ZUV-C20H / C30H Smart Curing System
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Catalog excerpts

ZUV-C20H / C30H Smart Curing System - 1

)@( )@@@@( @@@@ napaJ ni detnirP .eciton tuohtiw egnahc ot tcejbus era snoitacificeps ,tnemevorpmi tcudorp fo tseretni eht nI .devreseR sthgiR llA 9002 noitaroproC NORMO © 0022-7305-12 )68( :xaF/2222-7305-12 )68( :leT 1172-5386 )56( :xaF/1103-5386 )56( :leT 769911 eropagniS anihC ,021002 ,iahgnahS ,aerA weN gnoDuP ,kraponhceT ardnaxelA ,daoR gnohZ gnehC niY 002 ,rewoT anihC fo knaB ,1122 mooR ,)2 ybboL( 80/50-50 # daoR ardnaxelA A834 .oN 991-118-2307 )94( :xaF/0-118-2307 )94( :leT ynamreG ,negnirfuN 45117-D ,4 .rtS-zneB-lraC OMRON (CHINA) CO., LTD. Cat. No. E364-E1-03 7877-348-748 )1( :xaF/0097-348-748 )1( :leT .A.S.U 2035-37106 LI ,grubmuahcS evirD ecremmoC enO OMRON ASIA PACIFIC PTE. LTD. OMRON EUROPE B.V. Sensor Business Unit OMRON ELECTRONICS LLC sretrauqdaeH lanoigeR Contact: www.ia.omron.com Tokyo, JAPAN OMRON Corporation Industrial Automation Company Authorized Distributor: So, will you keep on using a lamp system ? .snoituacerp dna ,ytilibail fo snoitatimil ,ytnarraw no noitamrofni gnidulcni ,esahcrup erofeb tpecca dna dnatsrednu tsum resu eht taht noitamrofni rof ylluferac )062Z/752Z( launaM s'resU tnemucod eht daer esaelP .sledom elbatius gnitceles rof ylniam noitamrofni sedivorp tnemucod sihT .egakael thgil morf egamad ro kcohs cirtcele ot dael yam tinU eht gnilbmessasiD .tinU eht elbmessasid reveN .noitcelfer thgil ot desopxe gnieb morf tcetorp ot tnempiuqe dna selggog evitcetorp raew llahs srekroW .desopxe si niks eht ro yltcerid deweiv si ti fi niks dna noisiv egamad lliw thgil teloivartlU .thgil teloivartlu eht ot desopxe eb ot niks ruoy wolla ro ta yltcerid kool reveN Find its value! The UV Curing System ZUV Series Smart Curing System

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ZUV-C20H / C30H Smart Curing System - 2

.noitcepsni putrats gnirud ylbailer dna ylpmis edam eb nac snoitcerroc rewoP .retem noitanimulli na fo tuptuo eht no desab rewop noitanimulli tcerroc ot uoy swolla taht erutaef gninut rewop a htiw deppiuqe semoc tI 5 mm 641 .sisylana eruliaf dna egarots atad AQ ni lufesu si sihT .BSU aiv CP a ot atad ycneuqerf dna ygrene noitanimulli evitalumuc hcus refsnart nac uoY BSU erutaef noitasnepmoc rewop noitanimullI dedrocer eb nac yrotsih noitanimullI mm 58 .noitcennoc C232-SR eht ro trop O/I eht htiw yllanretxe smrala fo sepyt suoirav lortnoc ro ,snrettap noitanimulli egnahc ,ffO ro nO...

Open the catalog to page 2
ZUV-C20H / C30H Smart Curing System - 3

7 snoitidnoc ecived ot gnidrocca yrav yam noitpmusnoc rewoP ¥ napaJ fo seinapmoC rewoP cirtcelE fo noitaredeF eht yb dehsilbup tneiciffeoC dnE gnivieceR ediwnoitaN eht ni noitcuder hWk 000,01 htiw noitcuder 2OC t1.4 fo noitaluclac ,snoissime 2OC roF ¥ .driht-eno lauqe ot Óemit noitarepo tnempiuqe yb dedivid emit noÒ semussA ¥ .noitarepo syad 062 dna sruoh 42 eb ot demussA ¥ setoN H02C-VUZ rellortnoc ledom dradnatS * Approx. 250W per unit noitpmusnoc rewoP metsys pmal lanoitnevnoC CO2 Approx. 53W per unit* VUZ metsys DEL Substantially reduces CO2 emissions in power-saving LED system usage...

Open the catalog to page 3
ZUV-C20H / C30H Smart Curing System - 4

.noitcepsni putrats gnirud ylbailer dna ylpmis edam eb nac snoitcerroc rewoP .retem noitanimulli na fo tuptuo eht no desab rewop noitanimulli tcerroc ot uoy swolla taht erutaef gninut rewop a htiw deppiuqe semoc tI 5 mm 641 .sisylana eruliaf dna egarots atad AQ ni lufesu si sihT .BSU aiv CP a ot atad ycneuqerf dna ygrene noitanimulli evitalumuc hcus refsnart nac uoY BSU erutaef noitasnepmoc rewop noitanimullI dedrocer eb nac yrotsih noitanimullI mm 58 .noitcennoc C232-SR eht ro trop O/I eht htiw yllanretxe smrala fo sepyt suoirav lortnoc ro ,snrettap noitanimulli egnahc ,ffO ro nO...

Open the catalog to page 4
ZUV-C20H / C30H Smart Curing System - 5

.noitcepsni putrats gnirud ylbailer dna ylpmis edam eb nac snoitcerroc rewoP .retem noitanimulli na fo tuptuo eht no desab rewop noitanimulli tcerroc ot uoy swolla taht erutaef gninut rewop a htiw deppiuqe semoc tI 5 mm 641 .sisylana eruliaf dna egarots atad AQ ni lufesu si sihT .BSU aiv CP a ot atad ycneuqerf dna ygrene noitanimulli evitalumuc hcus refsnart nac uoY BSU erutaef noitasnepmoc rewop noitanimullI dedrocer eb nac yrotsih noitanimullI mm 58 .noitcennoc C232-SR eht ro trop O/I eht htiw yllanretxe smrala fo sepyt suoirav lortnoc ro ,snrettap noitanimulli egnahc ,ffO ro nO...

Open the catalog to page 5
ZUV-C20H / C30H Smart Curing System - 6

7 snoitidnoc ecived ot gnidrocca yrav yam noitpmusnoc rewoP ¥ napaJ fo seinapmoC rewoP cirtcelE fo noitaredeF eht yb dehsilbup tneiciffeoC dnE gnivieceR ediwnoitaN eht ni noitcuder hWk 000,01 htiw noitcuder 2OC t1.4 fo noitaluclac ,snoissime 2OC roF ¥ .driht-eno lauqe ot Óemit noitarepo tnempiuqe yb dedivid emit noÒ semussA ¥ .noitarepo syad 062 dna sruoh 42 eb ot demussA ¥ setoN H02C-VUZ rellortnoc ledom dradnatS * Approx. 250W per unit noitpmusnoc rewoP metsys pmal lanoitnevnoC CO2 Approx. 53W per unit* VUZ metsys DEL Substantially reduces CO2 emissions in power-saving LED system usage...

Open the catalog to page 6
ZUV-C20H / C30H Smart Curing System - 7

7 snoitidnoc ecived ot gnidrocca yrav yam noitpmusnoc rewoP ¥ napaJ fo seinapmoC rewoP cirtcelE fo noitaredeF eht yb dehsilbup tneiciffeoC dnE gnivieceR ediwnoitaN eht ni noitcuder hWk 000,01 htiw noitcuder 2OC t1.4 fo noitaluclac ,snoissime 2OC roF ¥ .driht-eno lauqe ot Óemit noitarepo tnempiuqe yb dedivid emit noÒ semussA ¥ .noitarepo syad 062 dna sruoh 42 eb ot demussA ¥ setoN H02C-VUZ rellortnoc ledom dradnatS * Approx. 250W per unit noitpmusnoc rewoP metsys pmal lanoitnevnoC CO2 Approx. 53W per unit* VUZ metsys DEL Substantially reduces CO2 emissions in power-saving LED system usage...

Open the catalog to page 7
ZUV-C20H / C30H Smart Curing System - 8

8 9 S8L/S6L/S4L/S3L-VUZ T8L/T6L-VUZ .sesnel llams elpitlum htiw snel pukcip lacitpo ynit a gnitanimulli VU yb gnidnob deeps-hgih deveihca eW Small diameter lens Space-saving! About 1/7 space of previous models. UV bonding of a light pickup lens Side-view lens .elbissop osla si krow eht ot esolc tnemecalp A .sesnel suidar worran htiw gnitanimulli yb smaeb fo rebmun a htiw stnenopmoc ynit etanimulli ot elbissop ti edam eW .tluciffid si tnemecalp daeh ro egral oot si ezis daeh eht nehw elbatius tsom era dednetxe dna detagnole si snel daeh esohw sesnel suidar worraN 12mm 84mm .tnempiuqe...

Open the catalog to page 8
ZUV-C20H / C30H Smart Curing System - 9

8 9 S8L/S6L/S4L/S3L-VUZ T8L/T6L-VUZ .sesnel llams elpitlum htiw snel pukcip lacitpo ynit a gnitanimulli VU yb gnidnob deeps-hgih deveihca eW Small diameter lens Space-saving! About 1/7 space of previous models. UV bonding of a light pickup lens Side-view lens .elbissop osla si krow eht ot esolc tnemecalp A .sesnel suidar worran htiw gnitanimulli yb smaeb fo rebmun a htiw stnenopmoc ynit etanimulli ot elbissop ti edam eW .tluciffid si tnemecalp daeh ro egral oot si ezis daeh eht nehw elbatius tsom era dednetxe dna detagnole si snel daeh esohw sesnel suidar worraN 12mm 84mm .tnempiuqe...

Open the catalog to page 9

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