Catalog excerpts

The highest damage threshold in the industry Models for 1500W, 5000W and 10KW for high power laser measurement LP coating that can withstand up to 6KW/cm > 2 (at maximum rated head power) Energy damage threshold up to 250J/cm > 2 EMI rejection Single pulse energy measurement up to 600 joules Sensitive meters to measure power down to 40 W and energy down to 7 յ J > 32 For latest updates please visit our website: www.ophiropt.com / www.spiricon.com size="-1">
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L30A-EX Absorber:EX absorber: 0.15 0.4 ֵ m, 10.6 mAperture: 29mmDigital Power Scales:30W / 3W Maximum Average Power Density:2KW/cm Power Noise Level:4mWPower Accuracy:ұ3%Maximum energy density J/cm s 0.5ms 2ms0.50.6 6 12Response Time with Display (0-95%):1.5sLinearity with Power:ձ 1% Energy Scales:30J / 3J / 300mJEnergy Threshold:20mJCooling:Convection <100ns 1 L30A-10MM > Absorber:Broadband, 0.15-20 ҵ mAperture: Power Noise Level:4mWPower Accuracy:3%Maximum Energy Density J/cm ј 26mmDigital Power Scales:30W / 3W Maximum Power:8W free standing, 30W heat sinked Maximum Average Power...
Open the catalog to page 7
Absorber:Broadband: 0.19 - 20 mAperture: L50A 29mmDigital Power Scales:50W / 5W Maximum Average Power Density:20KW/cm Power Noise Level:4mWPower Accuracy:ұ3%Maximum Energy Density J/cm <100ns 0.5ms 2ms 10ms0.35 10 30Response Time with Display (0-95%):1.5s typLinearity with Power:ұ 1% Energy Scales:100J / 30J/ 3J / 300mJEnergy Threshold:20mJCooling:Convection Ordering informationItemDescriptionOphir P/N L50A50 Watt power meter for general use1Z02606 39 For latest updates please visit our website: www.ophiropt.com / www.spiricon.com >
Open the catalog to page 8
Absorber: HE type: 0.19 - 0.625 m, 1.064 յ m, 2.1 m, 2.9 յ m F100A-HE Aperture: 25mmDigital Power Scales:100W / 30WMaximum Average Power Density:500W/cm ز Power Noise Level:6mW Power Accuracy:ұ3% Maximum energy density J/cm > a <100ns 0.5ms 2msSingle shot 10-50Hz5 2 100 15 150 40Response Time with Display (0-95%):3.8s typLinearity with Power: 1% Energy Scales:200J / 30J / 3J Energy threshold:50mJ Cooling:Fan > Note a: For shorter wavelengths, derate to values shown: Wavelength Derate to value 355nm 50% 266nm 50% 193nm 10% F150A Absorber:Broadband, 0.19-20 ѵ mAperture: 17.5mmDigital Power...
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Absorber:Broadband: 0.19 - 20 ֵ mLP1: 0.25 - 2.2 mEX: 0.15 - 0.4 յ m, 10.6 mAperture: 50mmDigital Power Scales:250W / 30W Maximum Average Power Density:BB: 10KW/cm , LP1: 15KW/cm Ҳ , EX: 2KW/cm FL250A Power Noise Level:10mWPower Accuracy:ұ 3% > a Maximum Energy Density J/cm s 0.5ms 2ms 10msBroadband LP1 EX0.3 0.05 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.6 5 20 6 10 50 12 30 250Response Time with Display (0-95%):2.5sLinearity with Power:ձ 1% Energy Scales:BB and LP1: 300J/30J/3J, EX: 200J/30J/3J Energy Threshold:50mJ Cooling:Fan <100ns 1 > Note a: LP1 heads have relatively large spectral variation in absorption and...
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Absorber:Broadband, 0.19 - 20 mAperture: 50mm Digital Power Scales:300W / 30W Maximum Average Power Density:9KW/cm Power Noise Level:10mW Power Accuracy:ұ 3% Response Time with Display (0 95%):2.5s Linearity with Power:ֱ 2%Energy Scales:300J / 30J / 3JEnergy Threshold:50mJSurface Uniformity: 2% over central 70% of surfaceCooling:Fan > Absorber:LP 0.4-1.5, 10.6 Ѳ mAperture: Power Noise Level:10mW Power Accuracy:ձ 3%Response Time with Display (0 95%):2.5sLinearity with Power:ֱ 2% Energy Scales:300J / 30J / 3JEnergy Threshold:50mJMaximum Energy Density J/cm 50mm Digital Power Scales:300W /...
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Absorber:Broadband 0.19-20 ز at 500WMaximum Energy Density J/cm m Aperture: ղ 65mmDigital Power Scales:500W / 50W Maximum Average Power500W continuous Maximum Average Power Density:8KW/cm FL500A <100ns 0.5ms 2ms 10ms0.35 10 30Power Noise Level:25mWPower Accuracy:ر 3%Response Time with Display (0-95%):2.8s Linearity with Power: 1%Energy Scales:600J/60J/6JEnergy Threshold:100mJ Cooling:Fan > AbsorberBroadband, 0.19 - 20 ѵ m Aperture: 34mmDigital Power Scales:1000W / 200W Maximum Average Power Density:6KW/cm ز Maximum Energy Density (J/cm ): <100ns 0.5ms 2ms 10ms0.35 10 30Power Noise...
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Absorber:Broadband: 0.19 - 20 m, LP: 0.19 - 3 հ CWater temperature rate of change <1 m, 10.6 հ C/min. L1500W/L1500W-LP mAperture: 50mmDigital Power Scales:1500W / 300W Maximum Average Power Density:BB: 5KW/cm , LP: 6KW/cm Ҳ Maximum Energy Density (J/cm s 0.5ms 2ms 10msBroadband LP0.3 0.05 0.5 0.3 5 20 10 50 30 150Power Noise Level:0.7WPower Accuracy:ձ 5%Response Time with Display (0-95%):2.7s Linearity with Power: 2%Energy Scales:200J/20JEnergy Threshold:500mJSurface Uniformity:ѱ2.5%Cooling:Water 2.5 liter / minute (minimum)Water termperature range 18 ֖ 30 ): <100ns 1 > Ұ CWater...
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AbsorberBroadband 0.8 -1.1 m and 10.6 յ m with special beam intensity reduction.Aperture: 45mmDigital Power Scales:10KW / 1KW Maximum Ave. Power Beamand Energy Density Diameter <15mm 15-20mm 20-40mm 40-45mmMax Power Max Energy DensityDensity 1ms pulse w. 3ms p.w. 10ms p.w. 10KW/cm > 2 30J/cm > 2 60J/cm > 2 150J/cm > 2 7KW/cm > 2 20J/cm > 2 40J/cm > 2 100J/cm > 2 5KW/cm > 2 15J/cm > 2 30J/cm > 2 70J/cm > 2 179 4KW/cm > 2 12J/cm > 2 25J/cm > 2 60J/cm > 2 Power Noise Level:4WPower Accuracy:ر 5% Response Time with Display (0-95%):<5sLinearity with Power: 2%Energy Scales:N.A....
Open the catalog to page 19
52 For latest updates please visit our website: www.ophiropt.com / www.spiricon.com >
Open the catalog to page 21All Ophir Optronics catalogs and technical brochures
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Archived catalogs
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