRB BUTT WELD SOCKET WELD (4” and smallers) Weight (kg) Full Bore Reduced Bore
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FULL TRUNNION • Valves up to ISO 5211 F14: Gear box assembled to th
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ANSI Ball valves TOP FLANGE ISO 5211 FOR 3 PIECES FORGED STEEL VALVES NPS F.B. MAST (Maximum allowable stem torque in Nm). MAST (Maximum allowable stem torque Nm) Stem Material BREAKAWAY TORQUE (Nm) FLOATING, GUIDED BALL NPS FB FLOATING, GUIDED BALL AND 3 PIECES FORGED STEEL VALVES NPS FB •Torque values obtained during test with water at maximum working pressure for each class on valves fitted with Pekos’ standard seats material for each type of valve. • If different material seats are used then torque values will change. • The breakaway torques could rise by approximately 50% during first
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ANSI Ball valves 3 Pressure – Temperature limitations How to order PEKOS ball valves
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From 1/4” up to 24” ANSI 150-300-600-900-1500-2500 From - 196 ºC up to +700 ºC Heating jacket Three piece forged Pekos Valves reserves the right to amend and change specifications without prior notice. Published data may be subject to change. Full trunnion Tank bottom Split body floating Rec del Molinar, 9 - P.l. El Circuit 08160 Montmeló (Barcelona) - Spain Tel.: (+34) 93 568 92 56 pekos@pekos.es
Open the catalog to page 12All Pekos Valves S.A. catalogs and technical brochures
Ball valves TOP ENTRY
12 Pages
Pekos Valves
4 Pages