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Catalog excerpts
![Process Controllers and Remote Terminal Units - 1](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/23141/process-controllers-remote-terminal-units-59000_1m.jpg)
Modular design with optional base sizes > AC, DC or solar powered with battery charging options > Programmable in high level language from PC or notebook > On-line parameter download/upload via program port or network > Range of digital and analog I/O modules (8 and 16 channel) > Choice of RS232/485 links and 3 conet fieldbus networks > CONET LAN: twisted pair, 62,5 kbaud, 10 km, 127 nodesCONET/e LAN:Ethernet 10BaseT (RJ45) 10 Mbaud CONET/m LAN: radio, 1200 baud MSK, 255 nodesCONET/s: RS232/485 with Conet Serial Protocol, 127 nodes RS232/485 gateways for 3rd party device interfacing (e.g. PLCs) > Programmable NIMs (network interface modules) for expansion to other networks or interface to 3rdparty devices Maxiflex is a PLC and programmableRTUsystem designed for industrial data acquisition and control applications, and can be used in manydiverse applications, including front ends forSCADA. It features a strong communicationsinfrastructure with a variety of networks which can be interlinked for an optimum data communicationstrategy. > I/O modules (analogue and digital) The Maxiflex 1000 Se ries Pro gram ma ble RTU is mod u -lar in de sign, com pris ing a num ber of bases (Mas terand Ex pander) into which the var i ous mod ules areplugged.These mod ules con sist of: > Network Interface Modules (NIMs) Programming Tools. Accessories - PC Interfaces, terminators Power Supplies A range of ac ces so ries to as sist in sys tem in te gra tion,test ing and com mis sion ing, will also be come avail ableas the prod uct range de vel ops. A pow er ful net work >
Open the catalog to page 1![Process Controllers and Remote Terminal Units - 2](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/23141/process-controllers-remote-terminal-units-59000_2m.jpg)
com mu ni ca tions in fra struc ture pro vides the end userwith the most flex i ble plant data com mu ni ca tions sys -tem avail able any where. > (See sec tion on CPUs for more in for ma tion) Maxiflex has a pow er ful in te grated lo cal area net work -ing ca pa bil ity us ing Conet, Conet/e, Conet/m Conet/s. It also has a num ber for Pro gram ma ble Se rial ports(RS232 or RS485) which can be used for 3rd party de - vice in ter fac ing. E.g. Modbus. Each CPU has a built-inRS232/485 port configurable as Modbus or Conet/sand an op tional lo cal area net work port. Plug-inRS232/485 ports are...
Open the catalog to page 2![Process Controllers and Remote Terminal Units - 3](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/23141/process-controllers-remote-terminal-units-59000_3m.jpg)
The Maxiflex 1000 Se ries RTU can ac com mo date up to 15 mod ules per CPU (7 I/O Mas ter Base plus 8 I/O Ex -pander Base). Using 16 chan nel mod ules, this gives240 I/O (mixed analogs and/or digi tals). When 32 chan - nel mod ules be come avail able, the I/O count will dou ble to 480. Each sys tem re quires 1 CPU which in ter faces to all 15mod ules in the two bases, stor ing data from these mod -ules in mem ory for ac cess by the rel e vant net work.Any com bi na tion of I/O mod ules, NIMs and Hubs canbe used in any of the I/O slots. The CPU rec og nizesthese in tel li gently and ad...
Open the catalog to page 3![Process Controllers and Remote Terminal Units - 4](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/23141/process-controllers-remote-terminal-units-59000_4m.jpg)
M1001A2 I/O Mas ter BaseNot Ex pand able4 Mod ules wide (1PSU, 1CPU, 2I/O Slots)M1021A3 I/O Mas ter BaseEx pand able to slave base5 Mod ules wide (1PSU, 1CPU, 3I/O Slots)M1022A7 I/O Mas ter BaseEx pand able to slave base9 Mod ules wide (1PSU, 1CPU, 7I/O Slots)M1031A5 I/O Ex pander Base Ex tra PSU re quired*5 Mod ules wide (5I/O Slots) *A power sup ply is re quired on the ex pander base to powerthe I/O mod ules fit ted to the ex pander base. M1032A8 I/O Ex pander BaseEx tra PSU re quired*9 Mod ules wide (1PSU, 8I/O Slots)* A power sup ply is re quired on the ex pander base to powerthe I/O...
Open the catalog to page 4![Process Controllers and Remote Terminal Units - 6](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/23141/process-controllers-remote-terminal-units-59000_6m.jpg)
M1321AMX 8DI C 8 Con tact in puts. (Po ten tial free)Iso la tion : 1500 Vrms In put to Logic: 1500 Vrms be tween In putsWetting Po ten tial : <4.5 V load de pend entSense Cur rent : <0.5 mA load de pend antClosed Re sis tance: <2 k Ω Open Re sis tance : >20 k Ω In put Volt age : 4.5 Vdc min.to 200 Vdc max.In put Re sponse : 15 ms to reg is ter changeM1322AM1323AMX 16DI-24MX 16DI-4816 Con tact in puts (Po ten tial free or wet ted): Sin gle Com mon in putWetted In puts : 9 to 30 Vdc In puts Iso la tion (Opto): 1500 Vrms In put to LogicOff Volt age: <4,5 VOff Cur rent: <0,3 mAOn Volt age >...
Open the catalog to page 6![Process Controllers and Remote Terminal Units - 7](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/23141/process-controllers-remote-terminal-units-59000_7m.jpg)
M1403AMX 16AI 16 Chan nel An a log in puts. In puts : 0-20 mA*, 4-20 mA*, 0-5 V, : 1-5 V, 0-10 V, 2-10 V, 0-1 V, 0,2-1 V > * Cur rent In puts can have the 50 Ω 0.1% con di tion ing re sis tor fit ted ei ther in ter nally orex ter nally In puts have a shared com monIn puts ranges are DIP switch selectableAc cu racy : 0,25% of FSR max.Lin ear ity : 0,1% of FSR typ i cal. Res o lu tion : 12 bitsRe sponse Time : 320 ms max. 10-90% stepDrift: 100 ppm/C typ i calIso la tion : 2500 Vrms In put to LogicM1431A8VC iso8 Ch independantly iso lated in putsAc cu racy : 0,04% of FSR max(mV).Lin ear ity :...
Open the catalog to page 7![Process Controllers and Remote Terminal Units - 8](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/23141/process-controllers-remote-terminal-units-59000_8m.jpg)
M1701ADMDummy ModuleM1711A4 HSC4 Ch High Speed Coun ter Mod ule. : Up to 50kHzM1712A8 HSC8 Ch Coun ter Mod ule. : CH 1-7 1kHz CH 8 Up to 10kHzM1751AMEMMem ory Mod ule fit ted with 256k Static RAM. EXP TO 1MEGM1752AMEM EXPMem ory Up grade Kit -256k Static RAM BLOCKS. SPE CIAL FUNC TION MOD ULESThe Dummy Mod ule is used to fill blank spaces on bases for asthetics and lon ger term pro tec tion of the bases spare slot po si tions. HIGH SPEED COUN TERSThe coun ter mod ules come in two forms. The first be ing a 4 chan nelhigh speed coun ter for in puts up to 50kHz. The sec ond is an 8 chan -nel...
Open the catalog to page 8![Process Controllers and Remote Terminal Units - 9](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/23141/process-controllers-remote-terminal-units-59000_9m.jpg)
M1585AMXSerial NIMPro gram ma ble Se rial Network inteface moduleSe rial port : RS232/RS485Protocols:Modbus Master/Slave and CustomM1586AMXConet NIMPro gram ma ble Conet NIMNetworkport:Conet twisted pair industrial LANIso la tion: 1500 Vac rmsM1589AMXDual HART NIM Programmable dual HART Network InterfaceHART interface ports: Secondary masterIso la tion: 1500 Vac rmsM1591AMXEthernet NIMProgrammable Ethernet network interfaceIso la tion: 600 Vac rmsM1584AMX Conet/m NIM Programmable Conet/m Radio network interfaceRadio Network:Full peer-to-peer network NET WORK IN TER FACE MOD ULESNet work In...
Open the catalog to page 9![Process Controllers and Remote Terminal Units - 10](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/23141/process-controllers-remote-terminal-units-59000_10m.jpg)
M1811AMX Extention ca bleLength: 500 mm For ex pan sion to ex pander basesM1701AMX Dummy Mod uleNo PCB and No screen ingUsed for aes thetic blancking of spare base po si tions AC CES SORIESA num ber of ac ces so ries are avail able which fa cil i tate the com plete sys tem im ple men ta tion. The C7011A is a BNC T-piece and a ter mi -na tion cap(C7010) with a built in 93 ohm re sis tor and must be used at the end of ev ery co-axial Conet/+ link on a BUS hub (not on STAR hub). The C7011A T-piece is used to make through con nec tions on the M1601B BUS hub. The M1701A Dummy Mod ule is used for...
Open the catalog to page 10All Omniflex catalogs and technical brochures
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CONET Local Area Network
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Model M1267B CPU P3e-R
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Model M1265A CPU A3e
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2 Pages
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Model M1711A HSC
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Model M1322A 16DI-24
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Model M1323A 16DI-48
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Model M1326A 32DI-24
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Model M1327A 64DI-24
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Model M1341B 16DO
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Model M1330A 8DI8RO
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Model M1342A 32DO
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Model M1372A 8RO
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15 Pages
Model C2321A Teleterm M2S
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Model C2330B-11-0
6 Pages
Model C2330B-12-0
6 Pages
Model M1403A 16AI
2 Pages
Model M1412A 8AO
2 Pages
Model M1431B 8 VC ISO
2 Pages
Model M1432C 8 TC/mV ISO
3 Pages
Model M1433B 6 RTD ISO
2 Pages
Model C2360C-0-0 Teleterm M2
6 Pages
Model C2360B-0-0 Teleterm M2
8 Pages
4 Pages
C118xB series
4 Pages
Model M1589D HART NIM
3 Pages
Model M1580A Dual Serial NIM
2 Pages
Model M1240B CPU T2
6 Pages
Model MT8150x OIT 15 Inch
2 Pages
Model MT8121x OIT 12.1 Inch
2 Pages
Model MT8070iH OIT 7 Inch
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Model MT8100i OIT 10 Inch
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Model M1022B BASE
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6 Pages
6 Pages
Model C2166A PT-2000 24Vdc
3 Pages
Model MT8104xh OIT 10.4 Inch
2 Pages
Model M1102A PSU
2 Pages
Model MT6070ih OIT 7 Inch
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Model MT6050i OIT 4.3 Inch
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Model M1023B BASE
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12 Pages
Model M1021B BASE
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Model C2462A OT LPD
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Next Generation Signal Conditioners
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Industry Standard Alarm Annunciators
10 Pages