Catalog excerpts

Panasonic ideas for life i Ceiling Mount Type Ventilating Fan
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Buildings nowadays, especially homes are tightly built with aluminum casing windows and rubber lining door in order to retain energy efficiency. Most homes and commercial buildings have windows and doorways that are sealed to limit heating or cooling loss.These, however, it comes at the cost of poor indoor air quality (I AQ).That means, staying indoors will not give us clear and fresh air because the concentration of indoor pollutants, such as odors, dust, pet dander and bacteria, can reach up to five times higher than found outsides. These biological pollutants can be hazardous to...
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Hazardous indoor chemicals can be categorized into 3 groups In a word, the absence of ventilation leads to improper airflow and coupled with the presence of pollutants, eventually results in oxygen deficiency which is definitely important and necessary for humans. Because of the above reasons, people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of ventilation and indoor air quality.They believe that proper and effective ventilation is essential for removing excessive moisture that promotes pollutants, which can deteriorate building's structure and cause health problems. Here, Panasonic...
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Panasonic invites you to enjoy a fresh and healthy environment, feel a quiet and comfortable moment with its ventilating fans. Panasonic ISiUll * #sammm•
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Recommended application of Ceiling Mount Ventilating Fans 'ACH: Air Change Per Hour •'J'atftHifc* ** Local regulations concerning the installation of ventilating fans should be fulfilled ** Installation methods please refer to the operation instruction.
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OLong Life MHop The unique design of new motor, incorporates with well-lubricated ball bearings, temperature rise is reduced that can increase the motor life time and prolongs the product durability. High Efficiency i Taper blade design effectively controls the air turbulence surrounding the blade. That achieves the strong and smooth ventilating performance, as well as reduces the noise level, by whole of the blade, is mmtmmmm • Seam-processed casing ensures strength and hermetic sealing. Reverse flow prevention shutter results in further improvement of airtightness. B&jh«0S5jt • ig&7S£ti •...
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Only Applicable for New Models
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FV-l 7CU7 - Super low noise design mmmm - Long life ball bearing motor -Taper blade sirocco fan - Double chamber design - Pre-installed power cord mfrgi-tnmm NoterThe value in Specification tables are representative characteristic value at 220V,50/60Hz.
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ii * Dimension (mm) Performance Data (220V 50Hz/60Hz) - Super low noise design mwmm - Long life ball bearing motor -Taper blade sirocco fan l®«II - Double chamber design - Pre-installed power cord FV-24CH7 Note:The value In Specification tables are representative characteristic value at 220V, 50/60H2.
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- Super low noise design - Long life ball bearing motor -Taper blade sirocco fan - Double chamber design - Pre-installed power cord Installation space Applicable pipe BiiSffi Note:The value in Specification tables are representative characteristic value at 220V, 50/60Hz.
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Super Quiet Series FV-32CD9 FV-32CH9 - Super low noise design mmmm - Long life ball bearing motor - Taper blade sirocco fan mwmmm - Double chamber design - Pre-installed power cord - 2 speed selectable Installation space Applicable pipe saura Note:The value in Specification tables are representative characteristic value at 220V,50/60Hz
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FV-38CD8 FV-38CH8 - Super low noise design Mil 1HSH-- Long life ball bearing motor - High efficient sirocco fan - 2 speed selectable msjijiUBP Applicable pipe Installation space
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■ Stainless steel frame material ■ Low noise design If s’ lx It ■ High performance motor - High efficient sirocco fan £b'IB fib 4° Model No. Hz Consumption(W)| FLP.M S!& »¥ R Applicable pipe Note:The value in Specification tables are representative characteristic value at 220V, 50/60Hz.
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RTTH FV-24CUS2 - Stainless steel frame material - Low noise design »mmh-- High performance motor - High efficient sirocco fan Installation space Applicable pipe enH® Note:The value in Specification tables ate representative characteristic value at 220V, 50/60HZ.
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FV-MGX1 OOP / FV-MGX150P (Pipe Hood With Net) FV-MCX1 OOP / FV-MCX150P (Pipe Hood Without Net) FV-MGX100P FV-MGX150P FV-MCX100P FV-MCX150P - High Strength - SUS 304 stainless steel iraS/t - SUS 304^i5§H - Excellent anti-rust capability - hood part coated with metallic silver paint - swwaw&jBigMJs - Easy Installation - spring clips facilitate duct / pipe connection - Keep out ingress of small particles and insects from outside (FV-MGX TYPE) (fv-mgx mm,) - it is recommended to use vent cap with net at intake terminal Other Pipe Hood Options Aluminum|g MMilMilHf FY-MCA042 FY-MCA062
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FV-VGX1 OOP / FV-VGX150P (Vent Cap With Net) FV-VCX1 OOP / FV-VCX150P (Vent Cap Without Net) FV-VCX100P - High Strength - SUS 304 stainless steel H8fi-SUS3043F®NH - Excellent anti-rust capability - hood part coated with metallic silver paint - Easy Installation - spring clips facilitate duct / pipe connection - Keep out ingress of small particles and insects from outside (FV-VGXTYPE) (FV-VGX SKI) - it is recommended to use vent cap with net at intake terminal Pipe Diameter esara® Hanging Bracket Hanging Bracket
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Method A (Suspension Brackets) Method B (Wooden Frame) Connect the adaptor assembly to the fan body, and fix the adaptor assembly using a hexagon screw. Fix the suspension bracket with screws. The screw length should not exceed 8mm. Mount the fan body enclosure on the anchor bolts rubber piece Build a wooden frame hozizontally from the wooden keel. Wooden keel Wooden frame Attach the adaptor assembly to the wooden frames. Suspension brackets are optional accessories. • Vibration resistance rubbers and archor bolts would be arranged locally.
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BUSINESS DIVISION China - Beijing Panasonic Ecology Systems Guangdong Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch No. 5, TianZhu Road, Beijing TianZhu Airport Industrial Zone, ShunYi District, Beijing. Tel: (86) 10-8048-9757 China - Shunde Panasonic Ecology Systems Guangdong Co., 2 South Chaogui Road, Shunde High-tech Industrial Zone, Foshan, Guangdong, China. Tel: (86) 757-2837-3113 Hong Kong Panasonic Ecology Systems Hong Kong Co., Ltd. Unit A-C, 23/F, CDW Building, 388 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong. Tel: (852)2460-1708 Panasonic Ecology Systems (Thailand) Co,, Ltd. 101 Moo 2 Teparak Rd, T....
Open the catalog to page 20All Panasonic Eco Solutions catalogs and technical brochures
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