MEDICAL Compressed Air and gas treatment
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Catalog excerpts

MEDICAL Compressed Air and gas treatment - 1

OMEGA AIR: AIR AND GAS - MEDICAL Air and Gas treatment Oxygen treatment products Low pressure O2 High pressure O2 MAX PRESS: Dental compressed air treatment Oxygen line STANDARD CONTAINER COMPRESSED AIR STATIONS Operating press.: up to 13 barg PDP: +3°C / -40°C (lower on request) Capacity: Up to 35 m3/min (higher on request) CUSTOM MADE CONTAINER NITROGEN AND OXYGEN STATIONS Operating press.: PDP: Capacity: on request on request on request DENTAL COMPRESSED AIR LINE 1 Vacuum pump 2 M-VAC - medical vacuum filter 3 MTP - vacuum vessel Screw compressor with refrigerated dryer and pressure vessel MA-DRY - Medical adsorption compressed air dryer MAF - Medical prefilter MAF - Medical afterfilter OXYGEN LINE PROD. YEAR: MEDICAL VACUUM LINE OMEGA AIR: AIR AND GAS - MEDICAL Air and Gas treatment O2 high pressure compressor Decentralized medical compressed air system OG - oxygen generator AF - afterfilter High pressure compressor TP - pressure vessel SF - sterile filter Oxygen storage Dental units O2 high pressure receiver RAB 61 RAB C°56 3102 :SSERP XAM :PMET XAM :RAEY .DORP AIR SKID, GAS SKID N2, GAS SKID O2, MEDI SKID Compact PSA oxygen generators Compact PSA oxygen generators Stationary compressed air stations Sterilization MOBILE STEAM STERILIZER Operating press.: PDP: O2 capacity: N2 purity: Operating press.: PDP: O2 capacity: N2 purity: SYSTEM OUTPUT operating pressure Sterilized filter Sterile compressed air line Purified and treated compressed air OMEGA AIR quality management system is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and EN ISO 13485:2016. HEATING VALVE up to 95% Other technical specifications are project based and provided on request. operating temperature - feed air purity rates O2 purity: 93 % (up to 95 % available) Capacity: up to 44 Nm3/h (higher on request) Certification: ISO13485, MDD/MDR (optional) VACUUM PUMP Field of use Healthcare, veterinary medicine Cesta Dolomitskega odreda 10 SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia MEDICAL Compressed Air and Gas treatment Power consumption: 1,7 kW Sterilization temp: 100-135 °C Sterilization time: up to 90 min

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MEDICAL Compressed Air and gas treatment - 2

OMEGA AIR: AIR AND GAS - MEDICAL Air and Gas treatment Medical compressors and medical compressed air treatment products PRESSURE RANGES 16 bar 50 bar 100 bar 250 bar 420 bar FILTER TYPES Prefilters Microfilters Activated carbon filters Process filters Sterile filters MEDIUM Compressed air N2 O2 CO2 vacuum, He Compressed air for industrial applications 19 Quality class (ISO 8573-1) • solids: 6 • oils: Material: acrylic fibres, cellulose PROD. YEAR: PROD. YEAR: Quality class (ISO 8573-1) • solids: 2 • oils: 2 Material: borosilicate micro fibres Quality class (ISO 8573-1) • solids: 1 • oils:...

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