

Catalog excerpts

StarLite - 1

Compatible with all standard Ophir Thermal, BeamTrack, Pyroelectric (PE-C series only) and Photodiode sensors Brilliant large size TFT 320x240 display Compact handheld design with rubberized bumpers and optimized kickstand Choice of digital or analog needle display Analog output Easy to use soft keys Easy measurement configuration with context sensitive help Backlighting and rechargeable battery Single shot energy measurement with thermal sensors Power averaging Resizable Screen graphics EMI rejection Optional software package for USB communication with our StarLab PC suite StarLite is a low cost power / energy meter capable of measuring power or energy from pJ and pW to hundreds of Joules and thousands of Watts. It also supports position and size measurement with the BeamTrack family of sensors. StarLite can also display the power or energy with a high resolution simulated analog needle display. All StarLite measurement screens can be configured to either show the measurement parameters or to hide them in order to maximize the graphical and numeric displays. StarLite can be operated either by battery or from an AC source with the charger plugged in at all times. Its backlight allows illumination of the power meter in low light conditions. Low Cost Laser Power / Energy Meter Barchart Display of Power Measurement Selected Screens Sensor Settings Set measurement mode to Power, Energy, or Track Scroll to on screen functions Digital Power Screen CW industrial, medical and scientific lasers pW to Multi kW with appropriate sensors Can average over selected period. Useful for unstable lasers. Fast response bar chart Set display to Barchart, Needle, or Position BeamTrack Position and Size Screen BeamTrack Power/Position/Size Screen Sensor Settings Monitoring of laser beam size Accurate tracking of beam position to fractions of a mm Power measured at the same time Set measurement mode to Power, Energy, or Track 113 For latest updates please visit our website: w

Open the catalog to page 1
StarLite - 2

Analog Needle Screen ■ Perfect for adjusting and maximizing laser power or energy ■ Persistent graphical display allows tracking of minimum maximum values measured ■ Large analog needle with small digital display as well Scroll backtc Large Analog Needle with Persistence Battery Status Drevious readings Dress to zoonn graph on oresent nneasurennent Dress to apply Offset Configuration Screen ■ Easy adjustment of all measurement configuration ■ Context sensitive help for selected parameter ■ Sensor and meter information provided Configuration Screen Sensor Settings Dress scroll down Context...

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All Ophir Optronics catalogs and technical brochures

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  4. vega catalog

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  5. BeamWatchAM

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  6. StarBright

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  7. 680274

    1 Pages

  8. M200s

    3 Pages

  9. NanoScan 2s

    14 Pages

  10. BeamWatch®

    5 Pages

  11. ModeCheck ®

    3 Pages

  12. Nova

    2 Pages

  13. Power Pucks

    1 Pages

  14. StarBrigh

    2 Pages

  15. Orion

    2 Pages

  16. Laserstar

    2 Pages

  17. RP Sensors

    2 Pages

Archived catalogs