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Catalog excerpts

Intelli-CAM - 1

OMAX Intelli-CAM Intelli-CAM is a highly advanced computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software tool available for free to OMAX machine owners that can generate 2D and 3D tool paths from 3D models. Simply import a 3D file in one of the many supported file types and the 3D object appears in an interactive window. Generating a 2D profile from any face or slice is just a click away. 3D pathing is just as easy, with the AutoPath function creating the tool path and applying the required attributes for 3D cutting before exporting straight to Intelli-MAX® MAKE. FEATURES & BENEFITS •   Can run as a standalone application, or integrated into many popular 3D CAD systems, including SolidWorks®, AutoDesk® Inventor®, and Rhinoeceros® 3D •    upports a wide range of neutral and native 3D file formats, S including CATIA, SolidWorks, ACIS, Inventor, Step, Siemens® NX, Pro/E®, Creo®, IGES, Solid Edge, VDA-FS, Parasolid®, 3D DXF and DWG, and more •    ingle click export to an OMAX CAD file or open direct into S OMAX Intelli-MAX LAYOUT or MAKE •    vailable free to existing original OMAX customers A The OMAX Technology Guarantee entitles you, as the original owner, to free OMAX software upgrades for the life of the machine. •    asily create 3D OMAX tool paths from solid models E •    asy and powerful 3D to 2D conversion tools E •   ntegrate into existing workflow to shorten production time I •    utomatically recognizes viable cutting surfaces from 3D shapes, A including variable bevels and tilted cones •    asily control cutting path options such as c

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Intelli-CAM - 2

OMAX Layout | C:\Users\Public\OMAX_Corporation\AIIUserData\Paths\OMAX_Exported_SW_Temp.dxf 2D PROFILE EXPORT The Intelli-CAM 2D Path Export system is a simple yet powerful system that generates OMAX-ready machine cut geometry with the click of a button. Once the 3D file is imported, the desired profile can be extracted with a slice plane or by selecting a face or projecting a shadow. Intuitive navigation tools make it easy to position and orient the slice, including rotations about all axes. BEST APPLICATIONS • Cut precision gaskets straight from a 3D assembly drawing • Create 2D profiles...

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Intelli-CAM - 3

With the 3D Pather tool, a multi-axis, machine-ready OMAX tool path is generated from a complex 3D shape. The complexity of cutting 3D parts is simplified, significantly reducing production times by eliminating the need to manually add 3D attributes to a 2D file. BEST APPLICATIONS • Use existing 3D files to quickly generate OMAX tool paths without investing hours in programming • I nterface easily with your favorite CAD program, such as SolidWorks, Inventor, or Rhinoceros 3D, to streamline production and provide CAD functionality FEATURE LIST Distance from "User Home’ • Automatically...

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Intelli-CAM - 4

ATTACH TO POPULAR CAD SYSTEMS Import a solid model file Convert by slice or face Open in LAYOUT or other CAD 3D PATHING WITH ADVANCED FEATURE RECOGNITION Part with a countersunk hole, a circular to square hole, and several holes tilted at angles. All of these advanced features are recognized and pathed with a single click. ABRASIVE WATERJET vs. OTHER METHODS WWW.OMAX.COM/COMPARE Specifications subject to change without notice. 600092C © OMAX Corporation October 2014 Tilt angles are automatically configured in the cutting path export. OMAX CORPORATION 21409 72nd Avenue South Kent, WA 98032...

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All OMAX catalogs and technical brochures

  1. ProtoMAX®

    2 Pages

  2. Mobile JMC

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  3. OMAX 55100

    2 Pages

  4. MAXIEM Pump

    2 Pages

  5. 600098b_wrs

    2 Pages

  6. MAXIEM 2060

    2 Pages

  7. MAXIEM 2080

    2 Pages

  8. MAXIEM 3060

    2 Pages

  9. VS-SRS

    2 Pages

  10. OMAX A-Jet

    2 Pages


    2 Pages

  12. 160X Series

    2 Pages

  13. 80X Series

    2 Pages

  14. OMAX Drill

    1 Pages

  15. Tilt-A-Jet®

    1 Pages

Archived catalogs