Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors


Catalog excerpts

Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 1

FROM PERFORMANCE TO PASSION Permanent magnet brushless servomotors

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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 2

A dynamic, strong and ambitious Group: Orange1 Holding is an international renown Group, one of the most important European manufacturers of single-phase and three-phase asynchronous electric motors. It has an annual capacity of more than 1 million motors and 5 million electric stators with an annual turnover of approx 200 million euro and more than 1200 workers in 11 production facilities. The group, established in 1971 by Leone Donazzan, chaired today by his son Armando Donazzan, is strongly focused on technological innovation, performance and customization to meet individual clients...

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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 3

INDICE — INDEX P. 04 Linea NGBe — NGBe serie P. 06 Caratteristiche principali — Main features — Constructive solutions — Parameter definition P. 26 Codice d’ordine — Ordering c

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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 4

Nominal torque Nm NGBe SERVOMOTORI BRUSHLESS NGBE — Pensati per le esigenze sempre più estreme dell’automazione industriale che richiedono sistemi ad elevate prestazioni, miglior affidabilità e ridotta manutenzione. La serie NGBe è stata sviluppata utilizzando materiali di altissima qualità, nuovi dettagli estetici e funzionali sono stati introdotti per ottenere ingombri ridotti e una riduzione dei costi per il cliente. THE NGBe BRUSHLESS RANGE — The NGBe brushless servomotors are designed to meet the increasingly demanding needs of the automation industry, which require high- performance...

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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 5


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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 6

Magneti Realizzati in terre rare NeFeB, rivestiti superficialmente per garantire elevate prestazioni e una protezione totale del magnete da fenomeni di ossidazione e corrosione vengono inoltre contenuti da un elemento tubolare. Magnets Magnets are made of NeFeB rare earth and are surface-coated to guarantee high performance and protect them against oxidation and corrosion. Moreover, they are contained in a tubular element. Stator — The motors manufactured with the stator's monolithic structure, thus guaranteeing reliability and greater structural rigidity. Colle epossidiche Dedicate...

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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 7

Modularità — Modularità NGBe è progettato prevedendo un’uguale NGBe has an equal mechanical set-up predisposizione meccanica per il montaggio for assembling 4 types of motor feedback. di 4 differenti tipi di feedback motore. The motor can be easily fastened Il fissaggio del motore alle vostre macchine to your machines thanks to the direct access è agevole grazie all’accesso diretto delle to the B5, V1 or V3 flange fastening screws. viti di fissaggio della flangia B5, V1 o V3. The connections of the M23 connectors Le connessioni previste per i connettori M23 have the quick coupling function,...

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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 8

Dummy slot Sono previste delle nicchie sullo statore per produrre effetti sulla coppia simili a quelli dovuti alle cave, compensandoli. The slots on the stator produce effects on the torque similar to those on the hollows, thereby compensating them. Magnet phase shift ■- Nello stesso modulo di rotore i magneti sono collocati in posizione asimmetrica. The magnets are placed in an asymmetric position in the same rotor module. Stepped skewing ■- Posizione disallineata dei moduli del rotore Misaligned position of the rotor modules. "I servomotori NGBe sono progettati per ottenere una...

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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 10

I NUOVI SERVOMOTOR! BRUSHLESS — L'estetica del prodotto e il risultato di una grande attenzione al rapporto tra forma e funzionalita dei diversi componenti, soluzione capace di offrire un motore dalla forte riconoscibilita e con importanti dettagli funzionali. THE NEW BRUSHLESS MOTORS — The aesthetics of the product is the result of our great attention to the relationship between the shape and functionality of different components to provide a highly recognizable motor with important functional details.

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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 12

“L ’attenzione che poniamo nella scelta dei materiali, ci consente di proporre servomotori dalle ottime performance, elevata robustezza e massima affidabilità.” “Our attention in choosing the materials allows us to provide high-performance, solid, and reliable servomo

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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 13

Reference graph for the parameters defined in this catalogue. For technical details not included in this document, refer to the NGBe series technical manual. Area 1: Area di funzione del motore in servizio continuativo S1 (CEI EN 60034-1); la curva Mn0-Mn indica il declassamento della coppia continuativa erogabile in funzione della velocita. Area 1: Function area of the motor in continuous running duty S1 (IEC EN 60034-1); the Mn0-Mn curve indicates the de-rating of the continuous torque supplied according to speed. ■ Area 2: Area di funzione del motore con servizio intermittente periodico...

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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 14

3x360VRMS motor power supply Duty cycle S1 Duty cycle S3-40%, 1 min code Nominal speed Nn Stall torque Mn„ Nominal torque Mn Stall current In Stall Nominal torque torque Peak torque Torque costant Inertia Weight Torque costant — The torque is proportional to the motor current Others informations: m ore data are available on technical manual of NGBe motor

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Version B — Standard execution Motor with rotatable right angle connectors Motor with brake — Left: Version B Right: Version D

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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 16

3x360VRMS motor power supply Duty cycle S1 Duty cycle S3-40%, 1 min code Nominal speed Nn Stall torque Mn„ Nominal torque Mn Stall current In Stall torque Peak torque Torque costant Inertia Weight Torque costant — The torque is proportional to the motor current Others informations: m ore data are available on technical manual of NGBe motor

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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 17

Standard execution Version D — Motor with rotatable right angle connectors Motor with brake — Left: Version B Right: Version D

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Permanent Magnet Brushless servomotors - 18

— 3x360VRMS motor power supply Duty cycle S1 Duty cycle S3-40%, 1 min code Nominal speed Nn Stall torque Mn„ Nominal torque Mn Stall current Peak Torque torque costant Inertia Weight J m Torque costant — The torque is proportional to the motor current Others informations: m ore data are available on technical manual of NGBe motor

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All ORANGE 1 ELECTRIC MOTORS SPA catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Drive Motors

    24 Pages

  2. IE3 Motors

    8 Pages

  3. RA series

    40 Pages

  4. NGBe

    17 Pages

  5. Atex ex de

    32 Pages

  6. Drive Motor

    30 Pages

Archived catalogs