Easy User Guide 'Edge Detection'


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Easy User Guide 'Edge Detection' - 1

Forin depth-information on carrying out the basicsettings in the environmental configuration mode refer to the "Basic Settings" sheetatthe endof this "EasyUser Guide". > The functionalityof the MODE button and the SETbutton is the same for every software package. > This guide provides an example thatleadsyou from the startup to afunctioning application. Besides,you learn about the basic functions of your LightPix. Dependingon your experience,youneed between 30 and 60 minutes to work through the example. Workingwith the operation buttons The following diagram showswhere the operationbuttons are located on the operation unit and which functions the operation buttons have: > Please note the safety instructions inyour manualand the"NAiS LightPixAE10" leaflet. For the followingexamplesyou need a finder unit, an operation unit, a main unit and cables. For an explanation of system components, partnames and dimensions, refer to the"NAiS LightPix AE10" leaflet includedin the package. For in-depth information, refer toyour manual. 1.Assemble the LightPix according to theleaflet2.Connectthepower cable bysoldering thewires to theconnectors Figure 2: Operation buttons diagram 1. MODE For an overviewof the MODE button, see Figure 1 For procedure and pin assignment, see the leaflet. 2. SET 3.Mount the mainunitat the correct distance from the targetobject For an overviewof the SET mode, see Figure 1 For the correct distance, refer to the table in the leaflet. 3. PRMT (Parameters) Switch the setting items whenyou are in SET mode or when setting upper/lower limits. In TEACH mode the buttons move the checker size/shape in X-direction (see also > Your LightPix is delivered with one of the following four softwarepackages: Figure 3 ). 4. TYPE Color Extraction (Product number:ANE10x0) You can choose from 7 different sets of parameters ("Teachings"). TYPE selects these "Teachings" in RUN mode and switches betweenexposuretime, checker size and checker move in TEACH mode. Press the TYPEbutton and keep the SET button pressed at the same time to switch types ("Teachings") in TEACH mode. For this exampleyou do not need to do this.You can adjust the checker size in TEACH mode for all softwarepackages with the TYPE, PRMT, UP/DOWNbuttons. (Checker size = selected area in the field of view to be analyzed EdgeDetection (Product number:ANE10x1) Size Measurement (Productnumber:ANE10x2) Matching (Product number:ANE10x3) f ield of view = maximum area to be analyzed). This "Easy User Guide" is for the "Edge Detection" software package. Workingwith the operation modes The LightPix possesses different operation modes. To switch betweenthem, press the MODE or SET button of your operation unit for 3s or 1s: > B. IMAGECAPTURING/TEACHING Teaching Mode MODE 3s MODE 1s Power ON SET 3s D. INSPECTION InspectionModes RUN Mode - High-speed inspection-Noimage onfinder unit's screen - Inspection 300msslower-Image on finder unitsscreenRUN-VIEW Mode Figure 3: PRMT,TYPE and TRIGGER buttons 5. TRIGGER RUN/RUN-VIEW mode: Executes one inspectionTEACH mode: Executes teaching (see also > MODE 1s Figure 3) > SET 1sSET 1s 6. UP/DOWN Change a tolerance value or a setting value in the SET mode. > A. BASIC SETTINGS EnvironmentalConfiguration Mode C. TOLERANCE RANGE SET Mode SET 1s Figure 4: UP/DOWN buttons Figure 1: Operation mode diagram Notes: General rule toexit a mode: Press the same buttonyoupressedto enter the mode for 1s. >

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Easy User Guide 'Edge Detection' - 2

There are two inspection methods: > Position the "OK Rectangle" such that the frame is not visible in the field of view. .Side detection recognizes the edge of an object (either in the X or in Ydirection). The edge has to run continuously fromone side to the other. > When the operation is completed, [dOnE] is displayed on the operation unit. > Figure 9: Registration of the position Figure 5: Side detection OK/NG Confirm the image. If it is correct, proceed with step 9. Ifyouwant to learn how to adjust the checker shape, proceed withstep 6. If an ALARM signal is output after [FAIL] was...

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Easy User Guide 'Edge Detection' - 5

BASIC SETTINGS (Environmental Configuration Mode) Edge Detection ANE10*1 (V1.1) > 06/2004 Edge Detection 5 >

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