Catalog excerpts

UA3P series specifications UA3P-300 UA3P-4 700 x 780 x 1500 (W x D x H) 1000 x 1100 x 1400 (W x D x H) 1200 x 1345 x 1550 (W x D x H) Main body: 700 kg (others: 150 kg) Main body: 1200 kg (others: 150 kg) Main body: 1500 kg (others: 150 kg) 30 x 30 x 20 mm 100 x 100 x 35 mm 200 x 200 x 45 mm 100 x 100 x 110 mm Main body outer dimensions [mm] *1 Mass 220 x 220 x 115 mm 330 x 330 x 230 mm Measurement range [X, Y, Z-axis] Maximum sample size [X, Y, Z-axis] Ultrahigh Accurate 3-D Profilometer UA3P-5 Model Probe Ruby: Tip curvature radius 0.5 mm Measurement force : 0.15 to 0.3 mN (15 to 30 mgf) Atomic force probe Diamond: Tip curvature radius 2 µm Maximum measurement angle 75˚ 60˚ ■Ruby stylus: Measurement surface inclination angle ■Ruby stylus: Measurement surface inclination angle •Up to 30° 0.01 to 0.05 µm •Up to 45° up to 0.08 µm •Up to 60° up to 0.15 µm •Up to 70° up to 0.15 µm (downward) •Up to 30° 0.01 to 0.05 µm •Up to 45° up to 0.1 µm •Up to 60° up to 0.3 µm ■Standard diamond stylus: Measurement surface inclination angle Up to 30° up to 0.1 µm*2 Probe Measurement accuracy ■Standard diamond stylus: Measurement surface inclination angle Up to 30° up to 0.1 µm*2 Measurement error of coordinates (Measurement range of XY coordinate axes) Up to 100 mm within 0.05 µm (repeatability within 0.05 µm) Up to 200 mm within 0.1 µm (repeatability within 0.05 µm) 0.005 to 5 mm/sec variable in multiple steps Measuring speed 0.01 to 10 mm/s variable in multiple steps Automatic NC creation, Auto alignment (including correction probe radius), Data edit, Auto centering, Basic software Measurement up to high slope and free form surface with nano precision Realtime monitoring in measurement, 3-D color graph, Risarju shape of waves display function Operating environment 20 to 23˚C (allowable variation ±1˚C) Thermostatic chamber Relative humidity 20 to 60% in a room with a little dust. Never blow air to the profilometer directly (e.g. from an air conditioner) Recommended: 0.5 cm/s2, Allowable: 2.0 cm/s2 (=2.0gal) Vibration acceleration Class about 15,000 or below (particle size 0.5 µm) Cleanness Equipment required (prepared by the user) AC100V ±5%, 15A and a 3P×1 piece table tap is needed. Power supply It must be the electricity circuit of the independent exclusive use. If a power supply of user’s factory is except 100V, user must prepare a transformer. Air supply A single dry-air system (with manual valve) with pneumatic pressure: between 0.5 MPa (=5 kgf/cm2) and 1.5 MPa (=15 kgf/cm2) and flow rate: 150 NL/minute*3 (under normal condition) A ø8 tube (outside diameter) must be accepted. For the personal computer, keyboard, printer etc. (over 50Kg) Computer desk UPS Output voltage AC100V ±5%, Output Capacity 1400VA/940W, Plug receptance NEMA5-15R Stage Decline stage, Rotation stage, Z-axis stage*4 Standard ruby stylus, Standard diamond stylus, Accessories Atomic force probe (each 1 piece in the case of UA3P-300 type, each 2 pieces in the case of UA3P-4 and 5 type), Stylus replacement, Standard sphere, Printer Consumption parts Stabilized He-Ne laser, Semiconductor laser, AFP, Standard ruby stylus, Standard diamond stylus, Z-axis spring, Printer ink Main body: Class 1 laser product, Built-in laser: Class 3R (2.5 mW) Remarks *1 : Not including the control box *2: Actual value(not guaranteed value) *3: 100NL (In the case of UA3P-300) Safety Cautions • Please read the User’s Manual carefully to familiarize yourself with safe and effective usage procedures. ●使用前请务必仔细阅读本使用说明书再正确使用。 安全注意事项 • To ensure safety when using this equipment system in the factories of the world and acquires the International Environmental Standard ISO 14001:2004. ●为了安全使用目录中所记载的商品在使用时无论是在商品的运转时还是停止时都请仔细确认设备附属的使用说明书及设备 的警告告示之后再进行正确的操作。 Panasonic Group products are built with the environment in mind. Panasonic集团积极推进保护环境的产品生产工程。 http://panasonic.net/eco/ *4: Including in the case of UA3P-4 / UA3P-5 Panasonic group builds Environmental Management System in the factories of the world and ISO acquires the International Environmental Standard ISO 14001:2004. 14001 在Panasonic集团的世界各工厂组建环境管理系统取得国际规格ISO14001:200认证。 Panasonic Co.,Ltd. Inquiries... Advanced Production Systems Development Company Panasonic Production Technology Co.,Ltd. 2-7 Matsuba-cho, Kadoma City, Osaka 571-8502, Japan TEL +81-6-905-4316 FAX +81-6-905-5362 All data as of September. 1, 2009. 本目录的记载内容为 2009年9月1日至今的内容。 Ver.2009.9.1 UA3P-4 / UA3P-5 • Changes in specifications and appearance may be made without notice for product improvement. • Recycled paper is used for this Catalog. ●因改良而变更一部分规格及外观时恕不事先通告敬请谅解。●本印刷品使用的是再生纸。 • Homepage http://panasonic.net/pfsc/ 主页 http://panasonic.co.jp/pfsc/ea UA3P-300
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“It is impossible to produce the parts without measurement” The machine enables to produce the parts with nano precision. Easy operation – Fast measurement Measurement procedure Auto alignment Auto centering UA3P can measure the aspherical lens and free-form mirror and its mold in addition to digital consumer electronics such as mobile phone, DSC, DVD and Blu-ray recorder and home security, optical communication, vehicle camera with nano precision. Atomic force probe realize the measurement with maximum 0.01µm precision. It is easy to feedback measurement data to processing machine fast....
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