Catalog excerpts

2.2.3 Pulsar Multichannel and Triggered USB Interfaces Convert your laptop or desktop PC into a multichannel power/energy meter ■ From sensor to interface to PC ■ Plug and play with most Ophir sensors ■ Record every energy pulse at up to 25kHz ■ Measure missing pulses & trigger output with external trigger Log power and energy, average, statistics, histograms and more with included StarLab application ■ LabVIEWVIs, COM Object Interface and ActiveX software included Smart Sensor to Pulsar to PC Ophir's 1-4 channel Pulsar interface turns your PC or laptop into a full fledged Ophir multi-channel laser power/energy meter. Just install the software, plug the sensor into the Pulsar and the USB cable from the Pulsar to the PC USB port. With the Pulsar series, you can connect up to 4 sensors to each module, monitor each pulse at up to 25kHz and utilize external trigger. Pulsar-4 operating with StarLab software Power Measurement Energy Measurement Max real time data logging to PC Trigger input and output BNC trigger input to enable measurement of missing pulses or to select specific pulses. Can also be configured to give trigger output Timing Supports time stamp for each pulse - resolution 1 us Number of sensors supported 4/2/1 sensors per unit. Can combine several units with software for display of up to 8 sensors on one PC Compatible sensors Supports all standard Ophir pyroelectric, thermal and photodiode sensors <b> Power supply 12V wall cube power supply plugs into jack on rear. The power supply can be ordered from your local distributor. [a) Limited by the maximum repetition rate of the sensor. At present only the PE9-F can operate up to 25000Hz Ordering Information Item Description Ophir P/N Pulsar-4 Module to operate up to 4 Ophir sensors from your PC USB port. Comes with software. Max repetition rate for every 7Z01201 pulse 25kHz. Has external trigger capability. Powered from wall cube power supply (can be ordered from your local Pulsar-1 _ Same as above but for 1 channel only _ 7Z01203 Pulsar USB Cable USB-A to B cable (1 unit supplied with Pulsar) 7E01202 USB Interface (USBI) Legacy smart sensor to USB interface with similar performance to Juno but larger size. Has analog output. See summary 7Z01200 legacy page 112 for specifications 01.01.2016 —— photonics por |al;es-t updates please visit our website: www.ophiropt.com/photonics
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2.2 PC Interfaces 2.2.1 PC Connectivity Options for Power/Energy Measurement Sample data with Ophir power meter at up to 4000 points per second Ophir power meter capable of on board storage of data of up to 250,000 points and data storage rate of up to 4000 points per second Ophir sensor to USB interfaces with up to 4 channel connectivity Ophir Pyroelectric, Thermal and Photodiode sensors measure at up to 25,000 points per second Ophir Quasar interface with wireless connectivity Transmit real time data to PC at up to 25,000 points/s per channel (sensor limited) via USB Transmit real time...
Open the catalog to page 2
2.2.5 Summary of Computer Options for Ophir Meters and Interfaces Communications With Ophir RS232, USB, Bluetooth and GPIB communication options you can transfer data from the sensor to the PC in real time or offline. You can also control your Ophir power meter from the PC. USB standard on Nova II, Vega, StarBright (optional on StarLite) power meters and Juno, Pulsar and USBI PC interfaces Bluetooth wireless on the Quasar interface RS232 standard with the Laserstar, Nova II, Vega and StarBright optional on the Nova GPIB optional with the Laserstar Ophir Power Meter and Interface...
Open the catalog to page 3
2.3 Software Solutions 2.3.1 StarLab StarLab turns your PC into a laser power/energy multi-channel station Extensive Graphic Display of Data Line Plot, Histogram, Bar chart, Simulated Analog Needle Multiple data sets on one graph or separate graphs on the same screen Advanced Measurement Processing Power/Energy Density, Scale Factor, Normalize against a reference Multi-channel comparisons User defined mathematical equations: channels A/B, (A-B)/C etc. Position & size measurement with BeamTrack sensors Can be displayed graphically or saved in text format Easily exported to an Excel...
Open the catalog to page 4
Multiple Sensors displayed together ^ Click on one of the channels ^ ^The numerical values are from the channel choser mt» «H MH tutu »M» cunt tHta Mtf MB aea Here multi line graph display has been chosen ^ Settings and functions may be opened to adjust then minimized as needed^ Additional functions are avilable from the "Functions" tab Hull, waif Trnvtm Uuiflf j Una fmnc Mtfje Spirt AestM Here multi line histogram display has been chosen For latest updates please visit our website: www.ophiropt.com/photonics
Open the catalog to page 5
^ Click on f(x) to open another trace Hiil iii in r: i measured values v Files are stored here. They may be viewed graphically OR numerically^ Jogging of values starts t For latest updates please visit our website: www.ophiropt.com/photonics
Open the catalog to page 6
BeamTrack Power/Position/Size Screens ^Open Measuring type tab and chooseTrack^ Position stability screer Displays beam center wander weighted .for dwell time at each positior 01.01.2016 —— photonics por latest updates please visit our website: www.ophiropt.com/photonics
Open the catalog to page 7All Ophir Optronics catalogs and technical brochures
1 Pages
2 Pages
nova catalog
2 Pages
nova ii catalog
2 Pages
vega catalog
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages
P920 Beam Profiling Camera
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
Optimet Industrial Catalog 2017
34 Pages
Energy Sensors Accessories
1 Pages
2 Pages
Power Meters & Interfaces
1 Pages
Power Meters Vega
2 Pages
Goniometric Radiometers
3 Pages
1780 Instantly measure M 2
2 Pages
3 Pages
NanoScan 2s
14 Pages
LBS-100 Attenuato
1 Pages
LBS-400 Beam Splitters
1 Pages
maging UV lasers
1 Pages
Near Field Profilers
1 Pages
5 Pages
ModeCheck ®
3 Pages
2 Pages
Calorimetric Power Meter
1 Pages
Power Pucks
1 Pages
High Power Thermal Sensors
1 Pages
Thermal Power Sensors
1 Pages
ompact Juno USB Interface
7 Pages
2 Pages
Standard Photodiode Sensors
3 Pages
Medium Power BeamTrack-Power
1 Pages
Low Power BeamTrack-Power /
1 Pages
YAG Focal Spot Analyzer
2 Pages
Standard OEM Thermal Sensors
1 Pages
PC Interfaces Juno
5 Pages
Photodiode Energy Sensors
5 Pages
Pyroelectric Energy Sensors
1 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
RP Sensors
2 Pages
Pyroelectric Energy Sensors
1 Pages
Special Photodiode Sensors
1 Pages
Archived catalogs
Laser Beam Profile Catalog
42 Pages
Laser Beam Prifile catalog
42 Pages
Complete Catalogue OPHIR
155 Pages
Laser Beam Profile
42 Pages
Laser Power Meters
4 Pages