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RTM - 1

RTM ‐ Round Table Measurement with autocollimators and polygon morrors RTM is a Software for measurement of positioning uncertainty and positioning accuracy of round (indexing‐) tables according the guidelines of VDI/DGQ 3441, VDI 2617, ISO 230‐2. The software works in connection with electronic autocollimators and polygon mirrors as angle reference The software RTM serves for the measurement of positioning errors of round tables according VDI/DGQ 3441, VDI 2617, ISO 230‐2 in connection with electronic autocollimators and an angle reference master (like polygon mirror). RTM was developed to meet the needs in machine building industry and is a proven standard software, used in many facilities worldwide. In connection with the electronic autocollimator of the ELCOMAT series a measuring accuracy in the sub‐arcsec‐range can achieved. RTM ‐ Features The Software RTM was developed according the recommendations of VDI/DGQ‐ und ISO230‐2 guidelines for the evaluation of the rotatory positioning accuracy of any round table and offers the following features: ‐ Definition of Measure‐ (nominal‐) positions on the specimen as full circle or pitch circle with fixed angle difference (also > 360°), or fully free choosable ‐ optional acquisition of the pitch and/or roll error by 2 autocollimator (X, Y) axis at the same time ‐ Storing and consideration of the known (by certification) position depending errors of the used angle reference (polygon mirror) ‐ Support of the linear, pendulum and pilgrim step positioning procedure, optional uni‐ or bidirectional ‐ manually, remote controlled or triggered acquisition of measuring values of the autocollimator ‐ optionally manually input of measuring data ‐ customized solutions or interfaces to any electronic autocollimator possible ‐ Saving of all measuring parameters in measuring templates for comfortable repetition of measurements ‐ Evaluation and representation of measuring results according the guidelines of VDI/DGQ 3441, VDI 2617, ISO 230‐2 (others on inquiry implementable) ‐ Computation and presentation of all according the guidelines demanded parameters like systematic deviation, backlash, repeatability, position error,

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RTM - 2

Measuring protocol Name der Messung Rundtisch - Positionskontrolle Hesszeitp unkt Ausweitunu nach VDI-DbO 3441 System. Abweichung Syst. Abw. ± US Syst. Abw. ± PSB Compatibility Currently, RTM is compatible with all electronic autocollimators of the ELCOMAT series for automatic data acquisition. The manual input option allows the use in connection with any other autocollimator (visual or electronic). On customer request we are able to provide interfaces to any other electronic autocollimator. OEG GmbH, Wildbahn 8i, D-15236 Frankfurt(Oder), www.oeggmbh.com, info@oeggmbh.com

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