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Catalog excerpts

Triton - 1

Introducing the new generation Cryofree® dilution refrigerator With even more experimental space and enhanced cooling power, plus easier to use than ever before The Triton family of cryogen-free dilution refrigerators has led the way in ultra low temperature experiment-readiness with its leading-edge superconducting magnet integration, sample loading mechanisms, and sample wiring options. With over 200 systems installed worldwide, Triton is used in world-leading science across quantum technology, spintronics, optics, and many other cutting-edge applications of condensed matter physics. NEW large experimental space • Four line-of-sight ports for wiring and services into large experimental volume • Large space between cold plates giving greater capability for wiring, filtering, attenuators and other signal chain components, plus easier access into these spaces NEW cooling power where you need it • 500 µW at 100 mK • 15 µW at 20 mK NEW design features for easiest operation and highest reliability, with: Complete magnet integration • Fully designed, built, tested and guaranteed by Oxford Instruments E • asily demountable current lead connections Fast sample change and maximum sample size • Unique bottom-loading sample puck design for bestin-class wiring capability and sample change • Single person operation • Software control • Easy

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Triton - 2

2016 Triton – all the proven benefits of Triton leading capability for your experiments, and even more High cooling powers – for today’s experiments and tomorrow’s Experiments now frequently extend well beyond the sample or device itself, to the signal conditioning and input/output methods - whether for qubit read-write, quantum sensor measurement, solid state pump-probe experiments, or any of the many other techniques used at ultra low temperatures. Our latest 7th series With DU7-500 dilution unit high cooling power DU7 With DU7-300 dilution unit dilution units give the highest cooling...

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Triton - 3

Sample wiring New extra wiring capability gives even more signal access in and out of the sample or device. • Four line-of-sight ports for direct access from the top plate to the sample plate, giving capacity for 32 typical RF coax lines (such as UT85) with SMA connectors • Eight non line-of-sight ports for flexible wiring and magnet current leads • 100’s of DC lines available Sample puck loading Our best-in-class, patented, bottom-loading mechanism comes with a choice of 42 mm or 72 mm sample space. • Proven 10 mK sample temperatures with multiple semi-rigid coaxes • Supports a wide range...

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Triton - 4

Our support to you Because Oxford Instruments is unique in designing and manufacturing more of the complete system than any other company, we are able to offer unrivalled support and expertise for your Triton system through our regional Customer Support teams backed by unmatched factory expertise. All Triton systems come with 3 years comprehensive warranty including all supplied third party components, such as the pulse-tube cooler, pumps and electronics – all backed by our expert regional service teams. This publication is the copyright of Oxford Instruments Nanotechnology Tools Ltd and...

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All Oxford Instruments NanoScience catalogs and technical brochures

  1. ProteoxS

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  2. ProteoxTM5mK

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  3. KelvinoxJT®

    2 Pages

  4. HelioxVL™

    2 Pages

  5. Proteox 2021

    18 Pages


    8 Pages

  7. Heliox

    4 Pages

  8. kelvinox

    2 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Proteox 2020

    5 Pages

  2. Microstat

    8 Pages

  3. MercuryiTC

    6 Pages