Low Power BeamTrack-Power /
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Low Power BeamTrack-Power / - 1 Low Power BeamTrack-Power / Position / Size Sensors 100µW to 10W Use Functions Absorber Type Spectral Range µm Aperture mm Power Mode Power Range Power Scales Power Noise Level Thermal Drift (30min)% Maximum Average Power Density kW/cm2 Response Time with Meter (0-95%) typ. s Power Accuracy +/-% (f ) Linearity with Power +/-% Energy Mode Energy Range Energy Scales Minimum Energy Maximum Energy Density J/cm2 <100ns 0.5ms 2ms 10ms Beam Tracking Mode Position Beam Position Accuracy mm (c) Beam Position Resolution mm Min Power for Position Measurement Size (d) Size Accuracy mm Size Range mm (4σ beam diameter) Min Power for Size Measurement Cooling Weight kg Fiber Adapter Available (see page 69) Part number General purpose Power / Energy / Position Broadband 0.19 - 20 Ø9.5mm Short pulses Power / Energy / Position P type 0.15 - 8 Ø12mm Low power Power / Energy / Position / Size Broadband 0.19 - 20 Ø16mm Features ֺ ֺ All the features of standard power sensors plus... ֺ ֺ Accurate tracking of beam position to fractions of a mm ֺ ֺ Monitoring of the laser beam size ±(5%+50µm) for centered beam 1.5 - 10 50mW convection 0.3 ST, FC, SMA, SC 7Z07904 Notes: (a) The BeamTrack features are supported by StarBright, StarLite, Nova II and Vega meters, Juno interface and StarLab application. Notes: (b) Depending on room airflow and temperature variations. Notes: (c) For position within inner 30% of aperture. Notes: (d) Assumes laser beam with Gaussian (TEM00) distribution. For other modes, size measurement is relative. Notes: (e) For P type and shorter wavelengths derate maximum energy density as follows: Wavelength Derate to value 1064nm not derated 532nm not derated 355nm 40% of stated value 266nm 10% of stated value 193nm 10% of stated value Notes: (f ) The 3A-QUAD has a relatively large spectral variation in absorption and has a calibrated spectral curve at all wavelengths in its spectral range to the above specified accuracy. Nova, Orion and LaserStar meters do not support this feature and when used with those meters, the accuracy will be ±3% as above for 532nm, 905nm, 1064nm and 10.6µm but there will be an additional error of up to 3% at other wavelengths in the spectral range 190 – 3000nm. Interface Module on cable 1.5M cable to sensor 1.5M cable to sensor 3A-QUAD / 3A-P-QUAD 0.5M cable to smart connector 0.5M cable to smart connector Absorber Surface REMOVABLE PART Removable Part For latest updates please visit our website: www.ophiropt.com/photonics REV. 1 DRAWN APPR.

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