Catalog excerpts

STEEL ROLLING & ANNEALING pcb.com/imi-sensors | 1 800 959 4464
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Steel mills not only have fans, pumps, compressors, gearboxes and cooling towers but also have machines and processes unique to the steel industry. The machine sizes, designs, operating speeds, cycle times, batch operations and harsh mill environments often command the use of carefully selected sensors and methods for effective equipment monitoring. Iron making and steel making areas often have an abundance of large belt conveyors, critical ultra-low speed machines with limited rotation, critical large electric overhead traveling cranes and large volume turbo blowers coupled with >2300 ºF...
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COLD ROLLING MILLS Cold rolling mills have similar operating and cyclic challenges as hot rolling, but add in large numbers of roll “chock” bearings that are inherently difficult to instrument, run at varying speeds/loads in batch cycles. These “chocks” are removed and reinstalled into the mill with new rolls many times a day, after only minutes of operation at times. Couple this with stringent product quality critical requirements and again, many more extreme monitoring challenges are raised. 4-20 MA OUTPUT SENSOR MODEL 640B01 ■ Available in top or side exit casings Peak or RMS,...
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3425 Walden Avenue, Depew, NY 14043 USA pcb.com/imi-sensors | IMI Sensors offers a wide range of industrial vibration sensors, bearing fault detectors, mechanical vibration switches, panel meters, cables, and accessories for predictive maintenance and equipment protection. For power generation and energy applications requiring precision measurements, IMI also offers pressure sensors and accelerometers. © 2021 PCB Piezotronics - all rights reserved. PCB Piezotronics is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amphenol Corporation. Endevco is an assumed name of PCB Piezotronics of North Carolina, Inc.,...
Open the catalog to page 4All PCB Piezotronics GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
Cables and Connectors
48 Pages
4 Pages
4-20 mA Transmitters
20 Pages
20 Pages
4 Pages
Bearing Fault Detector
4 Pages
20 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
686B series
8 Pages
Smart Vibration Sensors
4 Pages
Model 682B05
4 Pages
Platinum Stock Products
4 Pages
Series 660
4 Pages
Data Collector Poles
2 Pages
Vibration Switches
12 Pages
Bearing Fault Detector PLUS
2 Pages
IMI Sensors - Gearboxes
4 Pages