Catalog excerpts

Laser Doppler displacement Meter LB-500 LASER/BALLBAR OPTODYNE's LB-500 Laser/Ballbar (Patent Pending) is an add-on package to OPTODYNE's MCV-500, Linear-Machine Calibration System. The combined system can be used to calibrate CNC machine tools, CMM's (Coordinate Measuring Machines), and other precision measuring machines and stages and perform circular test for servo-tuning and dynamic testing. OPTODYNE's Laser/Ballbar provides a rapid and efficient way of measuring a machine's contouring accuracy along a circular path. The
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circular test shows how the axes work together to move the machine in a circular path. The deviations from a perfect circle are caused by errors such as backlash, servomismatch, scale mismatch, machine geometry, periodic errors, stick-slip, etc. A polar plot is then generated to show the machines true contouring capabilities. Because of the unique capabilities, High Data Rates, (up to 1000 data/sec), High Resolution (0.005 pm - 0.0000005 ") and Small Radius, (as small as 0.1"), dynamic errors at high machine feed rates can also be determined. The Windows™ software, running on any IBM...
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C ircular tool path M achine spindle O ptical adapter Flat mirror 6? long (12? O ? ? ptinal) Schematic of a laser circular test A typical polar plot using the Laser/Ballbar LB-500 Configuration: Laser Calibration System (not included) Flat Mirror Target 6" Optical Adapter Magnetic Base & Post WindowsTM Software Capability (Circular Tests): Laser Stability Linear Accuracy Resolution Measuring Range Radius* Data Rates ±0.05 PPM ±0.5 PPM ±0.5 microinch (0.005 µm) up to 40 inch (l m) 0.1 to 3 inch (2.5 to 75mm) 1-1000 data/sec
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Maximum Data Points *NOTE: Larger Radius available on quest Options: Steering Mirror for alignment in tight quarters LD-37S Larger Flat-Mirrors available on request.
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Archived catalogs
Precision Linear Positioning
4 Pages
Precision Linear Positioning
4 Pages
Volumetric Calibration
4 Pages
Linear Machine Calibrator
4 Pages