Industrial pumps for cooling/lubricating systems
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Industrial pumps for cooling/lubricating systems - 1

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Industrial pumps for cooling/lubricating systems - 4

Elettropompe industriali Industrial electropumps Électropompes industrielles CARATTERISTICHE COSTRUTTIVE - CONSTRUCTION FEATURES CARACTERISTIQUE DE CONSTRUCTION Nylon Xarec (Acqua potabile) Nylon Xarec (Drinking water) Nylon Xarec (Eau potable) Gambo - Stem - Tige Girante - Impeller - Turbine Corpo Pompa - Pump body Corps de pompe Albero Motore - Motor shaft Arbre moteur Cassa motore - Motor Casing Carcasse moteur Acciaio inox AISI 420 Motore - Motor - Moteur Fermè sans ventilation Acciaio inox Verniciatura - Paint - Peinture Viteria - Screws - Vis Pump model ZV 35 DESCRIZIONE: Le...

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Industrial pumps for cooling/lubricating systems - 5

Elettropompe industriali Industrial electropumps Électropompes industrielles CARATTERISTICHE COSTRUTTIVE - CONSTRUCTION FEATURES CARACTERISTIQUE DE CONSTRUCTION PBT Xarec (Acqua potabile) PBT Xarec (Drinking water) Acciaio inox AISI 420 Gambo - Stem - Tige Girante - Impeller - Turbine Corpo Pompa - Pump body Corps de pompe Albero Motore - Motor shaft Arbre moteur Cassa motore - Motor Casing Carcasse moteur In alluminio - Mec 63 Aluminium type - Mec 63 Aluminium type - Mec 63 Motore - Motor - Moteur Chiuso ventilato esterno Closed externally ventilated Fermè ventilation externe Verniciatura...

Open the catalog to page 5
Industrial pumps for cooling/lubricating systems - 6

Elettropompe industriali Industrial electropumps Électropompes industrielles CARATTERISTICHE COSTRUTTIVE - CONSTRUCTION FEATURES CARACTERISTIQUE DE CONSTRUCTION PBT Xarec (Acqua potabile) PBT Xarec (Drinking water) Gambo - Stem - Tige Girante - Impeller - Turbine Corpo Pompa - Pump body Corps de pompe Albero Motore - Motor shaft Arbre moteur Cassa motore - Motor Casing Carcasse moteur Acciaio inox AISI 420 Motore - Motor - Moteur Fermè sans ventilation Verniciatura - Paint - Peinture Black electrophoretic Èlectriphorètique noir Acciaio inox Pump model ZV 100 DESCRIPTION: These eletric pumps...

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Industrial pumps for cooling/lubricating systems - 7

Elettropompe industriali Industrial electropumps Électropompes industrielles CARATTERISTICHE COSTRUTTIVE - CONSTRUCTION FEATURES CARACTERISTIQUE DE CONSTRUCTION Gambo - Stem - Tige Girante - Impeller - Turbine Acciaio inox AISI 420 Corpo Pompa - Pump body Corps de pompe Albero Motore - Motor shaft Arbre moteur Cassa motore - Motor Casing Carcasse moteur In alluminio - Mec 63 Aluminium type - Mec 63 Aluminium type - Mec 63 Motore - Motor - Moteur Chiuso ventilato esterno Closed externally ventilated Fermè ventilation externe Verniciatura - Paint - Peinture Black electrophoretic...

Open the catalog to page 7
Industrial pumps for cooling/lubricating systems - 8

Elettropompe industriali Industrial electropumps Électropompes industrielles CARATTERISTICHE COSTRUTTIVE - CONSTRUCTION FEATURES CARACTERISTIQUE DE CONSTRUCTION Gambo - Stem - Tige Acciaio inox-lega G AI Si 9 S. steel - G AI Si 9 alloy A. inox - G AI Si 9 alliage Girante - Impeller - Turbine Acciaio inox AISI 420 Corpo Pompa - Pump body Corps de pompe Albero Motore - Motor shaft Arbre moteur Cassa motore - Motor Casing Carcasse moteur In alluminio - Mec 63 Aluminium type - Mec 63 Aluminium type - Mec 63 Motore - Motor - Moteur Chiuso ventilato esterno Closed externally ventilated Fermè...

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Industrial pumps for cooling/lubricating systems - 9

Elettropompe industriali Industrial electropumps Électropompes industrielles CARATTERISTICHE COSTRUTTIVE - CONSTRUCTION FEATURES CARACTERISTIQUE DE CONSTRUCTION Gambo - Stem - Tige Acciaio inox-lega G AI Si 9 S. steel - G AI Si 9 alloy A. inox - G AI Si 9 alliage Girante - Impeller -Turbine Acciaio inox AISI 420 Corpo Pompa - Pump body Corps de pompe Albero Motore - Motor shaft Arbre moteur Cassa motore - Motor Casing Carcasse moteur In alluminio - Mec 63 Aluminium type - Mec 63 Aluminium type - Mec 63 Motore - Motor - Moteur Chiuso ventilato esterno Closed externally ventilated Fermè...

Open the catalog to page 9
Industrial pumps for cooling/lubricating systems - 10

Elettropompe industriali Industrial electropumps Électropompes industrielles CARATTERISTICHE COSTRUTTIVE - CONSTRUCTION FEATURES CARACTERISTIQUE DE CONSTRUCTION Gambo - Stem - Tige Acciaio inox-lega G AI Si 9 S. steel - G AI Si 9 alloy A. inox - G AI Si 9 alliage Girante - Impeller - Turbine Acciaio inox Acciaio inox AISI 420 Corpo Pompa - Pump body Corps de pompe Albero Motore - Motor shaft Arbre moteur Cassa motore - Motor Casing Carcasse moteur In alluminio - Mec 71 Aluminium type - Mec 71 Aluminium type - Mec 71 Motore - Motor - Moteur Chiuso ventilato esterno Closed externally...

Open the catalog to page 10
Industrial pumps for cooling/lubricating systems - 11

Elettropompe industriali Industrial electropumps Électropompes industrielles CARATTERISTICHE COSTRUTTIVE - CONSTRUCTION FEATURES CARACTERISTIQUE DE CONSTRUCTION Gambo - Stem - Tige Acciaio inox-lega G AI Si 9 S. steel - G AI Si 9 alloy A. inox - G AI Si 9 alliage Girante - Impeller - Turbine Acciaio inox Acciaio inox AISI 420 Corpo Pompa - Pump body Corps de pompe Albero Motore - Motor shaft Arbre moteur Cassa motore - Motor Casing Carcasse moteur In alluminio - Mec 71 Aluminium type - Mec 71 Aluminium type - Mec 71 Motore - Motor - Moteur Chiuso ventilato esterno Closed externally...

Open the catalog to page 11
Industrial pumps for cooling/lubricating systems - 12

Elettropompe industriali Industrial electropumps Électropompes industrielles CARATTERISTICHE COSTRUTTIVE - CONSTRUCTION FEATURES CARACTERISTIQUE DE CONSTRUCTION Gambo - Stem - Tige Acciaio inox-lega G AI Si 9 S. steel - G AI Si 9 alloy A. inox - G AI Si 9 alliage Girante - Impeller - Turbine Acciaio inox Acciaio inox AISI 420 Corpo Pompa - Pump body Corps de pompe Albero Motore - Motor shaft Arbre moteur Cassa motore - Motor Casing Carcasse moteur In alluminio - Mec 71 Aluminium type - Mec 71 Aluminium type - Mec 71 Motore - Motor - Moteur Chiuso ventilato esterno Closed externally...

Open the catalog to page 12
Industrial pumps for cooling/lubricating systems - 13

Elettropompe industriali Industrial electropumps Électropompes industrielles CARATTERISTICHE COSTRUTTIVE - CONSTRUCTION FEATURES CARACTERISTIQUE DE CONSTRUCTION Gambo - Stem - Tige Acciaio inox-lega G AI Si 9 S. steel - G AI Si 9 alloy A. inox - G AI Si 9 alliage Girante - Impeller - Turbine Acciaio inox Acciaio inox AISI 420 Corpo Pompa - Pump body Corps de pompe Albero Motore - Motor shaft Arbre moteur Cassa motore - Motor Casing Carcasse moteur In alluminio - Mec 71 Aluminium type - Mec 71 Aluminium type - Mec 71 Motore - Motor - Moteur Chiuso ventilato esterno Closed externally...

Open the catalog to page 13

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