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AdVeil? - 1

Product Information AdVeil™ Glass Fiber Veil for Cushion Vinyl Flooring Product Description The AdVeilTM product AV180-AV72 consists of glass fibers with a nominal length of 6 mm and a nominal diameter of 11 μm. The glass fiber veil is bound by a modified polyvinyl alcohol. It also contains mineral fibers. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS PROPERTY TEST METHOD UNIT SPECIFICATION (NOMINAL) Thickness ISO 534 at 0.5 kPa mm 0.45 Air Porosity DIN 53.887 at 100 Pa l/m²/s 1050 Tensile Strength (md) ISO 1924/2 N/50 mm 200 Tensile Strength (cd) ISO 1924/2 N/50 mm 180 Area Weight ISO 536 g/m² 180 Loss on Ignition ISO 1887 % 32 OWENS CORNING COMPOSITE MATERIALS, LLC ONE OWENS CORNING PARKWAY TOLEDO, OHIO 43659 1.800.GET.PINK™ Contact: EUROPEAN OWENS CORNING FIBERGLAS, SPRL. 166, CHAUSSÉE DE LA HULPE B-1170 BRUSSELS BELGIUM +32.2.674.83.79 Contact: OWENS CORNING - OCV ASIA PACIFIC SHANGHAI REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS 2F OLIVE LVO. MANSION 620 HUA SHAN ROAD SHANGHAI 200040 CHINA +86.21.62489922 Contact: This information and data contained herein is offered solely as a guide in the selection of a reinforcement. The information contained in this publication is based on actual laboratory data and field test experience. We believe this information to be reliable, but do not guarantee its applicability to the user’s process or assume any responsibility or liability arising out of its use or performance. The user agrees to be responsible for thoroughly testing any application to determine its suitability before committing to production. It is important for the user to determine the properties of its own commercial compounds when using this or any other reinforcement. Because of numerous factors affecting results, we make no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Statements in this publication shall not be construed as representations or warranties or as inducements to infringe any patent or violate any law safety code or insurance regulation. Pub. No. 10010787 Owens Corning reserves the right to modify this document without prior notice. ©2009 Owens Corning. . NWT_AdVeil_AV180-AV72_ww_03-2009_Rev0

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