Catalog excerpts

ideas for life mm^mmmm
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A brand new experience of ^JSTK^*^ n'Hriiiffi Skin hydration offered by Panasonic The new series of air purifier excites you with its pioneering technology, TnanoeJ hydration which not only inhibits allergens allergens and bacteria effectively, but also helps keeping the moisture in the skin. ^— Tnanoe J - Bacteria removal, deodorizing and skin 3D circulation airflow - Allows removal of pollutants Powerful inhale capacity - Collects a large volume of Humidifying function -Maximum humidifying volume is 500mL/h and it can keep your skin moisturized Composite filter - Inhibits allergens and...
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TnanoeJ are long-life micro particles created from water molecules. It can penetrate into fabrics thorougly and reach in far corners to absorb the allergens. JW^iKt-yW#fS( The characteristics of TnanoeJ i&Vkiftm Plentiful in Moisture [ nanoe I contains moisture around 1,000 times to minus ion. Being wrapped in water molecules, it is long-life and able to retain its effectiveness even moving for long distance. Microscopic Scale fnanoej is only one-billionth of steam in volume size that can deeply penetrate into cloth fabrics to restrain dirt"1. rnanoei comes from condensed moisture in the...
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How do fnanoej fight against the pollutants ? TnanoeJ spread around with air after emitted by Viruses and Allergens (pollen, dust, mite droppings & corpses) Surround bacteria and allergens Inhibit bacteria and allergens Without fnanoej Test Laboratory Japan Food Research Laboratones Test Method: Measurement of change In virus numbers In test box using CPE method Test Laboratory: Panasonic Research Centre Test Method: Measurement of direct condensation In chamber using Gauze method Detect then surround the Inhibit mold Test Laboratory: Japan Food Research Laboratones time (minute) Test...
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Gaseous Pollutants ±?j fciSUSC Upward Airflow Mode When the sensor detects the pollutants which is smaller than 2um or other gaseous pollutants (odor), rnanoej are released from upward airflow. Inhale from 2 sides for effective Allergens and odors in the air or fabrics are inhibited Types of pollutants between
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Usually, various types of pollutants appear at different position between the ceiling and In response to their characteristics, the 3D circulation airflow is divided into two modes, Front Airflow and Upwards Airflow, in order to remove these pollutants effectively. Cigarette smoke Airborne bacteria Pollutants larger than 2 u m • WB&JSPet dandruff When the sensor detects the pollutants which is larger than 2um, Tnanoej are released as front airflow Inhale from lower level for powerful Newly Developed FUSION Humidifying Filter • Able to retains lots of raschel knit • Enable quick water...
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Enhance skin hydration by TnanoeJ and Incorporated with both fnanoej and humidifying function, not only viruses can be inhibited, but also moistures can be maintained. With fnanoej and Humidifying function, speed of moisturization is 3 times faster while the effectiveness is 2 times increased. tBMM# Humidifying speed of moisturization manoej humidifying *' normal humidifying without fnanoej SjSSIfB)(#Sj) lapsed time (minute) moistures tost. Moistures retained Skin is hydrated that Keratin texture is improved Moistures lost Moistures escape keratin pieces peel Test Laboratory : FCG Research...
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Apart from [nanoeJ technology, Panasonic air purifiers are also equipped with different types of filters that enhance their purifying function. anti-bacteria Enzyme Inhibit allergens, such as pollen and dust Super alleru buster filter can inhibit 17 kinds of allergens, and can be used for 10 years without replacement**. Allergens Quantity (Pollen, mite corpses and With air purificalion after There is not any reactions to allergens (such as pollen, mite dropp ngs and corpses) for the super alleru buster processed filter, which wll remain There are reactions to allergens (such as pollen, mite...
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Tnanoel I 3D Circulation airflow I Humidifying functioy^ _S .J torn* - m%mmm ■ mm&&m.M& fnanoej - Bacteria remo\al, deodorizing and skin hydration 3D circulation airflow - Allows removal of pollutants and odors effectively Humidifying function - Maximum humidifying capacity is 50()ml./h and it can keep your skin moisturized Powerful inhale capacity - Collects a large volume of floating Composite filter - Inhibit allergens and bacteria and can be used for 10 years without replacement Suitable Room Size Approx. anti-bacteria Enzyme CM* Hnc*j Ptgtma OrWgrmi S.~^7*u MSft flfiACtt SICB 1*11...
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'nanocj I Compaci and stylish design I nanocj - Bacteria removal and deodorizing Stylish & simple design - Fits your interiors style Compaci design - Fitting into a space for around A4 size, easy for Composite filter - Inhibits allergens and bacteria effectively Simple user interface - Equipped with Active Clean display Suitable Room Size BMc.lW BM Mupal MliCopwi HMoMl MOtow« OogaMUl CaHmWI ' *a£«ta*n<i*al « «!taS> uumuilinliutaauatnciiiiaaiiivil
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rnanoc I I 31) Circulation airflow I Ultra quiet design TnanoeJ - Penetrates into fabrics thoroughly and inhibits the Composite filter - Inhibits different allergens and it can be used for 10 years without replacement. 3D circulation airflow - Release fnanoej and inhibits allergens Feedback function - Air quality is detected with sensors and Compact design - Fitting into a space of around A4 size w hich easy Suitable Room Size aPD«>X. SUPER alleru-buster Ano-Dactcna Eiuyme PoJIutanl Sensors fflfgJSt Allergens MeaccrpM Ojgdmtnfl Cat dnenfl CrcftMpns SwNlNrntfgntt Mitotan utaeroconp Utrrcru...
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Robust wide-ranging aspirator Super alleru buster filter - Inhibits different allergens AIC patroling function - Equipped with pollutant sensor for air re-circulation, detection and inhibits unexpected pollutants immediately Allergen mode - Removes allergens instantly Child lock - Avoids childern pressing any buttons Pollutant sensor - Detects odors from cigarette, incense, pets and spray Bach Mugrni VI«COWM Oogemi/T Caicaw MOdor fttffOdn tmraaittr MgiSMi Focdsm OgmliSal
Open the catalog to page 13All Panasonic Eco Solutions catalogs and technical brochures
4585 COM-loop repeater
1 Pages
EBL512 G3
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1 Pages
48 Pages
Analog heat detector 3308
1 Pages
20 Pages
20 Pages
20 Pages
20 Pages
20 Pages
8 Pages
Air Moving Equipment
28 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
6 Pages
20 Pages
16 Pages
20 Pages
8 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
Humidifying Series Air Purifier
20 Pages
Wall mount Ventilating Fan
6 Pages
PTC type Thermo Ventilator
4 Pages
4 Pages