Group: Freudenberg
Catalog excerpts

examples of use for wind energy plants I n n o v a ti v e p r o d u c t s f o r produ c tion a n d ma in t e nance t e chno l o g y Speciality Lubricants Maintenance Products
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3 0 YEARS OF TRI BOLOGI CAL E X PERTI SE OKS – your professional partner for chemotechnical special products The OKS brand stands for high-performance prod- A company of the Freudenberg Group ucts for reducing friction, wear and corrosion. Our Since 2003 OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH has products are used in all the areas of production been part of the international Freudenberg Group, and maintenance technology in which the perform- with headquarters in Weinheim, Germany. ance limits of classic lubricants are exceeded. We utilize the comprehensive know-how and the innovative power of the...
Open the catalog to page 2
Use of lubricants during the manufacturing and maintenance of wind energy plants Growth technology wind energy Our solutions for your applications Wind energy has been growing steadily for years. The high manufacturing and in particular main- For example the worldwide installed capacity of tenance quality at wind energy plants places wind energy plants grew from 2.5 GW to more specific requirements to the lubricants and than 120 GW between 1992 and 2008. This corre- chemotechnical maintenance products used. sponds to an average annual growth rate of 25 %. Reliability, cost effectiveness,...
Open the catalog to page 3
Over 150 high-performance products from one supplier Pastes for easy assembly and dismantling Oils with high-performance additives for reliable lubrication Greases for long-term lubrication under critical operation conditions Dry lubricants – the alternative for special application cases Corrosion protection for reliable preservation during storage and shipping Maintenance products for ongoing service Cleaners for thorough removal of soiling and lubricant residues info@oks-germany.com www.oks-germany.com Cons u ltin g a n d s a le s The information in this publication reflects...
Open the catalog to page 4
EXAMPLE OF USE – WIND ENERGY PLANTS Bonded coating priming of crown gears of the yaw drive MoS2-Bonded Coating, fast-drying Dry Lubricants Advantages and benefits ighly effective due to good adhesion H to prepared substrates onsistent coefficient of sliding C friction under heavy loading of sliding film ncreased wear protection of sliding I points that can otherwise not be lubricated Radiation and vacuum-resistant One of the most important lubricating points of a wind energy plant is the yaw drive that is used to align the nacelle to the wind direction. The large slewing...
Open the catalog to page 5
EXAMPLE OF USE – WIND ENERGY PLANT Lubrication of crown gears of the yaw drive Adhesive Lubricant Greases Advantages and benefits ighly effective due to good adhesion H properties and surface covering ncreased operational reliability of I moving parts due to run-in-supporting formation of sliding film pecial formulation for establishing S wear- and run-in-protecting basic lubricating films before further lubrication in the system The open pinion gears at the wind energy plant are particularly endangered before the initial usage. Insufficient lubrication can result in initial damage...
Open the catalog to page 6
EXAMPLE OF USE - WIND ENERGY PLANT 400 Mounting of wind energy plants MoS2-Multipurpose High-Performance Grease Advantages and benefits ■ Eminently suitable for highly stressed lubrication points ■ Highly effective due to dual lubrication effect ■ Economical due to possible reduction in frequency of lubrication ■ Saving of maintenance and lubricant costs by reducing downtimes and corrective maintenance due to wear Solid lubricants are substances that, due to their structure and their chemical/physical properties, form closed sliding and parting films on metal surfaces. These films are...
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EXAMPLE OF USE – WIND ENERGY PLANT Cleaning of rotor blades BIOlogic Industrial Cleaner, water-based concentrate Advantages and benefits Maintenance Products Foto: Thorben Wengert/pixelio.de Despite state-of the art monitoring electronics a wind energy plant has to be maintained regularly, usually every 4 or 5 years. In order to inspect the plant the wind turbine is turned windward, stopped and the rotor locked to position. To check the rotor blades service engineers check the surface of each blade centimetre by centimetre. The rotor blades are examined for cracks, soiling and the state of...
Open the catalog to page 8All OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
24 Pages
OKS General Catalog
56 Pages
OKS 2670
2 Pages
OKS 2681
2 Pages
OKS 2611
2 Pages
OKS 2200
2 Pages
OKS 601
2 Pages
OKS 481
2 Pages
OKS 471
2 Pages
OKS 479
2 Pages
OKS 451
2 Pages
OKS 480
2 Pages
OKS Airspray System
6 Pages
2 Pages
Folder Chronolube
6 Pages
OKS chain lubrication
6 Pages
Rolling bearing lubrication
6 Pages
OKS 2631
2 Pages
OKS 3570
2 Pages
OKS 3710
2 Pages
OKS Image Brochure
8 Pages