Catalog excerpts
Battery Slurry Mixing 电池匀浆一站式解决方案 让物料处理更简单 Making Material Handling Simpler ONGOAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. 斯图加特 Stuttgart
Open the catalog to page 1让物料处理更简单 Making Material Handling Simpler ABOUT ONGOAL 宏工科技 宏工科技股份有限公司,是一家专注于物料处理自动化的国家高新技术企业,为客户提供成 套工程设计与交付、核心设备与配件、自动控制软件及技术服务。 宏工具备完善的科研、设计、生产、销售、项目交付与软件开发服务体系,能够为客户提供 物料处理自动化一站式解决方案,包括:解包投料、储存破拱、气力输送、计量配料、混合 干燥、搅拌制浆、分散研磨、除尘清洁、成品包装、智能控制等,广泛应用于电池匀浆、电 池材料、精细化工、食品医药、橡胶塑料等行业。 Established in 2008, ONGOAL is recognized as a National High-Tech Enterprise in China. We provide complete engineering design and delivery service, core equipment and accessories, software, and other technical services to our customers. We focus on automatic one-stop material handling solutions, which integrate the...
Open the catalog to page 2让物料处理更简单 Making Material Handling Simpler DEVELOPMENT HISTORY 发展历程 东莞 DONGGUAN 设计 Design 斯图加特 Stuttgart 售后服务 Service 软件开发 Software 售后服务 Service 售后服务 Service 斯图加特 STUTTGART 销售 Sales 售后服务 Service 宏工在东莞创立,正式进军物料自动 化行业 ONGOAL was founded in Dongguan and formally entered the material automation industry 荣获“国家级高新技术企业”称号 National High-tech Enterprise awarded 在株洲,成立湖南宏工智能科技有 限公司 Hunan Ongoal Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. established in Zhuzhou 研发并推出新型高效制浆系统,标志着宏工制浆工艺进一步升级 Developed and launched new high efficiency pulping system, marking the further upgrading of ONGOAL pulping process...
Open the catalog to page 3让物料处理更简单 Making Material Handling Simpler NEW ENERGY · BATTERY SLURRY MIXING 新能源·电池匀浆 吨袋解包站 Bulk Bag Unpacking Station 2 计量仓 Metering Bin 3 螺旋喂料机 Screw Feeder 吸料枪投料间 Suction Gun Feeding Room 5 真空上料器 Vacuum Feeder 8 液料罐 Liquid Material Tank 9 制胶机 Glue Making Machine 10 双行星搅拌机 Dual Planetary Slurry Mixer 16 11 高速分散混合机 High Speed Dispersion Mixer 12 循环罐 Circulation Tank 13 冷却中转罐 Cooling Transfer Tank 电池浆料 Slurry of Battery Material 宏工针对电池行业专门设计的匀浆智能生产系统由原料配料系统、制浆系统和分散中转系统组成,包括原料(粉料、浆料、溶剂)的存储、 计量、输送、搅拌分散及制浆输送。其中,制浆系统可提供双行星搅拌机、高效制浆机和双螺杆制浆机三类不同制浆工艺设备,满足不同 工艺生产需求。 The intelligent homogenization...
Open the catalog to page 4让物料处理更简单 Making Material Handling Simpler DOSING SYSTEM 溶剂及制胶 Solvent and Binder Dissolution 配料系统 系统特点 System Features 软体料仓设计,物料不沾壁,控制物料精度 Soft silo design, non-stick wall, material precision control Inlet pigging device to prevent blocking Double metering system recheck to prevent metering errors Modular design, high installation efficiency, space saving Flexible equipment layout according to plant structure Non-metallic inner pipe, prevent metal contamination ISO pipeline pneumatic conveying by scientific calculation, less wastage during material conveying 一对多点输送 One to Multipoints...
Open the catalog to page 5让物料处理更简单 Making Material Handling Simpler DUAL PLANETARY SLURRY MIXER 双行星搅拌机 采用6级精度硬齿面齿轮,中心距严格控制,齿侧间隙合理,摆动间隙小,运行轨 迹更加精准,匀浆的均匀性和生产效率更高。 Adopt high precision gears with more accurate moving track to realize higher homogenization uniformity and production efficiency. 双行星搅拌机主要用于粉料和液料之间的搅拌、混合及分散。搅拌机的 分散盘与搅拌桨实现既公转、又自转的行星运动,其速度可通过变频器 进行调整。特殊的搅拌方式使物料受到强烈分散和挤压,保证物料充分 分散和混合。 行星轮系齿比为1.57 : 1,运行时搅拌机的分散盘搅拌桨实现既公转,又自转的行 星运动。 The planetary gear has a gear ratio of 1.57:1. The dispersing disc and stirring paddle realize revolution and rotation simultaneously. Used for mixing, homogenization and dispersing of...
Open the catalog to page 6让物料处理更简单 Making Material Handling Simpler NEW HIGH EFFICIENCY PULPING SYSTEM 系统采用混料与分散功能分开通道设计,先浸润剪切变稀再混合出料,可解决传统 的排料和分散装置堆栈结构设计而导致的粉料落料快、易返料、过载等问题。 The system adopts separate channel design for mixing and dispersing functions, and material wets and thins before mixing and discharging, which can solve the problems such as fast discharging, easy back flow and overload caused by the traditional stack structure design of discharging and dispersing devices. 新型高效制浆系统采用了粉、液同时进料, 狭窄、长路径的分散腔体使得浆料均处于有 效分散区,是一种“必然式”的制浆工艺。 传统设计由于叶轮结构过大,工艺放大风险、成本高,本产品分散模块是多层堆积 设计,可做到从100L-3000L,甚至更大的型号,解决产能瓶颈。 Due to...
Open the catalog to page 7让物料处理更简单 Making Material Handling Simpler TWIN-SCREW SLURRY SYSTEM 筒体采用嵌套模块结构,外筒设置多通道冷却,精准控温,内筒采用高耐磨耐腐蚀 材料,减少磁性异物的影响;且降低制造和维修成本,方便安装、更换。 The vessels adopts nested modular structure. Among them, the outer vessel is set up with multi-channel cooling for precise temperature control and the inner vessel is made of high wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant material, which can reduce magnetic contamination and lower the cost of manufacture and maintenance, making it easy to install and replace. 双螺杆制浆系统采用模块化双螺杆结构,集成输送、混合、 分散、排气于一体,可实现物料连续加工连续出料,功能上 实现自由搭配,满足不同工况需求;解决因功能单一导致成 本、能源的损耗问题。...
Open the catalog to page 8让物料处理更简单 Making Material Handling Simpler SLURRY CONVEYING SYSTEM 防油脂、防金属异物、减振降噪 Anti-grease, anti-metal, vibration and noise reduction 安装前,除油清洁处理 振动设备底座均安装SD型减震垫 阀门采用无油型球阀,内腔除油、清洗处理硅油 隔膜泵增大口径,降低压缩空气压力,减少噪音 避免金属之间摩擦产生金属颗粒,禁铜、锌部件的使用 Remove oil and clean before installation SD cushion is installed on the base of vibration equipment Valve adopts oil-free ball type, with oil removal and silicone oil cleaning in the inner cavity Diaphragm pump with increased caliber to reduce compressed air pressure and noise Avoid metal particles generated by friction between metals, and prohibit the use of...
Open the catalog to page 9让物料处理更简单 Making Material Handling Simpler INTELLIGENT CONTROL SYSTEM 智能控制系统 生产制造系统 Manufacturing System 生产管理 Product Management 设备管理 Equipment Management Production plan, production execution, error-proof of feeding, maintenance management, working shifts arrangement Equipment ledger, tools management, mold management, maintenance plan, equipment OEE counting 质量管理 Quality Management 仓储物流管理 Storage & Logistics Management Quality data collection and analysis, quality control & SPC, quality error-proof Packing, stocks control, inventory management, receiving & delivery management, transport...
Open the catalog to page 10让物料处理更简单 Making Material Handling Simpler EQUIPMENT GALLERY 设备展示 小袋解包站 Small Bag Unpacking Station 用于25Kg左右包装的小袋物料进行投料 过滤网防止异物掉入储料斗,滤网托架可将小袋暂放在托架上,节 省人力 可配体积喂料机、旋转阀、吸料枪、阀门等各种设备 可选单点除尘或集中除尘 Used for feeding small bags of materials in packages of about 25Kg Filtermesh prevents unwanted objects entering, and place the small bag on the bracket, labor saving Equipped with a variety of equipment such as volume feeders, rotary valves, suction guns, valves, etc. Single point dust collection or central dust collection 吨袋解包站 Bulk Bag Unpacking Station 用于吨袋装物料的拆包卸料作业 解包量:6-8包/小时 气囊夹口密闭式卸料,卸料过程无粉尘泄露...
Open the catalog to page 11All ONGOAL TECHNOLOGY CO. catalogs and technical brochures
ONGOAL FMCP One-stop Solution
45 Pages
ONGOAL Dispense Mixer
2 Pages
ONGOAL Kettle Dryer
2 Pages
ONGOAL Paddle Mixer
2 Pages
2 Pages
ONGOAL Colter Mixer
2 Pages
ONGOAL Ribbon Mixer
2 Pages
ONGOAL Brochure 2022
24 Pages