Catalog excerpts

Autonomous Security Robot Watch video Enhanced Security Operations Increased Productivity
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The Security Manpower Crunch As the security industry is impacted by manpower shortages and rising labour costs, maintaining an effective security force is challenging. The long working hours involved in security can result in fatigue and reduced alertness and concentration in workers. With O-R3, OTSAW has sought to solve these issues and augment conventional security teams, providing an autonomous robotic security solution.
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Video Analytics to detect anomalous objects and situations video recording Autonomous communication 6 hours running time navigation with intelligent path planning and obstacle avoidance
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How O-R3 works to your advantage Smart Eyes and Ears More Efficiency Human-Robot Collaboration Redistributing Labour Give human guards in the control Guards promoted = Now these room smart eyes and ears and robots report to you. Now through deployed to work on more important capabilities for them to do their jobs heavy stuff that a human can’t do, and rewarding tasks like screening more effectively. gives you the capabilities to do your and have the human guards do the
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Value Creation Benefits • Greater operational availability (work longer hours than a human guard) • Greater reliability and consistency than a human guard (human limitations e.g. fatigue, last-min no show; and errors are eliminated) • Perform monotonous and computationally heavy tasks humans can’t, promoting human guards to enforcement and decision-making. • Overcome high guard turnover (100-400% /quarter/annually) • Evidence-based data from video feed vs word-of-mouth report. Giving you evidence to prevent suspicious activity, theft and even expensive lawsuits. • Saving the need to install...
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Parks and Outdoor Spaces Cover large distances while keeping a security presence. Get a comprehensive overview with minimal manpower, thanks to O-R3’s 360 degree cameras and video analytics, monitored by control room personnel. Perimeter Security Patrol Campuses, office blocks, shopping malls or other commercial spaces – while on patrol, O-R3 can recognize internal staff via facial recognition, anomalous objects (e.g. suspicious or unattended packages) and even parking violations. Private Property and Restricted Areas Monitor private property or restricted areas for trespassers or...
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Fleet Management and Control System Patrol Scheduling Manual control (remote via web interface or on-site via robot controller) 2 way communication Control lights and sounds
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For more about O-R3, contact us at sales@otsaw.com
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