Switching Power Supplies
1 / 16Pages

Catalog excerpts

Switching Power Supplies - 1

Switch Mode Power Supply Power Supply Selection Guide Switch Mode Power Supply

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Switching Power Supplies - 2

OMRON Power Supply BEST LINE-UP-Suitable for various situations from Machine to DIN Rail-mounting type General purpose Power Supply for various situations from machine to control panel Exceptional cost model Exceptional cost model. Wide output Voltage Specifications: 5V to 48V Input voltage range: 200-240 VAC Exceptional cost model with CE Conformed. Expanded operating temperature:-20 to 70˚C 2-years warranty Standard model Universal Standard Power Supply: Conforming to various safety standards/100-240VAC Easy Mounting: Front-mounted type, DIN Rail-mounted type are available. Screw-mount at...

Open the catalog to page 2
Switching Power Supplies - 3

Selection Guide of Switch Mode Power Supply Power rating / Output voltage Configuration /Mounting Models selection ion l Function list xt page age next pag Open type Power Supplies Covered Power Supplies Open type Power Supplies Without mounting brackets Covered Power Supplies 24V Covered Power Supplies Covered Power Supplies Models with Indication Monitor (Maintenance Forecast Monitor) Models with Indication Monitor (Total Run Time Monitor) Models without Indication Monitor Models without Indication Monitor Models without Indication Monitor

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Switching Power Supplies - 4

Switch Mode Power Supply BEST LINE - UP List of functions General purpose Power Supply [ Exceptional Cost Model ] [ Exceptional Cost Model With CE Marking ] Input voltage (Voltage range) *Refer to the derating curve in Engineering Data *Refer to the derating curve in Engineering Data Peak Current Ambient operating temperature Peak Current Power Boost Hamonic Current n Emissions missions m Hamonic Current n Emissions missions m Alarm Alarm m Outpu ut Remote e Sensing ensing e Pa el arall Operati Operation eration t Remote e Sensing ensing e Pa el arall Operati Operation eration t Maiintrance...

Open the catalog to page 4
Switching Power Supplies - 5

General purpose Power Supply Input voltage (Voltage range) Ambient operating temperature *Refer to the derating curve in Engineering Data *Refer to the derating curve in Engineering Data Expected life Power Boost Peak Current Peak Current Hamonic Current n Emissions missions m Alarm Alarm m Outpu ut Hamonic Current nic Emissions Additional function Remote e Sensing ensing e Pa el Parallel arall Operation Operati Operation eration t Alarm Alarm m Output Outpu ut Remot Remote Control Remote Se Sensing ensing Pa el Parallel arall Operati Operation Operation eration t Maiintrance Forecast...

Open the catalog to page 5
Switching Power Supplies - 6

S8VS [ Models with Indication Monitor ] Input voltage (Voltage range) Ambient operating temperature [ Models without Indication Monitor ] *Refer to the derating curve in Engineering Data *Refer to the derating curve in Engineering Data Expected life Power Boost Peak Current Peak Current Hamonic Current nic Emissions Additional function Alarm Alarm m Output Outpu Outpu ut Hamonic Current nic Emissions Alarm Alarm m Outpu ut Remote e Sensing ensing e Pa el arall Operati Operation eration t Sereies Operati Operation O ti ion Remote e Sensing ensing e Pa el arall Operati Operation eration t...

Open the catalog to page 6
Switching Power Supplies - 7

lenaP lortnoC lenaP lortnoC Main application Approved standards EMI lortnoC lortnoC o o o etomeR snoissimE tnerruC cinomaH noitarepO noitarepO noitarepO itarepO it i O seiereS gnisneS gnisneS gnisneS e e e e e etomeR noitarepO noitarepO noitarepO noitarepO itare e e e e e lellaraP rotinoM tsaceroF ecnartniaM yalpsiD tnerruC dna egatloV tuptuO tuptuO u O u O mralA lortnoC lortnoC o o etomeR noitarepO noitarepO noitarepO itarepO it i O seiereS yalpsiD tnerruC dna egatloV noitarepO noitarepO noitarepO it ep e e e lellaraP tuptuO tuptuO u O u O mralA rotinoM tsaceroF ecnartniaM gnisneS gnisneS...

Open the catalog to page 7
Switching Power Supplies - 8

Exceptional cost model. More output Voltage Specifications from 5V to 48V Note: For details on normal stock models, contact your nearest OMRON representative. Covered Power Supplies(15W to 350W) Conformed standard Input voltage Power ratings Output current Demensions: WxHxD(mm)

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Switching Power Supplies - 9

Exceptional cost model with CE marking. Expanded operating temperature:-20 to 70˚C 2-years warranty Note: For details on normal stock models, contact your nearest OMRON representative. Covered Power Supplies(15W to 350W) Conformed standard Input voltage Output current Demensions: WxHxD(mm)

Open the catalog to page 9
Switching Power Supplies - 10

Extended DC input voltage range: 80 to 370 VDC *1 Widely range from 15 W to 600 W(Output Voltage: 5 V to 48 V) Easy mounting: Front-mounting bracket type and DIN Rail-mounting type Note: For details on normal stock models, contact your nearest OMRON representative. Input voltage Power ratings 100 to 240 VAC (free) (80 to 370 VDC *3) S8JX-G15005 : Switchable between 100 to 120 VAC and 200 to 240 VAC. (DC power cannot be input.) Output current *1. The front-mounting bracket is included as standard with the product. *2. A front-mounting bracket is not included with the product. *3. The range...

Open the catalog to page 10
Switching Power Supplies - 11

Open type Covered Power Supplies Power Supplies Open type Covered Power Supplies Power Supplies Open type Power Supplies Covered Power Supplies Covered Power Supplies Covered Power Supplies Covered Power Supplies(15W to 600W) Configuration Input voltage Power ratings (80 to 370 VDC *3) S8JX-G15005 : Switchable between 100 to 120 VAC and 200 to 240 VAC. (DC power cannot be input.) (80 to 370 VDC *3) S8JX-G15005 : Switchable between 100 to 120 VAC and 200 to 240 VAC. (DC power cannot be input.) Output current Demensions: WxHxD(mm) *1. The front-mounting bracket is included as standard with...

Open the catalog to page 11
Switching Power Supplies - 12

Extended DC input voltage range: 80 to 370 VDC *1 Widely range from 50 W to 600 W (Output Voltage: 5 V to 48 V) Easy mounting: Front-mounting bracket type and DIN Rail-mounting type Open type Covered Open type Covered Power Supplies Power Supplies Power Supplies Power Supplies 50W )W051 ot W05(seilppuS rewoP epyt nepO Input voltage Power ratings 300W Without mounting brackets *2 600W Demensions: WxHxD(mm) Demensions: WxHxD(mm) Power ratings Output current Input voltage Note: For details on normal stock models, contact your nearest OMRON representative. − Sinking Sinking Sourcing Sourcing...

Open the catalog to page 12
Switching Power Supplies - 13

Extended DC input voltage range: 80 to 370 VDC *1 Widely range from 50 W to 600 W (Output Voltage: 5 V to 48 V) Easy mounting: Front-mounting bracket type and DIN Rail-mounting type Open type Covered Open type Covered Power Supplies Power Supplies Power Supplies Power Supplies 50W )W051 ot W05(seilppuS rewoP epyt nepO Input voltage Power ratings 300W Without mounting brackets *2 600W Demensions: WxHxD(mm) Demensions: WxHxD(mm) Power ratings Output current Input voltage Note: For details on normal stock models, contact your nearest OMRON representative. − Sinking Sinking Sourcing Sourcing...

Open the catalog to page 13

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