A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors QL-HQL-HQLa
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A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors QL-HQL-HQLa - 1

HQL - HQLa Sincrovert > A.C. 3-phase Inverter Duty Motors Motori A.C. 3-fase per Inverter A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors Frequenzumrichter Drehstrommotor > OEMER SpA - Via Legnano, 41 - 20027 Rescaldina (Milano) - ITALY B1 Tel. +39 0331 576063 - Fax +39 0331 464500 - http://www.oemerspa.com - info@oemerspa.com HQL 12/2005-1.0 size="-5">

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A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors QL-HQL-HQLa - 2

Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, ohne Vorankμndigung, die Daten, technische Merkmale, Abmessungen, Gewichte und Abbildungen dieses Kataloges abzundern. I dati, le prestazioni e le dimensioni dingombro sono indicativi e sono soggetti a variazioni e/o modifiche senza preavviso. Any use of the motor differently from the specifications indicated in this catalogue does not involve any liability for us as manufacturer. We reserve the right to modify at any time and without notice the data, the technical characteristics, the dimensions, the weights and the illustrations. Jegliche Vervielf䒤ltigung...

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A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors QL-HQL-HQLa - 3

DATI GENERALI GENERAL DATA ALLGEMEINE DATEN Forma costruttiva Mounting Bauformen Size 100, 132, 160 IM 2001 (B35) Size 180, 225, 280, 355 IM 1001 (B3) Protezione motore Motor Protection Schutzart type QL / HQL -IP 54 (IP 55 ) > 2) type QLa / HQLa -IP 23S Equilibratura Balancing Schwinggμte grado R R degree ֖ grad R Isolamento Insulation Isolation classe F F class ֖ F Klasse Protezione termica Thermal Protection Thermikschutz PTO (Klixon) PTC > 2) - KTY > 2) ֖ PT100 > 2) Rumore L > W Noise L > W Geruschpegel L > W L > W < 85 dB (A) Raffreddamento Cooling System Khlung type HQL -IC 416 type...

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A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors QL-HQL-HQLa - 4


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A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors QL-HQL-HQLa - 5


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A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors QL-HQL-HQLa - 6

DATI ELETTRICI E PRESTAZIONI ELECTRICAL DATA AND PERFORMANCES ELEKTRISCHE DATEN UND LEISTUNGEN n > n DATI ELETTRICI E PRESTAZIONI ELECTRICAL DATA AND PERFORMANCES ELEKTRISCHE DATEN UND LEISTUNGEN n > n rpm f > 1) n 25 Hz f > n 37,5 Hz f > n 50 Hz f > n 62.,5 Hz f > n 75 Hz f > n 90 Hz Motor P > n Kw A > (690V) P > n Kw A > (690V) P > n Kw A > (690V) P > n Kw A > (690V) P > n Kw A > (690V) P > n Kw A > (690V) n > max 6) M > max J W Type M > n Nm % M > n Nm % M > n Nm % M > n Nm % M > n Nm % M > n Nm % Rpm Nm Kgm > 2 Kg HQLa253 284 373 392 492 502 603 615 701 715 806 822 355S 4841 87,9 4747...

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A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors QL-HQL-HQLa - 7

LEGENDA DELLE TABELLE KEY-WORDS KURZZEICHEN DATI ELETTRICI E PRESTAZIONI ELECTRICAL DATA AND PERFORMANCES ELEKTRISCHE DATEN UND LEISTUNGEN n > n rpm f > n 19.3 Hz f > n 33.3 Hz f > n 50 Hz f > n 60 Hz f > n 73.3 Hz f > n 86.6 Hz Motor P > n Kw A > (400V) P > n Kw A > (400V) P > n Kw A > (400V) P > n Kw A > (400V) P > n Kw A > (400V) P > n Kw A > (400V) n > max M > max J W Type M > n Nm % M > n Nm % M > n Nm % M > n Nm % M > n Nm % M > n Nm % Rpm Nm Kgm > 2 Kg n > n VelocitΠ di rotazione nominale Nominal speed Nenn Drehzahl n > 1 Velocit di rotazione massima a potenza costante (P > n )...

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A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors QL-HQL-HQLa - 8

DIMENSIONI DI INGOMBRO - OVERALL DIMENSIONS - ABMESSUNGEN > Dimensions [mm] Size B BD D E F GA L L1 M N P S T W Z 100S 160 485 88 > j6 60 8 31 525 128 M10 100M 200 33 28 > 3) 120 100L 250 590 173 > 4) 215 (265) > 2) 180 (230) > 2) 250 (300) > 2) 14.5 4 258 M12 100P 285 625 208 > k6 80 10 41 675 80 100X 335 28 38 Note: > 1) 2) Per motori con freno aggiungere la quota L1 - For motors with brake add L1 quote - Bei Bremsmotoren Wert L1 hinzufμgen. > 3) Opzione disponibile a richiesta Option a vailable on request ֖ Verfgbares Sonderzubehr > 4) Freno tipo R 춖 Brake type R Bremse typ R Freno tipo...

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A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors QL-HQL-HQLa - 9

DIMENSIONI DI INGOMBRO - OVERALL DIMENSIONS - ABMESSUNGEN > Dimensions [mm] DIMENSIONI DI INGOMBRO - OVERALL DIMENSIONS - ABMESSUNGEN > Dimensions [mm] Size B D E F GA L=LR L1 LR1 M N P S W Z 132S 250 690 205 132M 280 730 245 > k6 4) 132L 315 765 280 (38 > 3) 300 (265) > k6 ) > 2) 110 (80) > 2) 12 (10) > 2) 45 (41) > 2) 855 115 50 > 5) 2) 250 (230) > 2) 350 (300) > 2) 18.5 (14.5) > 2) 370 M 16 132P 355 795 310 132X 400 42 Note: > 1) Per motori HQL con freno aggiungere la quota L1 Ζ For HQL motors with brake add L1 quote - Bei HQL Bremsmotoren Wert L1 hinzufgen. Per motori HQLa con freno...

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A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors QL-HQL-HQLa - 10

DIMENSIONI DI INGOMBRO - OVERALL DIMENSIONS - ABMESSUNGEN > Dimensions [mm] DIMENSIONI DI INGOMBRO - OVERALL DIMENSIONS - ABMESSUNGEN > Dimensions [mm] Size B D E F GA L=LR L1 LR1 M N P S W Z 160S 355 845 326 160M 400 880 361 > m6 3) 20 > 4) 350 (300) 160L 450 930 411 (48 > k6 ) > 2) 110 16 (14) > 2) 59 (51.5) > 2) 975 90 > 2) 300 (250) > 2) 400 (350) > 2) 18.5 456 M 20 160P 500 55 Note: > 1) Per motori HQL con freno aggiungere la quota L1 Ζ For HQL motors with brake add L1 quote - Bei HQL Bremsmotoren Wert L1 hinzufgen. Per motori HQLa con freno aggiungere la quota LR1 > 2) For HQLa motors...

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A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors QL-HQL-HQLa - 11

3) DIMENSIONI DI INGOMBRO - OVERALL DIMENSIONS - ABMESSUNGEN > Dimensions [mm] DIMENSIONI DI INGOMBRO - OVERALL DIMENSIONS - ABMESSUNGEN > Dimensions [mm] Size B B1 D E F GA L LR L1 W Z 180S 400 430 60 > m6 64 1020 1010 282 180M 520 550 1140 1130 402 > 2) m6 472 M 20 180L 590 620 65 140 18 69 1210 1200 200 Note: IM 1001 (B3) Standard IM 2001 (B35) Opzione disponibile a richiesta Ζ Option a vailable on request Verfּgbares Sonderzubehr Motori HQL forniti senza filtro aria > 1) HQL motors supplied without air filter - Die Motoren HQL werden ohne Luftfilter geliefert. > 2) Per motori HQL-HQLa...

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A.C. 3-phase Inverter duty motors QL-HQL-HQLa - 12

DIMENSIONI DI INGOMBRO - OVERALL DIMENSIONS - ABMESSUNGEN > Dimensions [mm] Size B D E F GA L L1 W Z 225S 555 1220 (1250) > 2) 362 > m6 225M 615 1280 (1310) > 2) 422 (85 > m6 ) > 2) 140 (170) > 2) 20 (22) > 2) 79.5 (90) > 2) 1340 (1370) 225L 675 75 > 2) 482 225P 803 1500 610 > m6 170 22 90 1620 - - 730 M 20 225X 923 85 Note: IM 1001 (B3) Standard IM 2001 (B35) Opzione disponibile a richiesta Ζ Option a vailable on request Verfּgbares Sonderzubehr Motori HQL forniti senza filtro aria > 1) HQL motors supplied without air filter - Die Motoren HQL werden ohne Luftfilter geliefert. > 2) Per...

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