Omega TMM 2023 CATALOG


Catalog excerpts

Omega TMM 2023 CATALOG - 1


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Omega TMM 2023 CATALOG - 2

LASER FOCUSED ON CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE We are Omega TMM, the final word in tool presetting, inspection, and tool management solutions where our passion is your production. Our machines and solutions are proudly designed, manufactured, and assembled in the USA, and are the most accurate, reliable, and repeatable measuring machines for shop floor management on the market. Customer Focused Certified Trustwort

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The Omega TMM™ “customer-centric” mentality is where it all begins, from research and development to design, from manufacturing to after-sales service, everything we do is laser-focused on creating an outstanding customer experience. Privately Owned Award Winning Live Sales & Serv

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WORLD 02  | TO O L M E AS U R IN G & M A NAGEM ENT 14  | OU R AM E R IC AN E XPER I ENC E 16  | T EC H N O LO GY & INNOVAT I ON 22  | PR E S E T TE R S 52  | S P EC IALT Y M AC H I NES 64  | TO O L IN S P EC T IO N M AC HI NES 70  | S OLU T IO N S 74  | S OF T WAR E 84   | ACC E S S O R IE S 86  | PART N E R S H IP S 88  | A BO U T

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CLASS C O N TA C T O M E G A T M M Toll-Free: 1-844-396-5537 Sales: Service: Address: 101 Perinton Parkway Fairport, NY 14450

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W E A R E YO U R TOTA L S O L U T I O N Highly Innovative Customer-Driven Made in the USA Privately Owned Since 1948 Top Workplace Employer Worldwide Exporter ISO Certified We are Omega TMM, the final word in tool presetting, inspection and tool management solutions where our passion is your production. Our machines and solutions are proudly designed, manufactured, and assembled in the USA and are the most accurate, reliable, and repeatable measuring machines for shop floor management on the market. The Omega TMM “customer-centric” mentality is where it all begins, from research and...

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G R E AT P E O P L E The most experienced employees in the industry. We invest in our people – our team goes through extensive training to understand your business. Our service people and staff are all located in North America. From the time you first meet with us, we are there to serve you for a lifetime relationship. D E D I C AT E D P R O C E S S We believe in improving the process. From our Big Q meetings to daily 903 meetings – yes, we have a daily meeting to talk about YOU and how we can do it better. Our goal is for you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase. We are committed to you...

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04 | Tool Measuring & Management

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LEARN MORE ABOUT US 1 | MADE IN THE USA Omega TMM, an American company, is the leading supplier of shop floor solutions. As a global exporter, we play a pivotal role as the only “Made in the USA” company able to provide a complete end to end solution worldwide. Directly servicing Asia and Europe, with partners to operate in other select parts of the world. We have a wholly owned subsidiary in Nanjing, China serving Asia where we export our proudly “Made in the USA” Machines. Ready to partner with us. 2 | F O R WA R D T H I N K I N G Industry 4.0 is optimizing workflows by bringing...

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A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO Thank you for taking a few moments to get to know Omega TMM and what we can do to help you grow your business and drive efficiencies. Our industry is constantly evolving and so are we. You may have known us for Parlec™ Presetters or Omega Tool Measuring Machines. As our official name has evolved, our commitment to you has remained the same: to deliver tool measuring and management solutions with the quality and measuring accuracy you expect from a US Manufacturer. We are ready to serve you with all your tool measuring and management solutions now. Whether you are a...

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MIKE NUCCITELLI PRESIDENT + CEO Tool Measuring & Management | 07

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U N D E R S TA N D I N G PRESETTING Presetting is simply measuring a cutting tool assembly before using it in a machine center. Machine Centers can measure tools inside the machine itself, but the opportunity cost is that they cannot measure tools and cut parts at the same time. Presetting allows the end-user to measure these tools outside of the Machine Center and cut chips at the same time, which reduces spindle down time through faster changeovers, while increasing the number of machined parts produced. 08 | Tool Measuring & Management

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Who is presetting valuable for? Anyone using CNC machine centers would benefit from presetting their tooling. From small job shops to facilities with millions of square feet on the manufacturing floor, less spindle downtime results in a higher production capacity and more finished parts being shipped out the door. Why do I need a presetter? I can just touch off my tools in my machine. You can touch off tools in your machine, but is that the best use of your machining center? Wouldn’t you rather have your machining center making chips and making you money? Our tool presetters allow you to...

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VA L U E & BENEFITS OF PRESETTING 10 | Tool Measuring & Management

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Measure tooling while your Machine Center is still cutting chips. Reduce spindle down-time = make more parts. Machine operators can manage multiple machine centers due to faster change overs. Measuring tools offline for back up tooling and replacing tooling with minimal down-time. Qualify tooling before you put it into your machine tool – profile, geometry, etc. Check for runout, chips, and fractures in tooling before cutting with them. Accurate micron-measurements for precision machining. Ensuring the correct tooling makes its way into a machine center means fewer broken parts due to an...

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THE HUB OF I N N O V AT I O N The hub of innovation is an abstract term applied to what previously was known as a “tool presetter”. No longer is it a machine to just set tools offline, it is now the “hub” that can manage your entire shop floor. Using an ala carte configuration you can manage stock locations, tooling offsets, assembly and individual component databases, procurement, and more all from one centralized interconnected database. 12 | Tool Measuring & Manag

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All Omega TMM catalogs and technical brochures

  1. 2022 CATALOG

    104 Pages