

Catalog excerpts

K2 - 1

The K2 machine pits the peaches leaving the pit whole. The small size and excellent performance are particularly suitable for the 4* Range products and small productions. The machine structure and Carters are in stainless steel (Aisi 304) for better solidity, helping to keep the machine free from corrosion and making cleaning operations easier. All parts in touch with the fruit are Stainless Steel and alimentary plastic. All components are easily interchangeable as they are series made on NC-machine. The machine is also equipped of: • Pneumatic stoning system; • Electronic system for heads motion; • Indexer conveyor motion; • Plates in alimentary plastic and Cups in stainless steel for hygienic and alimentary purposes. Optional: • Pre-cutting station device; • Feeder with Automatic Orienting System; • Stone separation system (vibrator) with cup-down included. Technical Characteristics Production: 50 fruits per minute Op. power: 1 Kw. Water consumption: 10 It/min. Compressed air necessary: 6 Bar Consumption: 80 It/min. a 6 Bar The Machine is in conformity with the EEC 89/392 Directive. Dimensioni Lunghezza 2.200 mm. (senza vibratore separanoccioli) Larghezza 900 mm. Altezza 2.000 mm. Altezza carico 100 mm. Altezza scarico 51 mm. Dimensions Length: 2.200 mm. (without vibrator) Width: 900 mm. Height: 2.000 mm. Feed Height: 100 mm. Discharge Height: 51 mm. Dimensiones Largo: 2.200 mm. (sin vibrador separahueso) Ancho: 900 mm. Altura: 2.000 mm. Altura de carga: 100 mm. Altura de descarga: 51 mm. O.M.I.P. SRL Via Ponte, 21 - 84086 Roccapiemonte (SA) ITALIA Ph.: +39-081/931835 - 931050 Fax: +39-081/932144 www.omip.net e-mail: omip@omip.net Denocciolatrice per pesche K2 Peach Pitter Machine K2 Deshuesadora para Melocoton K2 The New Frontier of Stoning Machine for the 4th Range Products Macchine per I'industria alimentare Food Processing Machinery Maquinas para la industria de alimentacidn

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K2 - 2

La Denocciolatrice K2 denocciola le pesche lasciando il nocciolo intero. Le ridotte dimensioni e le ottime prestazioni sono particolarmente indicate per il settore della 4a Gamma e le piccole produzioni. La struttura e i carter sono completamente in Acciaio inox Aisi 304. Cio conferisce alia macchina una maggiore solidita, prevenendo la corrosione e facilitando le operazioni di pulizia. Tutte le parti in contatto con il frutto sono in acciaio inox e in plastica alimentare. Tutti i component sono facilmente intercambiabili in quanto costruiti in serie su macchine a controllo numerico....

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All O.M.I.P. Food Processing Machinery catalogs and technical brochures

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