Catalog excerpts
M o b i le Air Conditioning Residential & Commercial Air Conditioning Industrial Refrigeration S u p e r m a r ket Refrigeration Commercial Refrigeration Fluid Contro l >
Open the catalog to page 1Pa r ker has ass e m b led a fo r m i d a b le package of climate and fluid co n t rol products. C u sto m e rs seeking one-stop shopping need look no further. Pa r ker has expanded its offering via internal product deve lopment and the st ra tegic acquisitions of Sporlan, HERL and Kenmore International (Virginia KMP). Beyond components lie systems. To meet custo m e rs ove rall application needs, Pa r ker combines the best of its product lines to d e l i ver customized subsystems, kits, manifolds and le a k - f ree value-added assemblies. T h eresult is maximum perfo r m a n ce and to ta...
Open the catalog to page 5In its quest to provide premier customer service, Pa r ker is eve r y w h e re. More than 57,000 employees work in 292m a n u facturing lo cations and 150+ service ce n te rs. They work in 49 countries on six continents and speak close to 100 languages. Another 8,400 dist r i b u to rs and Pa r ke rS to res provide service and support. All Pa r ker operating units connect glo b a l ly via an e n terprise gatew a y. This portal provides custo m e rs ands u p p l i e rs alike a mechanism to deal with the co m p a n y ' sm a nylo ca t i o nsast h o u g ht h eywe reas i n g lee n t i t y. >
Open the catalog to page 6Parker's global customer service centers respond to morethan 20,000 inquiries each month, helping callers quickly find the products and solutions they need. >
Open the catalog to page 7Te c h n o logy has long been at the heart ofPa r ker's succe ss. At a co r p o ra te leve l , Pa r ker Central Engineering leads the way. Using co m p u ter simulation and other techniques, our army of engineers design peak perfo r m a n ce into flow co n t rol, pneumatic, hydraulic, ele c t ro - m e c h a n i ca l , magnetic, thermala n dre f r i g e ra t i o n s y stems. The Climate and Industrial Controls Gro u pb o a sts its own array of te c h n o logy re - s o u rces: a dedica ted Applied Te c h n o lo g yC e n ter; te st ammonia rigs and super-m a r ket racks; enviro n m e n tal...
Open the catalog to page 8T h roughout its 292 manufacturing o p e rations, Pa r ker employs "lean" a s y stematic methodology for elimination of waste. Basic "lean rules" are p resent in all Pa r ker fa c tories, includingvalue st ream mapping, one-piece flow m a n u facturing, visual co n t rols, kaizenevents, internal kanban and co n c u r re n tengineering. ISO, QS, and other ce r t i f i ca t i o n sa rea l s oi np l a ce .Plants measure their lean perfo r m a n ce co n t i n u o u s ly via Pa r ke r ' s"WIN sco re- ca rd." Key metrics include custo m e r s e r v i ce (on-time delivery), inve n to r y...
Open the catalog to page 9Air conditioninghose and hose assemblies are compatible with all modern refrigerants, are high temperature tolerant and offer extreme flexibility in engine compartment routing. Parker hose also performs crucial engine and transmission oil cooling functions.Օ Aluminum heater tubeassemblies can be precisely fabricated to meet any design need. Thermostatic expansionvalves accurately control significant changes in a/c system loads.Օ Steel and aluminumreceiver-dryers outperform competitive products in both pressuredrop and filtration to keep a/c systems clean and efficient. Solenoid valves...
Open the catalog to page 10If its on wheels, its opera tor like ly stays cool with Pa r ker mobile air conditioning te c h n o lo g y. That means the farmer in his combine plants and harve sts his crops co m fo r ta b ly. It means the trucker steering an 18 wheeler acro ss the country d e l i ve rs his ca rgo safe ly. It means the kids in their motherҒs SUV cool down quickly a f ter soccer pra c t i ce. It even means the summer traffic jam is to le ra b le; bare ly. Pa r ker provides answe rs to the mobile market. Our spring loaded drye rs solve the pro b lem of system fa i l u re due to exce ss i ve v i b ration....
Open the catalog to page 11With Pa r ke rand Sporlan brand products, no matter where you are, we cre a te a comfortable environment. WeԒre at work in boardrooms, family rooms and classrooms. Weprovide comfort in restaurants, resorts, hospitals and hotels. Were even in some places youmight not expect usҗlike ocean liners, spaceships and computer centers. Parker. Were at our best when theheatison. Pa r ker knows "the guts" of air conditioning systems better than anyone. ThatҒs why global a/c equipment make rs depend on Pa r ker product breadth and engineering expertise. In return, these custo m e rs get customized, le...
Open the catalog to page 12Liquid, suction and bi-flow filter-driers provide outstanding system protection. Parker driers are the standard for use with newer, environmentally responsiblerefrigerants such as R-410A (Puron > TM ). Օ Accumulators, receivers and compensator tanks aid in system protection and management. Thermostatic/automatic expansion valves and refrigerant distributors ensureconsistent performance, regardless of system demands.Օ Service valves, ball valves and couplings allow easy installation and maintenance of equipment and prevent refrigerants from leaking to the atmosphere. >
Open the catalog to page 13ParkerՒs strategic acquisition of HERL in Cologne, Germany has broadened the companys industrialproduct line to include new technology in the emerging area of environmentally optimal or ғgreenrefrigerants. HERL and Parker provide the industry with the most comprehensive product lines in the Industrial Refrigeration market worldwide.ԕ Modular Adaptomode pressure regulators are easily configurable to provide maximum application flexibility with a single valve. ٕ Handshut off valves and safety relief valves ensure safe system operation and maintenance. Mechanical and electronic liquid level...
Open the catalog to page 14As the wo r l d Ԓs population grows, so does its need for large sca le, re f r i g e ra ted food p re p a ration and sto rage facilities. Food warehouses, meat plants, fisheries, dairies, b reweries and wineries all re ly on Pa r ker Refrigerating Specialties (R/S) brand components ands y stems. The result: food of the highest fre s h n e ss, quality and safe t y. Pa r ker's claim of keeping the world's food supply safe is more than an idle boast. In the last year alone, Pa r ker shipped indust r i a lre f r i g e ration products and know - h ow to custo m e rs in Tu r key, New Zealand,...
Open the catalog to page 15All Parker Sporlan Division catalogs and technical brochures
SMART ProR Brochure
4 Pages
Sporlan SellIn_Outside
4 Pages
SMART Tools Brochure
4 Pages
Alternative Refrigerants
39 Pages
Energy Conscious A/C Solutions
47 Pages