Catalog excerpts
U)C I T I cxona nom* I «xxit j CUun | *r*nt «kxi 1 Feedbtch J Loctn | Unto 1 tonuct BECOME A UVlGRAPHER AN EXPERT IN UV INSPECTION UViGraphers are skilied corona-camera users, involved wth prdictive maintenance tasks. provide meanlngful reports, and make comptent use of their elaborated costry equipment. Next Class: 13-15 March Baltimore M Become a UViGrapher an Expert in UV nspection B e n e f i t s Leam from the premier UV inspection and application resources Become a qualified certified UV inspectors UViGrapher Get practical and theoretical training on using UV inspection for pr驩dictive maintenance including: real data acquisition, interprtation, analysis, report and dcision making Make the most of your existing equipment Let go of "trial and error" 驩ducation and decrease maintenance costs Prpare skilied satisfied personnel Tune up with the latest technological innovations Sponsored by Ofil Ltd., the manufacturer of DayCor* corona camras UViGraphers are skilied corona-camera users, involved with pr驩dictive maintenance tasks, provide meaningful reports, and make comptent use of their elaborated costly equipment. Qualitied UViGraphers are valuable both to utilities that practice already UV inspection and to companies that consider adopting this technology because of their awareness and alert to hidden fatal signais. The corona inspection institute QTI 闗 is the only training center that encompasses ail corona inspection aspects, Sponsored by Oil, the manufacturer of DayCor* - the original daytime corona camras, CITI qualifies UViGraphers and provides them with acknowledged industry certificates, Curriculurn UV technology theory UV technology implementation Corona ond arcing ח the effects that affect How, where and wnen to do UV inspections Understand what you see Exprience the full cycle: inspect, detect, report Integrating UV and other inspection technologies How to use the DayCor® corona camra Software training 驗 database oprations and report gn驩ration Safety Final exam Who Should Attend? ♦ Ail levels Inspectors ♦ PdM Managers ♦ Maintenance Techniciens ♦ Maintenance Engineers ♦ DayCor® or other corona camra owners Duration, Location Calendar ♦ Three full days ♦ On-site courses to groups of at least 10 students scheduled to fit ♦ Ofil's classroom classes of up to 25 students Certificate Successful course completion provides an officiai UViGrapher certifications by CITI, acknowledged by Ofil Ltd. Tuition A registration fee of $1,650 USD includes course instruction, course mat闩riels, and lunch each day.
Open the catalog to page 1All OFIL Systems catalogs and technical brochures
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