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BeamWatch® - 1

3.3.3 BeamWatch® Non-contact, Focus Spot Size and Position monitor for high power YAG, Diode and Fiber lasers Instantly measure focus spot size Dynamically measure focal plane location during start-up From 1kW and up – no upper limit (So far we have measured up to 100kW) Non-contact, laser beam is completely pass-through Automation Control Interface for System Integration GigE camera interface for local network installation Patented BeamWatch utilizes disruptive technology to measure Connection for laser beam characteristics of very high power lasers. By not filtered air intercepting the beam and yet providing instantaneous measurements, you can now monitor the beam at frequent intervals without having to shut down the process or remove tooling and fixtures to get access. In addition, you can now measure focal spot location at several times per second and know if there is any focal spot shift during those critical start-up moments. Input Beam Output Beam (Beam has not been touched) Disruptive Technology The system measures the signal generated from Rayleigh scattering around the laser’s beam waist, where the power density is the highest. Rayleigh scattering is a physical property of light caused by light scattering off of air molecules. Unlike traditional beam measurement systems, the beam passes directly through BeamWatch and is not disrupted, mechanically or optically. In addition, BeamWatch has no moving parts so there is no need for cooling of any components. Specialized system software dynamically measures the signal multiple times per second, allowing the laser user to key in on critical operational laser attributes, such as beam waist size and position with respect to the material being processed. BeamWatch Technician User Interface Technician Mode: The technician has access to those tools needed for start-up and advanced beam diagnostics. Focus Spot Size Focus Spot Location in X and Y BeamWatch is the first device to measure a laser without coming in contact with its beam which allows it to be the first laser quality measurement product in history to have no upper limit on the lasers which it can measure. BeamWatch provides high-power industrial laser users with data never before seen such as the dynamic measurement of focus shift caused by thermal effects on the laser system. BeamWatch also provides the industrial laser user with measurement of other key laser operating parameters in real-time. Technician mode for dual axis set-up and beam diagnostics 179 For latest updates please visit our website:

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BeamWatch® - 2

Focus Spot Size (Waist Width) BeamWatch images the full beam caustic measuring the waist at its smallest point, many times per second. Focus Spot Location Now you can precisely know the dynamic behavior of focal spot shift throughout the laser duty cycle. By inputting the known distance from the laser delivery head to a precise datum on BeamWatch the focal spot distance is constantly measured and tracked with millisecond updates. Laser delivery head Measured distance input by user Focus spot location BeamWatch BeamWatch measures this distance Red arrow is first found focus spot location...

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BeamWatch® - 3

PeiiodK jlly m-.-'.-isuK1 ;ind oompaie Beam Watch Minimum Power density Minimum Spot Size Maximum Beam diameter Particulate Purge Waist Width (Spot Size) GigE Ethernet Focal Shift ±125 micrometers within the BeamWatch window Beam Parameter Product ±3.5% RMS Specification subject to change _3 """a"" For latest updates please visit our website: J""""""gg? 01.01.2016

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BeamWatch® - 4

Operating Space Charts The plots are intended to give a visual indication of the recommended operating space for BeamWatch. If BeamWatch is operated outside of this space, it may be more difficult to see the curvature of the caustic or the beam may be large enough at the edges of the image that The maximum waist is dependent on the power density and M2 of the beam. Specified is a minimum power density of 2 megawatts/cm2 and the M2 vs waist width is shown in the corn-looking graphs. Following these charts also covers the 12.5mm max beam size as it enters The 12.5mm maximum beam size at...

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BeamWatch® - 5 Software Features Single Axis Results - Power/Energy Results - Spatial Dual Axis Relative Power Waist Width Waist Location Focal Shift Centroid Width at Cursor Relative Power Waist Width X & Y Waist Location X & Y Focal Shift X & Y Centroid X & Y Width at Cursor X & Y Ellipticity at Cursor Rayleigh Length Rayleigh Length X & Y Waist to Cursor Waist to Cursor X & Y M2 M2 X & Y M2 Average K KX&Y K Average BPP BPP X & Y BPP Average Divergence Divergence X & Y Divergence Average All results can be shown/hidden All results can be shown/hidden. Frame ID Frame ID Timestamp Timestamp...

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